

use OpenGL;

#9 Spherical Apollonian gasket

This program draws a spherical Apollonian gasket .
The difficulty is to determine the center of the Apollonius circle of three tangent circles in space. I treat this as an optimization problem. The Gradient descent permits to find a point equidistant from the three circles (This is my way of doing it, you will not find it in a geometry book!).
In the last two images, the circles are replaced by spheres to give more relief.

 Apollonius  Apollonius  Apollonius


# apollonius.pl : Draws a 3D Apollonius gasket
# (c) 2013 jl_morel@bribes.org - http://http://bribes.org/perl
use strict;
use warnings;
use OpenGL qw/ :all /;
use Math::Trig;
use Carp;

#------ Base vectors

my @i = ( 1, 0, 0 );
my @j = ( 0, 1, 0 );
my @k = ( 0, 0, 1 );
my @O = ( 0, 0, 0 );

#------ Circle closest point
# ClosestPointC( @P, @C );
# Returns the closest point of the circle @C to the point @P

sub ClosestPointC {
  my @P = @_[0..2];     # point P
  my @C = @_[3..5];     # circle center
  my @N = @_[6..8];     # normal vector
  my $r = $_[9];        # circle radius
  my @M = CrossProduct( @N, CrossProduct(SubVectors(@P, @C), @N) );
  @M = ScaleVector(NormalizeVector(@M), $r);
  return AddVectors(@C, @M);

#------ Distance from a point to a circle
# DistPC( @P, @C );
# Returns the distance between a point @P and a circle @C

sub DistPC {
  my @P = @_[0..2];   # the point
  my @C = @_[3..9];   # the circle
  return Dist(@P, ClosestPointC(@P, @C));

#------ Objective function (cost function)
# The minimum of this positive function is zero.
# At this minimum, the point P is equidistant of the three circles.

sub ObjectiveFunction {
  my @P = @_[0..2];     # the point
  my @C1 = @_[3..9];    # the three circles
  my @C2 = @_[10..16];
  my @C3 = @_[17..23];

  my $d1 = DistPC(@P, @C1);
  my $d2 = DistPC(@P, @C2);
  my $d3 = DistPC(@P, @C3);

  return ($d1-$d2)**2+($d2-$d3)**2+($d3-$d1)**2;

#------ FindEquid
# Being given three pairwise externally tangent circles on the sphere
# of center O, and a good guess point, this function returns
# a point P equidistant from the three circles.
# We use the gradient descent to find the local minimum of the previous
# objective function.

sub FindEquid {
  my @P = @_[0..2];       # guess point
  my @C1 = @_[3..9];      # the three circles
  my @C2 = @_[10..16];
  my @C3 = @_[17..23];

  # $theta and $phi are the spherical coordinates of P
  @P = NormalizeVector(@P);
  my $phi = acos($P[2]);
  my $theta = acos($P[0]/sqrt($P[0]*$P[0]+$P[1]*$P[1]));
  $theta = -$theta if $P[1]<0;

  my $f = ObjectiveFunction(@P, @C1, @C2, @C3);
  my $ds = 1e-4;

  while ( $f > 1e-6 ) {
    # derivative of f with respect to theta and phi
    my $dft = (ObjectiveFunction(cos($theta+$ds)*sin($phi),
                                 cos($phi), @C1, @C2, @C3)-$f)/$ds;
    my $dfp = (ObjectiveFunction(cos($theta)*sin($phi+$ds),
                                 cos($phi+$ds) , @C1, @C2, @C3)-$f)/$ds;
    my $k = 0.1;
    my ($thetaN, $phiN, $fN);   # New (and better!) values of ...
    $thetaN = $theta - $k*$dft;
    $phiN = $phi - $k*$dfp;
    $fN = ObjectiveFunction(cos($thetaN)*sin($phiN),
                            cos($phiN) , @C1, @C2, @C3);
    $theta = $thetaN;
    $phi = $phiN;
    @P = ( cos($theta)*sin($phi), sin($theta)*sin($phi), cos($phi) );
    $f = ObjectiveFunction(@P, @C1, @C2, @C3);
  return @P;

