Win32::Lanman - implements MS Lanmanager functions


Win32::Lanman - implements MS Lanmanager functions


        use Win32::Lanman;


This module implements the MS Lanmanager functions


Documentation for use and meaning of the Constants can be found at


Useful Hashes

The following hashes are useful, since they group several associated codes form the platform sdk together, or provide description for the constants. For each hash we describe its use and mention some functions it may be used with. This is work in progress and should be finished by the next release.

Work In progress
Descriptions of the various server types. Could be used with ....

Could be used with

Could be used with ...

Could be used with ....

English descriptions of the service_control constants. Could be used with ....

Used in ChangeServiceConfig2 and QueryServiceConfig2

Used with NetUseDel, NetWkStaTransportDel, NetUseAdd , GetInfo and Enum with the flags parameter. English descriptions of the status flag (asg_type) of a NetUseAdd

English descriptions of the status flag of a NetUseEnum or NetUseGetInfo call

A list of privileges which can be set or used when querying. These apply to the functions in the Policy and Privileges (LSA) section.


I_NetLogonControl --- I_NetLogonControl2 --- LogonControlQuery --- LogonControlReplicate --- LogonControlSynchronize --- LogonControlPdcReplicate --- LogonControlRediscover --- LogonControlTCQuery --- LogonControlTransportNotify --- LogonControlFindUser --- NetEnumerateTrustedDomains --- I_NetGetDCList

LsaQueryInformationPolicy --- LsaSetInformationPolicy --- LsaQueryAuditLogPolicy --- LsaQueryAuditEventsPolicy --- LsaSetAuditEventsPolicy --- LsaQueryPrimaryDomainPolicy --- LsaSetPrimaryDomainPolicy --- LsaQueryPdAccountPolicy --- LsaQueryAccountDomainPolicy --- LsaSetAccountDomainPolicy --- LsaQueryServerRolePolicy --- LsaSetServerRolePolicy --- LsaQueryReplicaSourcePolicy --- LsaSetReplicaSourcePolicy --- LsaQueryDefaultQuotaPolicy --- LsaSetDefaultQuotaPolicy --- LsaQueryAuditFullPolicy --- LsaSetAuditFullPolicy --- LsaQueryDnsDomainPolicy --- LsaSetDnsDomainPolicy --- LsaQueryTrustedDomainInfo --- LsaSetTrustedDomainInformation --- LsaSetTrustedDomainInfo --- LsaQueryTrustedDomainNameInfo --- LsaSetTrustedDomainNameInfo --- LsaQueryTrustedPosixOffsetInfo --- LsaSetTrustedPosixOffsetInfo --- LsaQueryTrustedPasswordInfo --- LsaSetTrustedPasswordInfo --- LsaRetrievePrivateData --- LsaStorePrivateData --- LsaEnumerateTrustedDomains --- LsaLookupNames --- LsaLookupSids --- LsaEnumerateAccountsWithUserRight --- LsaEnumerateAccountRights --- LsaAddAccountRights --- LsaRemoveAccountRights

GrantPrivilegeToAccount --- RevokePrivilegeFromAccount --- EnumAccountPrivileges --- EnumPrivilegeAccounts

NetDfsAdd --- NetDfsEnum --- NetDfsGetInfo --- NetDfsRemove --- NetDfsSetInfo --- NetDfsMove --- NetDfsRename --- NetDfsAddFtRoot --- NetDfsRemoveFtRoot --- NetDfsRemoveFtRootForced --- NetDfsAddStdRoot --- NetDfsAddStdRootForced --- NetDfsRemoveStdRoot --- NetDfsManagerInitialize --- NetDfsGetClientInfo --- NetDfsSetClientInfo --- NetDfsGetDcAddress

NetGetJoinableOUs --- NetGetJoinInformation --- NetJoinDomain --- NetRenameMachineInDomain --- NetUnjoinDomain --- NetValidateName --- NetRegisterDomainNameChangeNotification --- NetUnregisterDomainNameChangeNotification

NetFileClose --- NetFileEnum --- NetFileGetInfo

MultinetGetConnectionPerformance --- NetGetAnyDCName --- NetGetDCName --- NetGetDisplayInformationIndex --- NetQueryDisplayInformation

NetGroupAdd --- NetGroupAddUser --- NetGroupDel --- NetGroupDelUser --- NetGroupEnum --- NetGroupGetInfo --- NetGroupGetUsers --- NetGroupSetInfo --- NetGroupSetUsers

NetLocalGroupAdd --- NetLocalGroupAddMember --- NetLocalGroupAddMembers --- NetLocalGroupAddMembersBySid --- NetLocalGroupDel --- NetLocalGroupDelMember --- NetLocalGroupDelMembers --- NetLocalGroupDelMembersBySid --- NetLocalGroupEnum --- NetLocalGroupGetInfo --- NetLocalGroupGetMembers --- NetLocalGroupSetInfo --- NetLocalGroupSetMembers --- NetLocalGroupSetMembersBySid

NetMessageBufferSend --- NetMessageNameAdd --- NetMessageNameDel --- NetMessageNameEnum --- NetMessageNameGetInfo

NetRemoteTOD --- NetRemoteComputerSupports

NetReplExportDirAdd --- NetReplExportDirDel --- NetReplExportDirEnum --- NetReplExportDirGetInfo --- NetReplExportDirLock --- NetReplExportDirSetInfo --- NetReplExportDirUnlock --- NetReplGetInfo --- NetReplImportDirAdd --- NetReplImportDirDel --- NetReplImportDirEnum --- NetReplImportDirGetInfo --- NetReplImportDirLock --- NetReplImportDirUnlock --- NetReplSetInfo

NetScheduleJobAdd --- NetScheduleJobDel --- NetScheduleJobEnum --- NetScheduleJobGetInfo

NetServerDiskEnum --- NetServerEnum --- NetServerGetInfo --- NetServerSetInfo --- NetServerTransportAdd --- NetServerTransportDel --- NetServerTransportEnum

NetSessionDel --- NetSessionEnum --- NetSessionGetInfo


NetShareAdd --- NetShareCheck --- NetShareDel --- NetShareEnum --- NetShareGetInfo --- NetShareSetInfo --- NetConnectionEnum

NetUserAdd --- NetUserChangePassword --- NetUserCheckPassword --- NetUserDel --- NetUserEnum --- NetUserGetGroups --- NetUserGetInfo --- NetUserGetLocalGroups --- NetUserSetGroups --- NetUserSetInfo --- NetUserSetProp --- NetUserModalsGet --- NetUserModalsSet

NetWkstaGetInfo --- NetWkstaSetInfo --- NetWkstaTransportAdd --- NetWkstaTransportDel --- NetWkstaTransportEnum --- NetWkstaUserGetInfo --- NetWkstaUserSetInfo --- NetWkstaUserEnum

WNetAddConnection --- WNetCancelConnection --- WNetEnumResource --- WNetConnectionDialog --- WNetDisconnectDialog --- WNetGetConnection --- WNetGetNetworkInformation --- WNetGetProviderName --- WNetGetResourceInformation --- WNetGetResourceParent --- WNetGetUniversalName --- WNetGetUser --- WNetUseConnection

