use OpenGL;
#10 Klein bottle
This program draws a
Klein bottle .
There are several parametric equations for the Klein bottle: see the notice Gregorio Franzoni
The Klein Bottle: Variations on a Theme [pdf] from the AMS.
# : draws a Klein bottle
# (c) 2013 - http://
use strict;
use warnings;
use OpenGL qw/ :all /;
use Math::Trig;
#------ Base vectors (and colors)
my @i = ( 1, 0, 0 ); # red
my @j = ( 0, 1, 0 ); # green
my @k = ( 0, 0, 1 ); # blue
my @O = ( 0, 0, 0 ); # black
#------ Klein bottle parametric equations
sub r {
my $u = shift;
return ( 1 - cos($u) / 2 );
sub klein {
my ( $u, $v ) = @_;
$u <= pi
? 3 / 2 * cos($u) * ( 1 + sin($u) ) + r($u) * cos($u) * cos($v)
: 3 / 2 * cos($u) * ( 1 + sin($u) ) + r($u) * cos( $v + pi ),
$u <= pi
? 4 * sin($u) + r($u) * sin($u) * cos($v)
: 4 * sin($u),
r($u) * sin($v);
my $bottle; # OpenGL display list for the bottle
my $inc = pi / 90; # parameters increment for $u and $v
#------ Draws the bottle
sub DrawBottle {
my $bottle = glGenLists(1);
glNewList( $bottle, GL_COMPILE );
glColor3f(@i); # red
my @C0; # init for $u = 0;
for ( my $v = 0 ; $v <= 2 * pi ; $v += $inc ) {
push @C0, [ klein( 0, $v ) ];
for ( my $u = 0 ; $u <= 2 * pi ; $u += $inc ) {
my @C1; # current value
for ( my $v = 0 ; $v <= 2 * pi ; $v += $inc ) {
push @C1, [ klein( $u, $v ) ];
# draws the band between @C0 and @C1
for ( my $i = -1 ; $i < $#C0 ; $i++ ) {
if ( $u < pi * 1.75 ) { # This damn surface is non-orientable!
FindUnitNormal( @{ $C0[$i] }, @{ $C0[ $i + 1 ] }, @{ $C1[$i] } ) );
else {
FindUnitNormal( @{ $C0[ $i + 1 ] }, @{ $C0[$i] }, @{ $C1[$i] } ) );
glVertex3f( @{ $C0[$i] } );
glVertex3f( @{ $C1[$i] } );
glVertex3f( @{ $C0[ $i + 1 ] } );
glVertex3f( @{ $C1[ $i + 1 ] } );
@C0 = @C1; # for the next step
# draws the wireframe
my $linewidth = 0.015;
glColor3f(@j); # green
for ( my $v = 0 ; $v <= 2 * pi ; $v += 18 * $inc ) {
my @P1 = klein( 0, $v );
for ( my $u = $inc ; $u <= 2 * pi ; $u += $inc ) {
my @P2 = klein( $u, $v );
DrawSegment( @P1, @P2, $linewidth );
DrawPoint( @P1, $linewidth ); # junction between two segments
@P1 = @P2;
glColor3f(@k); # blue
for ( my $u = 0 ; $u <= 2 * pi ; $u += 6 * $inc ) {
my @P1 = klein( $u, 0 );
for ( my $v = $inc ; $v <= 2 * pi ; $v += $inc ) {
my @P2 = klein( $u, $v );
DrawSegment( @P1, @P2, $linewidth );
DrawPoint( @P1, $linewidth ); # junction between two segments
@P1 = @P2;
return $bottle;
#------ Draws the scene
my $spin = 0;
sub display {
gluLookAt( 2.0, 4.0, 10.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0 );
my $k = 0.85;
glScalef( $k, $k, $k );
glRotatef( $spin, 1, 0, 1 );
glRotatef( 90, @k );
glCallList($bottle); # draw the bottle
# debug code
# if ( ( my $e = glGetError() ) != GL_NO_ERROR ) {
# print "error : ", gluErrorString($e), "\n";
# }
#------ GLUT Callback called when the window is resized
sub reshape {
my ( $w, $h ) = @_;
glViewport( 0, 0, $w, $h );
glLoadIdentity(); # define the projection
gluPerspective( 45.0, $h ? $w / $h : 0, 1.0, 20.0 );
#------ Routine for rotating the scene
my $WaitUntil = 0;
sub spinDisplay {
my $TimeNow = glutGet(GLUT_ELAPSED_TIME);
if ( $TimeNow >= $WaitUntil ) {
$spin += 1.0;
$spin = $spin - 360.0 if ( $spin > 360.0 );
$WaitUntil = $TimeNow + 1000 / 25; # 25 frames/s
#------ GLUT callback for the mouse
sub mouse {
my ( $button, $state, $x, $y ) = @_;