#------ FindApolloniusCircle
# Returns the Apollonius circle of three pairwise externally tangent circles
# on a sphere of center O.

sub FindApolloniusCircle {
  my @C1 = @_[0..6];        # the three circles
  my @C2 = @_[7..13];
  my @C3 = @_[14..20];

  # if one of the circles is too small then the Apollonius circle is too
  # small too and we do not draw small circles!
  return @C1 if ( $C1[-1] < 0.001 );
  return @C2 if ( $C2[-1] < 0.001 );
  return @C3 if ( $C3[-1] < 0.001 );

  # points of tangency
  my @T12 = ClosestPointC( @C1[0..2], @C2);
  my @T13 = ClosestPointC( @C2[0..2], @C3);
  my @T23 = ClosestPointC( @C3[0..2], @C1);

  # we take as guess point the centroid of the points of tangency
  # (the centroid of the centers of the three circles is not a good guess point)
  my @P = GetBaryCenter( @T12, 1, @T13, 1, @T23, 1);

  @P = FindEquid(@P, @C1, @C2, @C3);  # @P is equidistant of the circles

  # points of tangency of the Apollonius circle
  my @P1 = ClosestPointC( @P, @C1);
  my @P2 = ClosestPointC( @P, @C2);
  my @P3 = ClosestPointC( @P, @C3);

  return GetCircumCircle(@P1, @P2, @P3);

#------ Initializations

#--- the four vertices of the tetrahedron
my @S1 = (1, -1, -1);
my @S2 = (1, 1, 1);
my @S3 = (-1, -1, 1);
my @S4 = (-1, 1, -1);

#--- the three base circles
my @C0 = GetInCircle(@S1, @S2, @S3);
my @C1 = GetInCircle(@S1, @S2, @S4);
my @C2 = GetInCircle(@S3, @S2, @S4);
my @C3 = FindApolloniusCircle(@C0, @C1, @C2);

#--- @gasket is the list of circles to draw
my @gasket = ( [@C0], # circle C0
               [@C1], # circle C1
               [@C2], # circle C2
               [@C3]  # Apollonius Circle of C0, C1, C2

#--- @triads is a list of list of the indices of a triad of circles and
#    its Apollonius circle.

my @triads = ([0, 1, 2, 3]);  # the first triad at level 0

#--- %indexcolor is a hash whose keys are indexes where the level changes
my %indexcolor;
$indexcolor{4} = 1;

#------ triad iterator

sub nextstep {
  my @old_triads = @_;
  my $last_index = 1+$old_triads[-1]->[-1];
  $indexcolor{$last_index} = 1;
  my @next_triads;

  foreach my $t ( @old_triads ) {
    push @next_triads, [$t->[0], $t->[1], $t->[3], $last_index++];
    push @next_triads, [$t->[1], $t->[2], $t->[3], $last_index++];
    push @next_triads, [$t->[2], $t->[0], $t->[3], $last_index++];
  return @next_triads;

#------ Initialization routine

my $gasket_corner;    # OpenGL display list for one corner of the gasket
my $levelmax = 8;     # Number of iterations

sub init {
  glClearColor(0, 0, 0, 1 );     # Black background
  glShadeModel(GL_SMOOTH);       # Smooth shading
  glEnable(GL_MULTISAMPLE);      # Enable multisample antialiasing
  glEnable(GL_DEPTH_TEST);       # Enable hidden surface removal

  # Generating the list of circles
  for (1..$levelmax) {
  @triads = nextstep @triads;
  foreach my $t ( @triads ) {
    $gasket[$t->[3]] = [ FindApolloniusCircle(@{$gasket[$t->[0]]},
                                              @{$gasket[$t->[2]]}) ];

  # Compilation of the display list
  $gasket_corner = glGenLists(1);
  glNewList( $gasket_corner, GL_COMPILE );

    my $i = 0;              # Current index of the circle to draw
    my $level = 0;          # Current level
    foreach (@gasket) {
      $level++ if exists $indexcolor{$i++};
      glColor3f( Rainbow($level/($levelmax+1)) );
      if ( @{$_}[-1] > 0.001 ) {    # One does not draw small circles
        my $r = @{$_}[-1] - 0.001;  # Compensation line thickness
        DrawCircle(@{$_}[0..5], $r, 0.002);