StartService --- StopService --- PauseService --- ContinueService --- InterrogateService --- ControlService --- CreateService --- DeleteService --- EnumServicesStatus --- EnumDependentServices --- ChangeServiceConfig --- GetServiceDisplayName --- GetServiceKeyName --- LockServiceDatabase --- UnlockServiceDatabase --- QueryServiceLockStatus --- QueryServiceConfig --- QueryServiceStatus --- QueryServiceObjectSecurity --- SetServiceObjectSecurity --- QueryServiceConfig2 --- ChangeServiceConfig2 --- QueryServiceStatusEx --- EnumServicesStatusEx

ReadEventLog --- GetEventDescription --- BackupEventLog --- ClearEventLog --- ReportEvent --- GetNumberOfEventLogRecords --- GetOldestEventLogRecord

WTSEnumerateServers --- WTSOpenServer --- WTSCloseServer --- WTSEnumerateSessions --- WTSEnumerateProcesses --- WTSTerminateProcess --- WTSQuerySessionInformation --- WTSQueryUserConfig --- WTSSetUserConfig --- WTSSendMessage --- WTSDisconnectSession --- WTSLogoffSession --- WTSShutdownSystem --- WTSWaitSystemEvent

SidToString --- StringToSid --- GuidToString --- StringToGuid

Windows 2000

This version of Win32::Lanman now supports/implements specific calls which are only available in Windows 2000. If you call one of these routines from NT4, the call will fail and GetLastError() returns the code 127 (procedure not found).


All of the functions return false if they fail. You can call Win32::Lanman::GetLastError() to get more error information.

Throughout $server is the name of the server you want the call to run against. If set to '', this signifies the local machine.

In previous versions of this module, you were required to put two backslashes before the server name, as you would do at the cmd prompt, but from version 1.05 all server names will be automatically prefaced by two backslashes if they are missing.

Note: Win32::Lanman defines some private error codes, which are not currently exported. You cannot call ``net helpmsg'' for a description of these. Instead you can find the meaning in the usererror.h file included as part of the distribution.


Here we use the term <C storage> to mean a root share, (Dfs path) associated with a Dfs link. Throughout this section if you specify a server and share the function applies to the server and share within the dfs tree. If you leave them empty, the function runs relative to the dfsroot.

NetDfsAdd($entrypath, $server, $share, [, $comment[, $flags]])
Adds a new volume to the dfs root or adds another storage to a existing dfs volume.

NetDfsEnum($server, \@dfs)
Enumerates all DFS-Entries on a DFS-Server.

NetDfsGetInfo($entrypath, $server, $share, \%dfs)
Gets information about a dfs volume. When you specify $server and $share you will get information of the volume and the specified storage. If $server and $share are empty, retrieves information for all storages in the volume.

NetDfsRemove($entrypath, $server, $share)
Removes a volume or storage space from the dfs directory; when applied to the latest storage in a volume, removes the volume from the dfs.

NetDfsSetInfo($entrypath, $server, $share, \%dfs)
Sets dfs volume information. Currently, you can only set the volume comment.

NetDfsRename($oldEntrypath, $newEntrypath)
Renames a dfs volume. Not supported in NT4.

NetDfsMove($oldEntrypath, $newEntrypath)
Moves a dfs volume. Not supported in NT4.

NetDfsAddFtRoot($server, $rootshare, $ftdfs [, $comment])
Creates the root of a new domain-based Distributed File System implementation. If the root already exists, the function adds the specified server and share to the root. This function requires Windows 2000.

NetDfsRemoveFtRoot($server, $rootshare, $ftdfs)
Removes the specified server and share from a domain-based Distributed File System root. If the share is the last associated with the Dfs root, the function also deletes the root. This function requires Windows 2000.

NetDfsRemoveFtRootForced($domain, $server, $rootshare, $ftdfs)
Removes the specified server and share from a domain-based Distributed File System root, even if the server is offline. If the share is the last associated with the Dfs root, the function also deletes the root. This function requires Windows 2000.

NetDfsAddStdRoot($server, $rootshare [, $comment])
Creates the root for a new stand-alone Distributed File System implementation. This function requires Windows 2000.

NetDfsAddStdRootForced($server, $rootshare, $store [, $comment])
Creates the root for a new stand-alone Distributed File System implementation in a cluster technology environment, allowing an offline share to host the Dfs root. This function requires Windows 2000.

NetDfsRemoveStdRoot($server, $rootshare)
Removes the server and share at the root of a stand-alone Distributed File System implementation. This function requires Windows 2000.

Reinitializes the Dfs service on the specified server. This function requires Windows 2000.

NetDfsGetClientInfo($entrypath, $server, $share, \%info)
Retrieves information about a Distributed File System link in the named Dfs root. This function requires Windows 2000.

NetDfsSetClientInfo($entrypath, $server, $share, \%info)
Associates information with a Distributed File System link in the named Dfs root. This function requires Windows 2000.

NetDfsGetDcAddress($server, \%info)
Retrieves information about a Distributed File System domain controller. This function requires Windows 2000.


NetDfsAdd($entrypath, $server, $share, [, $comment[, $flags]])
create new dfs volume in the dfs root
  "testserver1", "testshare1", "comment", &Win32::Lanman::DFS_ADD_VOLUME))
        print "Sorry, something went wrong; error: ";
        # get the error code
        print Win32::Lanman::GetLastError();
        exit 1;

add an additional storage space to an existing dfs volume

 if(!Win32::Lanman::NetDfsAdd("\\\\testdfsserver\\dfsrootdir\\dfsdir", "testserver2", "testshare2", "comment", &Win32::Lanman::DFS_RESTORE_VOLUME))
        print "Sorry, something went wrong; error: ";
        # get the error code
        print Win32::Lanman::GetLastError();
        exit 1;

NetDfsEnum($server, \@dfs)
Enumerates all directories in a dfs structure. @dfs contains all directories in the dfs root
 if(!Win32::Lanman::NetDfsEnum("\\\\testserver", \@dfs))
        print "Sorry, something went wrong; error: ";
        # get the error code
        print Win32::Lanman::GetLastError();
        exit 1;
 foreach $dfspath (@dfs)
        print "${$dfspath}{'entrypath'}\t${$dfspath}{'comment'}\t${$dfspath}{'state'}\n";
                $storage = ${$dfspath}{'storage'};
                for($count = 0; $count <= $#$storage; $count++)
                        print "\t${$$storage[$count]}{'servername'}";
                        print "\t${$$storage[$count]}{'sharename'}";
                        print "\t${$$storage[$count]}{'state'}\n";