if ( $button == GLUT_LEFT_BUTTON ) {
glutIdleFunc( \&spinDisplay ) if ( $state == GLUT_DOWN );
elsif ( $button == GLUT_RIGHT_BUTTON ) {
glutIdleFunc(undef) if ( $state == GLUT_DOWN );
#------ Initialization routine
my @light0_position = ( 2.0, -8.0, -10.0, 0 );
my @mat_amb_diff_color = ( 0.8, 0.8, 0.8, 1 );
my @light_diffuse = ( 0.3, 0.3, 0.3, 1 );
my @light_ambient = ( 0.2, 0.2, 0.2, 1 );
sub init {
glClearColor( @O, 1 ); # Black background
glShadeModel(GL_SMOOTH); # Smooth shading
glEnable(GL_MULTISAMPLE); # Enable multisample antialiasing
glEnable(GL_DEPTH_TEST); # Enable hidden surface removal
# Light and material
glLightfv_p( GL_LIGHT0, GL_POSITION, @light0_position );
glLightfv_p( GL_LIGHT0, GL_DIFFUSE, @light_diffuse );
glLightfv_p( GL_LIGHT0, GL_AMBIENT, @light_ambient );
glMaterialfv_p( GL_FRONT_AND_BACK, GL_AMBIENT_AND_DIFFUSE, @mat_amb_diff_color );
glEnable(GL_COLOR_MATERIAL); # Material track the current color
$bottle = DrawBottle();
#------ Main
GLUT_DOUBLE # Double buffering
| GLUT_RGB # RGB color mode
| GLUT_DEPTH # Hidden surface removal
| GLUT_MULTISAMPLE # Multisample antialiasing
glutInitWindowSize( 300, 300 );
glutCreateWindow("Klein bottle");
glutDisplayFunc( \&display );
glutReshapeFunc( \&reshape );
glutMouseFunc( \&mouse );
glutIdleFunc( \&spinDisplay );
# ====== Utility Functions
#------ Returns the cross product of 2 vectors
sub CrossProduct {
return (
$_[1] * $_[5] - $_[2] * $_[4],
$_[3] * $_[2] - $_[0] * $_[5],
$_[0] * $_[4] - $_[1] * $_[3]
#------ Returns the dot product of 2 vectors
sub DotProduct {
return $_[0] * $_[3] + $_[1] * $_[4] + $_[2] * $_[5];
#------ Returns the length of a vector
sub GetVectorLength {
return sqrt( $_[0] * $_[0] + $_[1] * $_[1] + $_[2] * $_[2] );
#------ Returns the vector scaled by the last parameter
sub ScaleVector {
return ( $_[0] * $_[3], $_[1] * $_[3], $_[2] * $_[3] );
#------ Returns a normalized vector (length = 1)
sub NormalizeVector {
return ( 0, 0, 0 ) if ( my $norm = GetVectorLength(@_) ) == 0;
return ScaleVector( @_, 1 / $norm );
#------ Returns the unit normal vector of a triangle specified by the three
# points P1, P2, and P3.
sub FindUnitNormal {
return NormalizeVector(
$_[0] - $_[3], $_[1] - $_[4], $_[2] - $_[5], # P1-P2
$_[3] - $_[6], $_[4] - $_[7], $_[5] - $_[8] # P2-P3
#------ Draw a point in space
# We draw a sphere with a small radius
# Usage: DrawPoint( $x, $y, $z [, $r]);
sub DrawPoint {
my ( $x, $y, $z, $r ) = @_;
$r ||= 0.025;
glTranslatef( $x, $y, $z );
glutSolidSphere( $r, 10, 10 ); # The point!
#------ Draw a segment in space
# We draw a cylinder with a small radius
# Usage: DrawSegment( @A, @B [, $r]);
sub DrawSegment {
my ( $Ax, $Ay, $Az, $Bx, $By, $Bz, $r ) = @_;
$r ||= 0.025;
my @u = ( $Bx - $Ax, $By - $Ay, $Bz - $Az );
my $len = GetVectorLength(@u);
@u = NormalizeVector(@u);
my @v = CrossProduct( @k, @u );
my $alpha = rad2deg acos DotProduct( @k, @u );
# Setup the quadric object
my $Qobj = gluNewQuadric();
gluQuadricDrawStyle( $Qobj, GLU_FILL );
gluQuadricNormals( $Qobj, GLU_SMOOTH );
gluQuadricOrientation( $Qobj, GLU_OUTSIDE );
gluQuadricTexture( $Qobj, GL_FALSE );
glTranslatef( $Ax, $Ay, $Az );
glRotatef( $alpha, @v );
gluCylinder( $Qobj, $r, $r, $len, 10, 1 );
The script as .txt for download:
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