#------ Draw the scene

my $spin   = 0;

sub display {
  gluLookAt( 2.0, 4.0, 10.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0 );
    my $scale = 3.8;
    glScalef( $scale, $scale, $scale );
    glRotatef( $spin, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0 );

    # draws the complete gasket using symmetries
    glRotatef( 180, @i );
    glRotatef( 180, @j );
    glRotatef( 180, @i );

#------ GLUT Callback called when the window is resized

sub reshape {
  my ( $w, $h ) = @_;
  glViewport( 0, 0, $w, $h );
  glLoadIdentity();    #  define the projection
  gluPerspective( 45.0, $h ? $w / $h : 0, 1.0, 20.0 );

#------ Routine for rotating the scene

my $WaitUntil = 0;

sub spinDisplay {
  my $TimeNow = glutGet(GLUT_ELAPSED_TIME);
  if ( $TimeNow >= $WaitUntil ) {
    $spin += 1.0;
    $spin = $spin - 360.0 if ( $spin > 360.0 );
    $WaitUntil = $TimeNow + 1000 / 25;    # 25 frames/s

#------ GLUT callback for the mouse

sub mouse {
  my ( $button, $state, $x, $y ) = @_;
  if ( $button == GLUT_LEFT_BUTTON ) {
    glutIdleFunc( \&spinDisplay ) if ( $state == GLUT_DOWN );
  elsif ( $button == GLUT_RIGHT_BUTTON ) {
    glutIdleFunc(undef) if ( $state == GLUT_DOWN );

#------ Main program

      GLUT_DOUBLE         # Double buffering
    | GLUT_RGB            # RGB color mode
    | GLUT_DEPTH          # Hidden surface removal
    | GLUT_MULTISAMPLE    # Multisample antialiasing
glutInitWindowSize( 300, 300 );
glutDisplayFunc( \&display );
glutReshapeFunc( \&reshape );
glutMouseFunc( \&mouse );
glutIdleFunc( \&spinDisplay );

# ====== Utility Functions

#------ Add two vectors

sub AddVectors {
  return ( $_[0] + $_[3], $_[1] + $_[4], $_[2] + $_[5] );

#------ Substract two vector

sub SubVectors {
  return ( $_[0] - $_[3], $_[1] - $_[4], $_[2] - $_[5] );

#------ Returns the dot product of 2 vectors

sub DotProduct {
  return $_[0] * $_[3] + $_[1] * $_[4] + $_[2] * $_[5];

#------ Returns the cross product of 2 vectors

sub CrossProduct {
  return (
    $_[1] * $_[5] - $_[2] * $_[4],
    $_[3] * $_[2] - $_[0] * $_[5],
    $_[0] * $_[4] - $_[1] * $_[3]

#------ Returns a normalized vector (length = 1)

sub NormalizeVector {
  return ( 0, 0, 0 ) if ( my $norm = GetVectorLength(@_) ) == 0;
  return ScaleVector( @_, 1 / $norm );

#------ Returns the length of a vector

sub GetVectorLength {
  return sqrt( $_[0] * $_[0] + $_[1] * $_[1] + $_[2] * $_[2] );

#------ Returns the vector scaled by the last parameter

sub ScaleVector {
  return ( $_[0] * $_[3], $_[1] * $_[3], $_[2] * $_[3] );

#------ Returns the distance between two points

sub Dist {
  return GetVectorLength(SubVectors(@_));

#------ Returns the barycenter

sub GetBaryCenter {
  croak "bad number of parameters in GetBaryCenter" if @_%4;
  my ($xG, $yG, $zG, $s) = (0, 0, 0, 0);
  while ( 0 < @_ ) {
    my ($x, $y, $z, $k) = splice @_, 0, 4;
    $xG += $k*$x;
    $yG += $k*$y;
    $zG += $k*$z;
    $s += $k;
  return $xG/$s, $yG/$s, $zG/$s;