NetDfsGetInfo($entrypath, $server, $share, \%dfs)
gets information about volume \\testdfsserver\dfsrootdir\dfsdir and the storage testserver2\testshare2
 if(!Win32::Lanman::NetDfsGetInfo("\\\\testdfsserver\\dfsrootdir\\dfsdir", "testserver2", "testshare2", \%dfs))
        print "Sorry, something went wrong; error: ";
        # get the error code
        print Win32::Lanman::GetLastError();
        exit 1;
 print "$dfs{'entrypath'}\t$dfs{'comment'}\t$dfs{'state'}\n";
        $store = $dfs{'storage'};
        for($count = 0; $count <= $#$store; $count++)
                print "\t${$$store[$count]}{'servername'}";
                print "\t${$$store[$count]}{'sharename'}";
                print "\t${$$store[$count]}{'state'}\n";

gets information about volume \\testdfsserver\dfsrootdir\dfsdir and all storages in \\testdfsserver\dfsrootdir\dfsdir

 if(!Win32::Lanman::NetDfsGetInfo("\\\\testdfsserver\\dfsrootdir\\dfsdir", '', '', \%dfs))
        print "Sorry, something went wrong; error: ";
        # get the error code
        print Win32::Lanman::GetLastError();
        exit 1;
 print "$dfs{'entrypath'}\t$dfs{'comment'}\t$dfs{'state'}\n";
        $store = $dfs{'storage'};
        for($count = 0; $count <= $#$store; $count++)
                print "\t${$$store[$count]}{'server'}";
                print "\t${$$store[$count]}{'share'}";
                print "\t${$$store[$count]}{'state'}\n";

NetDfsRemove($entrypath, $server, $share)
removes the storage testserver2\testshare2 in volume \\testdfsserver\\dfsrootdir\\dfsdir. If there is only one storage, the volume will be removed too.
 if(!Win32::Lanman::NetDfsRemove("\\\\testdfsserver\\dfsrootdir\\dfsdir", "testserver2", "testshare2"))
        print "Sorry, something went wrong; error: ";
        # get the error code
        print Win32::Lanman::GetLastError();
        exit 1;

NetDfsSetInfo($entrypath, $server, $share, \%dfs)
Sets dfs volume comment to ``this is a volume name''. There is no difference, if you specify a storage or not.
 if(!Win32::Lanman::NetDfsSetInfo("\\\\testdfsserver\\dfsrootdir\\dfsdir", '', '', {'comment' => 'this is a volume name'}))
        print "Sorry, something went wrong; error: ";
        # get the error code
        print Win32::Lanman::GetLastError();
        exit 1;

NetDfsAddFtRoot($server, $rootshare, $ftdfs [, $comment])
Creates the new dfs root testroot on the server \\testserver. It uses the share name testdfs and sets the comment test comment.
 if(!Win32::Lanman::NetDfsSetInfo("\\\\testserver", "testdfs", "testroot", "test comment"))
        print "Sorry, something went wrong; error: ";
        # get the error code
        print Win32::Lanman::GetLastError();
        exit 1;

NetDfsRemoveFtRoot($server, $rootshare, $ftdfs)
Removes the dfs share testdfs from the dfs root testdfs on the server \\testserver. If testdfs is the last share in the dfs root, the function deletes the root testroot.
 if(!Win32::Lanman::NetDfsRemoveFtRoot("\\\\testserver", "testdfs", "testroot"))
        print "Sorry, something went wrong; error: ";
        # get the error code
        print Win32::Lanman::GetLastError();
        exit 1;

NetDfsRemoveFtRootForced($domain, $server, $rootshare, $ftdfs)
Removes the dfs share testdfs from the dfs root testroot in the domain, even if the dfs server which hosts the share testdfs is offline. The function will be executed on the server \\testserver. If dfstest is the last share in the dfs root, the function deletes the root testroot.
 if(!Win32::Lanman::NetDfsRemoveFtRootForced("", "\\\\testserver", "testdfs", 
        print "Sorry, something went wrong; error: ";
        # get the error code
        print Win32::Lanman::GetLastError();
        exit 1;

NetDfsAddStdRoot($server, $rootshare [, $comment])
Creates the root testroot for a new stand-alone Distributed File System implementation on the server \\testserver and sets the comment to test comment.
 if(!Win32::Lanman::NetDfsAddStdRoot("\\\\testserver", "testroot", "test comment"))
        print "Sorry, something went wrong; error: ";
        # get the error code
        print Win32::Lanman::GetLastError();
        exit 1;

NetDfsAddStdRootForced($server, $rootshare, $store [, $comment])
Creates the root testroot for a new stand-alone Distributed File System implementation on the server \\testserver and sets the comment to test comment, even if the share does not exist.
 if(!Win32::Lanman::NetDfsAddStdRootForced("\\\\testserver", "testroot", "c:\\testdir", 
                                           "test comment"))
        print "Sorry, something went wrong; error: ";
        # get the error code
        print Win32::Lanman::GetLastError();
        exit 1;

NetDfsRemoveStdRoot($server, $rootshare)
Removes the server/share \\testserver\\testdfs at the root of a stand-alone Distributed File System implementation.
 if(!Win32::Lanman::NetDfsRemoveStdRoot("\\\\testserver", "testdfs"))
        print "Sorry, something went wrong; error: ";
        # get the error code
        print Win32::Lanman::GetLastError();
        exit 1;

Reinitializes the Dfs service on the server \\testserver.
        print "Sorry, something went wrong; error: ";
        # get the error code
        print Win32::Lanman::GetLastError();
        exit 1;

NetDfsGetClientInfo($entrypath, $server, $share, \%info)
Retrieves information about the \\testserver\testroot dfs root.
 if(!Win32::Lanman::NetDfsGetClientInfo("\\\\testserver\\testroot", "", "", \%info))
        print "Sorry, something went wrong; error: ";
        # get the error code
        print Win32::Lanman::GetLastError();
        exit 1;
 foreach $key(sort keys info)
        if($key eq "storage")
                foreach $count (0 .. $#{$info{$key}})
                        print "storage[$count]:\n";
                        foreach $skey (sort keys %{${$info{$key}}[$count]})
                                print "\t$skey=${${$info{$key}}[$count]}{$skey}\n";
                print "$key=$info{$key}\n";

Retrieves information about the testdfs link in the \\testserver\testroot dfs root.

 if(!Win32::Lanman::NetDfsGetClientInfo("\\\\testserver\\testroot", "\\\\testserver", "testdfs", 
        print "Sorry, something went wrong; error: ";
        # get the error code
        print Win32::Lanman::GetLastError();
        exit 1;

NetDfsSetClientInfo($entrypath, $server, $share, \%info)
Set the timeout to 200 seconds for the testdfs link in the \\testserver\testroot dfs root.
 if(!Win32::Lanman::NetDfsSetClientInfo("\\\\testserver\\testroot", "\\\\testserver", "testdfs", 
                                        { tomeout => 200 }))
        print "Sorry, something went wrong; error: ";
        # get the error code
        print Win32::Lanman::GetLastError();
        exit 1;

NetDfsGetDcAddress($server, \%info)
Retrieves information about a Distributed File System domain controller \\testserver.
 if(!Win32::Lanman::NetDfsGetDcAddress("\\\\testserver", \%info))
        print "Sorry, something went wrong; error: ";
        # get the error code
        print Win32::Lanman::GetLastError();
        exit 1;
 foreach $key(sort keys info)
        print "$key=$info{$key}\n";

Directory Services

The following functions are related to The Active Directory.

NetGetJoinableOUs($server, $domain, $account, $password, \@ous)
Retrieves a list of organizational units in which a computer account can be created. This function requires Windows 2000.

NetGetJoinInformation($server, \%info)
Retrieves the join status information for the specified server. This function requires Windows 2000.

NetJoinDomain($server, $domain, $account_ou, $account, $password, $options)
Joins a computer to a workgroup or domain. This function requires Windows 2000.

NetRenameMachineInDomain($server, $new_machine_name, $account, $password, $options)
Changes the name of a computer in a domain. This function requires Windows 2000.

NetUnjoinDomain($server, $account, $password, $options)
Unjoins a computer from a workgroup or a domain. This function requires Windows 2000.

NetValidateName($server, $name, $account, $password, $name_type)
Verifies the validity of a computer, workgroup or domain name. This function requires Windows 2000.

Enables an application to receive a notification when the name of the current domain changes. When the domain name changes, the specified event object is set to the signaled state. This function requires Windows 2000.

Ends a domain name change notification started by the NetRegisterDomainNameChangeNotification function. This function requires Windows 2000.

Directory Services EXAMPLES:

NetGetJoinableOUs($server, $domain, $account, $password, \@ous)
Retrieves a list of organizational units in the domain in which a computer account can be created. The command is executed on the server \\testserver.
 if(!Win32::Lanman::NetGetJoinableOUs("\\\\testserver", "", "testaccount", "testpassword", \@ous))
        print "Sorry, something went wrong; error: ";
        # get the error code
        print Win32::Lanman::GetLastError();
        exit 1;
 foreach $ou(@ous)
        print "$ou\n";

NetGetJoinInformation($server, \%info)
Retrieves the join status information for the server \\testserver.
 if(!Win32::Lanman::NetGetJoinInformation("\\\\testserver", \%info))
        print "Sorry, something went wrong; error: ";
        # get the error code
        print Win32::Lanman::GetLastError();
        exit 1;
 foreach $key (sort keys %info)
        print "$key=$info{$key}\n";

NetJoinDomain($server, $domain, $account_ou, $account, $password, $options)
Joins the computer \\testserver to the domain The computer will be rejoined if it is already joined.
 if(!Win32::Lanman::NetJoinDomain("\\\\testserver", "", "testou", "testaccount", 
                                  "testpassword", &NETSETUP_JOIN_DOMAIN | &NETSETUP_DOMAIN_JOIN_IF_JOINED))
        print "Sorry, something went wrong; error: ";
        # get the error code
        print Win32::Lanman::GetLastError();
        exit 1;

NetRenameMachineInDomain($server, $new_machine_name, $account, $password, $options)
Changes the name of a the computer testserver to testcomputer in the domain.
 if(!Win32::Lanman::NetRenameMachineInDomain("\\\\testserver", "testcomputer", "testaccount", 
                                             "testpassword", &NETSETUP_ACCT_CREATE))
        print "Sorry, something went wrong; error: ";
        # get the error code
        print Win32::Lanman::GetLastError();
        exit 1;

NetUnjoinDomain($server, $account, $password, $options)
Unjoins the computer \\testserver from the domain.
 if(!Win32::Lanman::NetUnjoinDomain("\\\\testserver", "testaccount", "testpassword"))
        print "Sorry, something went wrong; error: ";
        # get the error code
        print Win32::Lanman::GetLastError();
        exit 1;

NetValidateName($server, $name, $account, $password, $name_type)
Verifies the validity of domain name testdomain.
 if(!Win32::Lanman::NetValidateName("\\\\testserver", "testdomain", "testaccount", "testpassword",  
        print "Sorry, something went wrong; error: ";
        # get the error code
        print Win32::Lanman::GetLastError();
        exit 1;

Enables an application to receive a notification when the name of the current domain changes.
 # you must have a valid handle
 # $handle =
        print "Sorry, something went wrong; error: ";
        # get the error code
        print Win32::Lanman::GetLastError();
        exit 1;
 # wait til the handle is signaled
 # WaitForSingleObject($handle)

Ends a domain name change notification started by the NetRegisterDomainNameChangeNotification function.
 # you must have a valid handle
 # $handle =
        print "Sorry, something went wrong; error: ";
        # get the error code
        print Win32::Lanman::GetLastError();
        exit 1;


NetFileEnum($server, $basepath, $user, \@info)
Supplies information about some or all open files on a server.

NetFileGetInfo($server, $fileid, \%info)
Retrieves information about a particular open file (specified by $fileid) resource on $server.

NetFileClose($server, $fileid)
Closes a file on a server.


NetFileEnum($server, $basepath, $user, \@info)
Enumerates info about some or all open files on $server.

The following sample enumerates all information about all open files on server \\testserver.

 if(!Win32::Lanman::NetFileEnum("\\\\testserver", '', '', \@infos))
        print "Sorry, something went wrong; error: ";
        # get the error code
        print Win32::Lanman::GetLastError();
        exit 1;
 foreach $info (@infos)
        @keys = keys(%$info);
        foreach $key(@keys)
                print "$key: ${$info}{$key}\n";
        print "\n";

The following code supplies information about all open files below c:\winnt opened by user testuser on server \\testserver.

 if(!Win32::Lanman::NetFileEnum("\\\\testserver", "c:\\winnt", "testuser", \@infos))
        print "Sorry, something went wrong; error: ";
        # get the error code
        print Win32::Lanman::GetLastError();
        exit 1;
 foreach $info (@infos)
        @keys = keys(%$info);
        foreach $key(@keys)
                print "$key: ${$info}{$key}\n";
        print "\n";

NetFileGetInfo($server, $fileid, \%info)
Retrieves information about a particular file being opened on $server, fileid must be valid and obtained by NetFileEnum.
 $fileid = 125;
 if(!Win32::Lanman::NetFileGetInfo("\\\\testserver", $fileid, \%info))
        print "Sorry, something went wrong; error: ";
        # get the error code
        print Win32::Lanman::GetLastError();
        exit 1;
 @keys = keys(%info);
 foreach $key(@keys)
        print "$key: $info{$key}\n";

NetFileClose($server, $fileid)
As with NetFileGetInfo, fileid must be valid and obtained by NetFileEnum. The following code closes the file with fileid 125 on server \\testserver.
 $fileid = 125;
 if(!Win32::Lanman::NetFileClose("\\\\testserver", $fileid))
        print "Sorry, something went wrong; error: ";
        # get the error code
        print Win32::Lanman::GetLastError();
        exit 1;


MultinetGetConnectionPerformance(\%netresource, \%info)
Returns information about the expected performance of a connection used to access a network resource.

NetGetAnyDCName($server, $domain, \$dcname)
Returns the name of a domain controller in a specified domain. Does NOT work with Trusted Domains. You get the error code 1355 (domain doesn't exist).

In this case proceed as follows: get your pdc or a bdc and execute the NetGetAnyDCName call there.

 # your primary domain name
 $my_domain = "my_domain";
 # a trusted domain name
 $trust_domain = "trust_domain";

 # get the pdc on your local machine for $my_domain
 NetGetDCName('', $my_domain, \$pdc);
 # now get a dc in the trusted domain
 NetGetAnyDCName($pdc, $trusted_domain, \$dc);

NetGetDCName($server, $domain, \$pdcname)
Returns the name of the primary domain controller for domain $domain.