#------ Returns the unit normal vector of a triangle specified by the three
# points P1, P2, and P3.

sub FindUnitNormal {
  return NormalizeVector(
      $_[0] - $_[3], $_[1] - $_[4], $_[2] - $_[5],    # P1-P2
      $_[3] - $_[6], $_[4] - $_[7], $_[5] - $_[8]     # P2-P3

#------ Draw a circle in space
# We draw a circle in space as a torus with a small inner radius
# Usage: Drawcircle( $cx, $cy, $cz, $nx, $ny, $nz, $R [, $r]);

sub DrawCircle {
  croak "bad number of parameters in DrawCircle" if 7 > @_;
  my ( $cx, $cy, $cz, $nx, $ny, $nz, $R, $r) = @_;
  $r    ||= 0.04;
    my @axe = NormalizeVector CrossProduct(@k, $nx, $ny, $nz );
    my $alpha = rad2deg acos(DotProduct($nx, $ny, $nz, @k ));
    glTranslatef( $cx, $cy, $cz );
    glRotatef( $alpha, @axe );
    glutSolidTorus( $r, $R, 10, 100 );    # The circle!

#------ Returns the angle ABC = (BA, BC)

sub GetAngle {
  return acos(DotProduct( NormalizeVector(SubVectors(@_[0..2], @_[3..5])),
                          NormalizeVector(SubVectors(@_[6..8], @_[3..5]))

#------ Returns the circle circumscribed about a triangle

sub GetCircumCircle {
  croak "bad number of parameters in GetCircumCircle" if 9 != @_;
  my @A = @_[0..2];
  my @B = @_[3..5];
  my @C = @_[6..8];

  my @N = FindUnitNormal( @A, @B, @C );  # normale

  my $angleA = GetAngle( @B, @A, @C );
  my $angleB = GetAngle( @A, @B, @C );
  my $angleC = GetAngle( @A, @C, @B );

  # the barycentric coordinates of the center
  my @G = GetBaryCenter( @A, sin(2*$angleA),
                         @B, sin(2*$angleB),
                         @C, sin(2*$angleC));

  return @G, @N, Dist(@G, @A);

#------ Returns the circle inscribed in a triangle

sub GetInCircle {
  croak "bad number of parameters in GetCircumCircle" if 9 != @_;
  my @A = @_[0..2];
  my @B = @_[3..5];
  my @C = @_[6..8];

  my @N = FindUnitNormal( @A, @B, @C );  # normale

  my $angleA = GetAngle( @B, @A, @C );
  my $angleB = GetAngle( @A, @B, @C );
  my $angleC = GetAngle( @A, @C, @B );

  # the barycentric coordinates of the center
  my @G = GetBaryCenter( @A, sin($angleA), @B, sin($angleB), @C, sin($angleC));

  # find the radius
  my $a = Dist(@B, @C);
  my $b = Dist(@A, @C);
  my $c = Dist(@A, @B);
  my $s = ($a + $b + $c )/2;

  my $r = sqrt( ($s-$a)*($s-$b)*($s-$c)/$s );

  return @G, @N, $r;

#------ Rainbow color map function
# Usage: ($red, $green, $blue) = Rainbow( $x );
# $x must be between 0 and 1.
# Returns the color of the rainbow (RGB list) associated with $x
# from blue for $x = 0 to red for $x = 1.

sub max { $_[0] < $_[1] ? $_[1] : $_[0] }    # max auxiliary function

sub Rainbow {
  my $dx = 0.8;
  my $s  = ( 6 - 2 * $dx ) * $_[0] + $dx;
  return max( 0, ( 3 - abs( $s - 4 ) - abs( $s - 5 ) ) / 2 ),    # Red
         max( 0, ( 4 - abs( $s - 2 ) - abs( $s - 4 ) ) / 2 ),    # Green
         max( 0, ( 3 - abs( $s - 1 ) - abs( $s - 2 ) ) / 2 );    # Blue

The script as .txt for download: apollonius.pl.txt

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