NetGetDisplayInformationIndex($server, $level, $prefix, \$index)
Gets the index of the first display information entry whose name begins with a specified string or alphabetically follows the string.

NetQueryDisplayInformation($server, $level, $index, $entries, \@info)
Returns user, computer, or global group account information. The number of entries to retrieve ($entries) must be supplied and must be a decimal digit


MultinetGetConnectionPerformance(\%netresource, \%info)
Returns information about the expected performance of a connection specified in %netresource used to access a network resource. You have to specify a remote name (server and share) or a local name (redirected device name)
 if(!Win32::Lanman::MultinetGetConnectionPerformance({'remotename' => "\\\\testserver\\ipc\$"}, \%info))
        print "Sorry, something went wrong; error: ";
        # get the error code
        print Win32::Lanman::GetLastError();
        exit 1;
 @keys = keys(%info);
 foreach $key(@keys)
        print "$key: $info{$key}\n";
 if(!Win32::Lanman::MultinetGetConnectionPerformance({'localname' => "f:"}, \%info))
        print "Sorry, something went wrong; error: ";
        # get the error code
        print Win32::Lanman::GetLastError();
        exit 1;
 @keys = keys(%info);
 foreach $key(@keys)
        print "$key: $info{$key}\n";

NetGetAnyDCName($server, $domain, \$dcname)
Returns the name of a domain controller in domain testdomain. The command will be executed on server \\testserver.
 if(!Win32::Lanman::NetGetAnyDCName("\\\\testserver", "testdomain", \$dcname))
        print "Sorry, something went wrong; error: ";
        # get the error code
        print Win32::Lanman::GetLastError();
        exit 1;
 print $dcname;

NetGetDCName($server, $domain, \$pdcname)
Returns the name of the primary domain controller in domain testdomain. The command will be executed on server \\testserver.
 if(!Win32::Lanman::NetGetDCName("\\\\testserver", "testdomain", \$pdcname))
        print "Sorry, something went wrong; error: ";
        # get the error code
        print Win32::Lanman::GetLastError();
        exit 1;
 print $pdcname;

NetGetDisplayInformationIndex($server, $level, $prefix, \$index)
Gets the index of the first display information entry whose name begins with test or alphabetically follows test. The command will be executed on server \\testserver. You can get an index for users accounts (pass 1), machine accounts (pass 2) or group accounts (pass 3).
 if(!Win32::Lanman::NetGetDisplayInformationIndex("\\\\testserver", 1, "test", \$index))
        print "Sorry, something went wrong; error: ";
        # get the error code
        print Win32::Lanman::GetLastError();
        exit 1;
 print $index;

NetQueryDisplayInformation($server, $level, $index, $entries, \@info)
Returns user, computer, or global group account information. The command will be excuted on server \\testserver. A maximum of 10 accounts will be returned for each call. It starts at index 12 (every account has an index starting at 0). You can get a starting index by call NetGetDisplayInformationIndex. At first we get user accounts.
 $index = 12;
 while(Win32::Lanman::NetQueryDisplayInformation("\\\\testserver", 1, $index, 10, \@users))
        foreach $user (@users)
                print "${$user}{'name'}\t";
                print "${$user}{'comment'}\t";
                print "${$user}{'full_name'}\t";
                print "${$user}{'flags'}\t";
                print "${$user}{'user_id'}\t";
                print "${$user}{'next_index'}\n";
                if $#users == -1;
        $index = ${$users[$#users]}{'next_index'};

Dito for machine accounts. Start at machines names beginning with test. We get 20 accounts on each call.

 if(!Win32::Lanman::NetGetDisplayInformationIndex("\\\\testserver", 2, "test", \$index))
        print "Sorry, something went wrong; error: ";
        # get the error code
        print Win32::Lanman::GetLastError();
        exit 1;
 while(Win32::Lanman::NetQueryDisplayInformation("\\\\testserver", 2, $index, 20, \@machines))
        foreach $machine (@machines)
                print "${$machine}{'name'}\t";
                print "${$machine}{'comment'}\t";
                print "${$machine}{'flags'}\t";
                print "${$machine}{'user_id'}\t";
                print "${$machine}{'next_index'}\n";
                if $#machines == -1;
        $index = ${$machines[$#machines]}{'next_index'};

Dito for group accounts. Start at begin (index position 0). We get 5 accounts on each call.

 $index = 0;
 while(Win32::Lanman::NetQueryDisplayInformation("\\\\testserver", 3, $index, 5, \@groups))
        foreach $group (@groups)
                print "${$group}{'name'}\t";
                print "${$group}{'comment'}\t";
                print "${$group}{'group_id'}\t";
                print "${$group}{'attributes'}\t";
                print "${$group}{'next_index'}\n";
                if $#groups == -1;
        $index = ${$groups[$#groups]}{'next_index'};


NetGroupAdd($server, $group[, $comment])
Creates a new global group $group on $server. An optional $comment may be specified.

NetGroupAddUser($server, $group, $user)
Adds a user to a global group $group on $server.

NetGroupDel($server, $group)
Deletes the global group $group on $server.

NetGroupDelUser($server, $group, $user)
Deletes a user from a global group $group on server $server.

NetGroupEnum($server, \@groups)
Enumerates all global groups defined on server $server. If successfull, each array element contains a hash with group name ('name'), comment ('comment'), group id ('group_id') and attributes ('attributes').

NetGroupGetInfo($server, $group, \%info)
Gets the name, comment, group id and attributes of a global group, storing the result in %info ($group should be equal to $info{'name'}).

NetGroupGetUsers($server, $group, \@users)
Gets the users in a global group.

NetGroupSetInfo($server, $group, \%info)
Sets the name and the comment of a global group. Note if $group is set and not equal to $info{'name'}, the group will be renamed. If $info{name} is not set, only the comment will be set.

NetGroupSetUsers($server, $group, \@users)
Sets the members of a global group. Note: This operation is destructive; previous users will be removed.


NetGroupAdd($server, $group[, $comment])
Creates a new global group testgroup on server \\testserver. \\testserver must be a domain controller.
 if(!Win32::Lanman::NetGroupAdd("\\\\testserver", "testgroup", "test group comment"))
        print "Sorry, something went wrong; error: ";
        # get the error code
        print Win32::Lanman::GetLastError();
        exit 1;

NetGroupAddUser($server, $group, $user)
Adds a user testuser to the global group testgroup on \\testserver.
 if(!Win32::Lanman::NetGroupAddUser("\\\\testserver", "testgroup", "testuser"))
        print "Sorry, something went wrong; error: ";
        # get the error code
        print Win32::Lanman::GetLastError();
        exit 1;

NetGroupDel($server, $group)
Deletes the global group testgroup on server \\testserver.
 if(!Win32::Lanman::NetLocalGroupDel("\\\\testserver", "testgroup"))
        print "Sorry, something went wrong; error: ";
        # get the error code
        print Win32::Lanman::GetLastError();
        exit 1;

NetGroupDelUser($server, $group, $user)
Removes a user testuser from global group testgroup on server \\testserver
 if(!Win32::Lanman::NetLocalGroupDelMembers("\\\\testserver", "testgroup", "testuser"))
        print "Sorry, something went wrong; error: ";
        # get the error code
        print Win32::Lanman::GetLastError();
        exit 1;

NetGroupEnum($server, \@groups)
Retrieves all global groups on server \\testserver
 if(!Win32::Lanman::NetGroupEnum("\\\\testserver", \@groups))
        print "Sorry, something went wrong; error: ";
        # get the error code
        print Win32::Lanman::GetLastError();
        exit 1;
 foreach $group (@groups)
        print "${$group}{'name'}\t${$group}{'comment'}\t${$group}{'group_id'}\t${$group}{'attributes'}\n";

NetGroupGetInfo($server, $group, \%info)
Retrieves information about the global group testgroup on server \\testserver
 if(!Win32::Lanman::NetGroupGetInfo("\\\\testserver", "testgroup", \%info))
        print "Sorry, something went wrong; error: ";
        # get the error code
        print Win32::Lanman::GetLastError();
        exit 1;
 print "$info{'name'}\t$info{'comment'}\t$info{'group_id'}\t$info{'attributes'}\n";

NetGroupGetUsers($server, $group, \@users)
Retrieves all user in global group testgroup on server \\testserver
 if(!Win32::Lanman::NetGroupGetUsers("\\\\testserver", "testgroup", \@users))
        print "Sorry, something went wrong; error: ";
        # get the error code
        print Win32::Lanman::GetLastError();
        exit 1;
 foreach $user (@users)
        #don't print these binary data
        #print "${$user}{'sid'}\n";
        print "${$user}{'name'}\t${$user}{'attributes'}\n";

NetGroupSetInfo($server, $group, \%info)
Sets information for the global group testgroup on server \\testserver. Only the group name and the comment can be set. Specifying a new name renames the group.
 if(!Win32::Lanman::NetGroupSetInfo("\\\\testserver", "testgroup", {'name' => 'newtestgrp', 'comment' => 'comment for testgroup'}))
        print "Sorry, something went wrong; error: ";
        # get the error code
        print Win32::Lanman::GetLastError();
        exit 1;

NetGroupSetUsers($server, $group, \@users)
Sets user user1, user2 and user3 as members of the global group testgroup on server \\testserver. All previous group members will be removed.
 if(!Win32::Lanman::NetGroupSetUsers("\\\\testserver", "testgroup", ['user1', 'user2', 'user3']))
        print "Sorry, something went wrong; error: ";
        # get the error code
        print Win32::Lanman::GetLastError();
        exit 1;

Local Groups

NetLocalGroupAdd($server, $group[, $comment])
Creates a new local group $group on server $server. You can specify an optional comment $comment.

NetLocalGroupAddMember($server, $group, $sid)
Adds users $sid to a local group on server $server.

NetLocalGroupAddMembers($server, $group, \@members)
Adds members (global groups or users) to a local group $group on $server. You can specficy the users or global groups with or without domain name.

NetLocalGroupAddMembersBySid($server, $group, \@members)
Adds members (global groups or users) to a local group $group on $server. You must specficy the users or global groups by sid's.

NetLocalGroupDel($server, $group)
Deletes the local group $group on server $server.

NetLocalGroupDelMember($server, $group, $sid)
Removes users $sid from a local group $group on server $server.

NetLocalGroupDelMembers($server, $group, \@members)
Deletes members (global groups or users) of a local group $group on server $server. You can specficy the users or global groups with or without domain name.

NetLocalGroupDelMembersBySid($server, $group, \@members)
Deletes members (global groups or users) of a local group $group on server $server. You must specficy the users or global groups by sid's.

NetLocalGroupEnum($server, \@groups)
Enumerates all local groups defined on server $server. If successfull, each array element contains a hash with group name ('name') and comment ('comment').

NetLocalGroupGetInfo($server, $group, \%info)
Gets the name and the comment of a local group ($group should be returned equal to $info{'name'}).

NetLocalGroupGetMembers($server, $group, \@members)
Gets the members of a local group (users and global groups).

NetLocalGroupSetInfo($server, $group, \%info)
Sets the name and the comment of a local group ( if $group is not equal to $info{'name'}, the group will be renamed).

NetLocalGroupSetMembers($server, $group, \@members)
Sets the members of a local group (previous members will be removed). Members can be users and/or global groups.

NetLocalGroupSetMembersBySid($server, $group, \@members)
Sets the members of a local group (previous members will be removed). You must specficy the users or global groups by sid's.

Local Group EXAMPLES:

NetLocalGroupAdd($server, $group[, $comment])
Creates a new local group testgroup on server \\testserver.
 if(!Win32::Lanman::NetLocalGroupAdd("\\\\testserver", "testgroup", "test group comment"))
        print "Sorry, something went wrong; error: ";
        # get the error code
        print Win32::Lanman::GetLastError();
        exit 1;

NetLocalGroupAddMember($server, $group, $sid)
Adds testuser's $sid to the local group testgroup on server \\testserver. You must retrieve the user sid with Win32::LookupAccountName. $sid = ...
 if(!Win32::Lanman::NetLocalGroupAddMember("\\\\testserver", "testgroup", $sid))
        print "Sorry, something went wrong; error: ";
        # get the error code
        print Win32::Lanman::GetLastError();
        exit 1;

NetLocalGroupAddMembers($server, $group, \@members)
Adds global groups (glb_grp, domain\glb_grp) and/or users (user, domain\user) to the local group testgroup on \\testserver.
                                               ['glb_grp', 'domain\glb_grp', 'user', 'domain\user'])
        print "Sorry, something went wrong; error: ";
        # get the error code
        print Win32::Lanman::GetLastError();
        exit 1;

NetLocalGroupAddMembersBySid($server, $group, \@members)
Adds global groups (glb_grp, domain\glb_grp) and/or users (user, domain\user) to the local group testgroup on \\testserver.
                                      ['glb_grp', 'domain\glb_grp', 'user', 'domain\user'], 
        print "Sorry, something went wrong; error: ";
        # get the error code
        print Win32::Lanman::GetLastError();
        exit 1;
 @members = map { ${$_}{sid} } @sids;
 unless(Win32::Lanman::NetLocalGroupAddMembersBySid("testserver", "testgroup", \@members))
        print "Sorry, something went wrong; error: ";
        # get the error code
        print Win32::Lanman::GetLastError();
        exit 1;

NetLocalGroupDel($server, $group)
Deletes the local group testgroup on server \\testserver.
 unless(Win32::Lanman::NetLocalGroupDel("testserver", "testgroup"))
        print 'Sorry, something went wrong; in ( Win32::Lanman::NetLocalGroupDel ) error: ';
        # get the error code
        print Win32::Lanman::GetLastError();
        exit 1;

NetLocalGroupDelMember($server, $group, $sid)
Removes testuser's $sid from the local group testgroup on server \\testserver. You must retrieve the user sid with Win32::LookupAccountName. $sid = ...
 if(!Win32::Lanman::NetLocalGroupDelMember("\\\\testserver", "testgroup", $sid))
        print "Sorry, something went wrong; error: ";
        # get the error code
        print Win32::Lanman::GetLastError();
        exit 1;

NetLocalGroupDelMembers($server, $group, \@members)
Removes groups (glb_grp, domain\glb_grp) and/or users (user, domain\user) from the members of the local group testgroup on \\testserver.
 unless(Win32::Lanman::NetLocalGroupDelMembers("testserver", "testgroup", 
                                            ['glb_grp', 'domain\glb_grp', 'user', 'domain\user'])
        print "Sorry, something went wrong; error: ";
        # get the error code
        print Win32::Lanman::GetLastError();
        exit 1;

NetLocalGroupDelMembersBySid($server, $group, \@members)
Removes groups (glb_grp, domain\glb_grp) and/or users (user, domain\user) from the members of the local group testgroup on \\testserver.
                                      ['glb_grp', 'domain\glb_grp', 'user', 'domain\user'], 
        print "Sorry, something went wrong; error: ";
        # get the error code
        print Win32::Lanman::GetLastError();
        exit 1;
 @members = map { ${$_}{sid} } @sids;
 unless(Win32::Lanman::NetLocalGroupDelMembersBySid("testserver", "testgroup", \@members))
        print "Sorry, something went wrong; error: ";
        # get the error code
        print Win32::Lanman::GetLastError();
        exit 1;

NetLocalGroupEnum($server, \@groups)
Retrieves all local groups on server \\testserver
 unless(Win32::Lanman::NetLocalGroupEnum("testserver", \@groups))
        print 'Sorry, something went wrong in (Win32::Lanman::NetLocalGroupEnum) ; error: ';
        # get the error code
        print Win32::Lanman::GetLastError();
        exit 1;
 foreach $group (@groups)
        print "${$group}{'name'}\t${$group}{'comment'}\n";

NetLocalGroupGetInfo($server, $group, \%info)
Retrieves information about the local group testgroup on server \\testserver
 if(!Win32::Lanman::NetLocalGroupGetInfo("\\\\testserver", "testgroup", \%info))
        print "Sorry, something went wrong; error: ";
        # get the error code
        print Win32::Lanman::GetLastError();
        exit 1;
 print "$info{'name'}\t$info{'comment'}\n";

NetLocalGroupGetMembers($server, $group, \@members)
Retrieves all global groups and /or user in local group testgroup on server \\testserver
 if(!Win32::Lanman::NetLocalGroupGetMembers("\\\\testserver", "testgroup", \@members))
        print "Sorry, something went wrong; error: ";
        # get the error code
        print Win32::Lanman::GetLastError();
        exit 1;
 foreach $member (@members)
        #don't print these binary data
        #print "${$member}{'sid'}\n";
        print "${$member}{'domainandname'}\t${$member}{'sidusage'}\n";

NetLocalGroupSetInfo($server, $group, \%info)
Sets information for the local group testgroup on server \\testserver. Only the group name and the comment can be set. Since we specify a new name the group is renamed.
                                            {'name' => 'newtestgrp', 
                                             'comment' => 'comment for testgroup'}
        print "Sorry, something went wrong; error: ";
        # get the error code
        print Win32::Lanman::GetLastError();
        exit 1;

NetLocalGroupSetMembers($server, $group, \@members)
Sets users (user1 and testdomain\user1) and global groups (testdomain\group1) as members of the local group testgroup on server \\testserver. All previous group members will be removed.
        print "Sorry, something went wrong; error: ";
        # get the error code
        print Win32::Lanman::GetLastError();
        exit 1;

NetLocalGroupSetMembersBySid($server, $group, \@members)
Sets users (user1 and testdomain\user1) and global groups (testdomain\group1) as members of the local group testgroup on server \\testserver. All previous group members will be removed.
                                      ['user1', 'testdomain\user1', 'testdomain\group1'], 
        print "Sorry, something went wrong; error: ";
        # get the error code
        print Win32::Lanman::GetLastError();
        exit 1;
 @members = map { ${$_}{sid} } @sids;
 unless(Win32::Lanman::NetLocalGroupSetMembersBySid("testserver", "testgroup", \@members))
        print "Sorry, something went wrong; error: ";
        # get the error code
        print Win32::Lanman::GetLastError();
        exit 1;


I_NetLogonControl($server, $function, \%info)
Queries, synchonizes or replicates the sam database between PDC and $server. Avoid direct calls. Use the wrapper functions below.

I_NetLogonControl2($server, $function, $data, \%info)
Queries, synchonizes or replicates the sam database between PDC and $server. Queries and resets secure channels. Notifies a new transport is coming up. Finds user names. Avoid direct calls. Use the wrapper functions below.

LogonControlQuery($server, \%info)
Queries the status of the sam database on $server.

LogonControlReplicate($server, \%info)
Replicates the changes of the sam database on $server.

LogonControlSynchronize($server, \%info)
Synchronizes the sam database between $server and a PDC.

LogonControlPdcReplicate($server, \%info)
Forces all BDC's to synchronize the sam database with the PDC $server.

LogonControlRediscover($server, $domain, \%info)
Resets the secure channel for a domain $domain on a server $server.

LogonControlTCQuery($server, $domain, \%info)
Queries the status of the secure channel for domain $domain on a server $server.

LogonControlTransportNotify($server, \%info)
Informs the server $server about the coming up of a new transport.

LogonControlFindUser($server, $user, \%info)
Finds a user $user in a trusted domain. The command will be executed on server $server.

NetEnumerateTrustedDomains($server, \@domains)
Enumerates all trusted domain names. The command will be executed on server $server.

I_NetGetDCList($server, $domain, \@controllers)
Enumerates all domain controllers in a domain. The command will be executed on server $server.

Netlogon EXAMPLES:

I_NetLogonControl($server, $function, \%info)
Queries the status of \\testserver. \\testserver must be a PDC or BDC.
 if(!Win32::Lanman::I_NetLogonControl("\\\\testserver", &NETLOGON_CONTROL_QUERY, \%info))
        print "Sorry, something went wrong; error: ";
        # get the error code
        print Win32::Lanman::GetLastError();
        exit 1;
 @keys = keys %info;
 foreach $key(@keys)
        print "$key=$info{$key}\n";

Replicates the sam changes of \\testserver with the PDC. \\testserver must be a BDC.

 if(!Win32::Lanman::I_NetLogonControl("\\\\testserver", &NETLOGON_CONTROL_REPLICATE, \%info))
        print "Sorry, something went wrong; error: ";
        # get the error code
        print Win32::Lanman::GetLastError();
        exit 1;
 @keys = keys %info;
 foreach $key(@keys)
        print "$key=$info{$key}\n";

Synchronizes the sam of \\testserver with the PDC. \\testserver must be a PDC or BDC.

 if(!Win32::Lanman::I_NetLogonControl("\\\\testserver", &NETLOGON_CONTROL_SYNCHRONIZE, \%info))
        print "Sorry, something went wrong; error: ";
        # get the error code
        print Win32::Lanman::GetLastError();
        exit 1;
 @keys = keys %info;
 foreach $key(@keys)
        print "$key=$info{$key}\n";

Forces to send a synchronize request to all BDC's. \\testserver must be a PDC.

 if(!Win32::Lanman::I_NetLogonControl("\\\\testserver", &NETLOGON_CONTROL_PDC_REPLICATE, \%info))
        print "Sorry, something went wrong; error: ";
        # get the error code
        print Win32::Lanman::GetLastError();
        exit 1;
 @keys = keys %info;
 foreach $key(@keys)
        print "$key=$info{$key}\n";

I_NetLogonControl2($server, $function, \%info)
Rediscovers a secure channel for domain testdomain on server \\testserver.
 if(!Win32::Lanman::I_NetLogonControl2("\\\\testserver", &NETLOGON_CONTROL_REDISCOVER, "testdomain", \%info))
        print "Sorry, something went wrong; error: ";
        # get the error code
        print Win32::Lanman::GetLastError();
        exit 1;
 @keys = keys %info;
 foreach $key(@keys)
        print "$key=$info{$key}\n";

Queries the status of the secure channel for domain testdomain on server \\testserver.

 if(!Win32::Lanman::I_NetLogonControl2("\\\\testserver", &NETLOGON_CONTROL_TC_QUERY, "testdomain", \%info))
        print "Sorry, something went wrong; error: ";
        # get the error code
        print Win32::Lanman::GetLastError();
        exit 1;
 @keys = keys %info;
 foreach $key(@keys)
        print "$key=$info{$key}\n";

Informs the server \\testserver about a new transport coming up.

 if(!Win32::Lanman::I_NetLogonControl2("\\\\testserver", &NETLOGON_CONTROL_TRANSPORT_NOTIFY, '', \%info))
        print "Sorry, something went wrong; error: ";
        # get the error code
        print Win32::Lanman::GetLastError();
        exit 1;
 @keys = keys %info;
 foreach $key(@keys)
        print "$key=$info{$key}\n";

Retrieves which trusted domain will log on user testuser. The command will be excuted on server \\testserver.

 if(!Win32::Lanman::I_NetLogonControl2("\\\\testserver", &NETLOGON_CONTROL_FIND_USER, "testuser", \%info))
        print "Sorry, something went wrong; error: ";
        # get the error code
        print Win32::Lanman::GetLastError();
        exit 1;
 @keys = keys %info;
 foreach $key(@keys)
        print "$key=$info{$key}\n";

LogonControlQuery($server, \%info)
Queries the status of \\testserver. \\testserver must be a PDC or BDC.
 if(!Win32::Lanman::LogonControlQuery("\\\\testserver", \%info))
        print "Sorry, something went wrong; error: ";
        # get the error code
        print Win32::Lanman::GetLastError();
        exit 1;
 @keys = keys %info;
 foreach $key(@keys)
        print "$key=$info{$key}\n";

LogonControlReplicate($server, \%info)
Replicates the sam changes of \\testserver with the PDC. \\testserver must be a BDC.
 if(!Win32::Lanman::LogonControlReplicate("\\\\testserver", \%info))
        print "Sorry, something went wrong; error: ";
        # get the error code
        print Win32::Lanman::GetLastError();
        exit 1;
 @keys = keys %info;
 foreach $key(@keys)
        print "$key=$info{$key}\n";

LogonControlSynchronize($server, \%info)
Synchronizes the sam of \\testserver with the PDC. \\testserver must be a PDC or BDC.
 if(!Win32::Lanman::LogonControlSynchronize("\\\\testserver", \%info))
        print "Sorry, something went wrong; error: ";
        # get the error code
        print Win32::Lanman::GetLastError();
        exit 1;
 @keys = keys %info;
 foreach $key(@keys)
        print "$key=$info{$key}\n";

LogonControlPdcReplicate($server, \%info)
Forces a synchronize request to be sent to all BDC's. \\testserver must be a PDC.
 if(!Win32::Lanman::LogonControlPdcReplicate("\\\\testserver", \%info))
        print "Sorry, something went wrong; error: ";
        # get the error code
        print Win32::Lanman::GetLastError();
        exit 1;
 @keys = keys %info;
 foreach $key(@keys)
        print "$key=$info{$key}\n";

LogonControlRediscover($server, $domain, \%info)
Rediscovers a secure channel for domain testdomain on server \\testserver.
 if(!Win32::Lanman::LogonControlRediscover("\\\\testserver", "testdomain", \%info))
        print "Sorry, something went wrong; error: ";
        # get the error code
        print Win32::Lanman::GetLastError();
        exit 1;
 @keys = keys %info;
 foreach $key(@keys)
        print "$key=$info{$key}\n";

LogonControlTCQuery($server, $domain, \%info)
Queries the status of the secure channel for domain testdomain on server \\testserver.
 if(!Win32::Lanman::LogonControlTCQuery("\\\\testserver", "testdomain", \%info))
        print "Sorry, something went wrong; error: ";
        # get the error code
        print Win32::Lanman::GetLastError();
        exit 1;
 @keys = keys %info;
 foreach $key(@keys)
        print "$key=$info{$key}\n";

LogonControlTransportNotify($server, \%info)
Informs the server \\testserver about the coming up of a new transport.
 if(!Win32::Lanman::LogonControlTransportNotify("\\\\testserver", \%info))
        print "Sorry, something went wrong; error: ";
        # get the error code
        print Win32::Lanman::GetLastError();
        exit 1;
 @keys = keys %info;
 foreach $key(@keys)
        print "$key=$info{$key}\n";

LogonControlFindUser($server, $user, \%info)
Retrieves which trusted domain will log on user testuser. The command will be excuted on server \\testserver.
 if(!Win32::Lanman::LogonControlFindUser("\\\\testserver", "testuser", \%info))
        print "Sorry, something went wrong; error: ";
        # get the error code
        print Win32::Lanman::GetLastError();
        exit 1;
 @keys = keys %info;
 foreach $key(@keys)
        print "$key=$info{$key}\n";

NetEnumerateTrustedDomains($server, \@domains)
Enumerates all trusted domain names. The command will be executed on server \\testserver.
 if(!Win32::Lanman::NetEnumerateTrustedDomains("\\\\testserver", \@domains))
        print "Sorry, something went wrong; error: ";
        # get the error code
        print Win32::Lanman::GetLastError();
        exit 1;
 foreach $domain (@domains)
        print "$domain\n";

I_NetGetDCList($server, $domain, \@controllers)
Enumerates all domain controllers in the domain testdomain. The command will be executed on server \\testserver.
 if(!Win32::Lanman::I_NetGetDCList("\\\\testserver", "testdomain", \@servers))
        print "Sorry, something went wrong; error: ";
        # get the error code
        print Win32::Lanman::GetLastError();
        exit 1;
 foreach $server (@servers)
        print "$server\n";

Message Related Functions

NetMessageBufferSend($server, $to, $from, $message)
Sends a message.

NetMessageNameAdd($server, $messagename)
Registers a message alias in the message name table.

NetMessageNameAdd($server, $messagename)
Deletes a message alias from the table of message aliases.

NetMessageNameEnum($server, \@info)
Lists the message aliases that will receive messages.

NetMessageNameGetInfo($server, $messagename, \$info)
Retrieves information about a message alias in the message name table.

Message Related Functions EXAMPLES:

NetMessageBufferSend($server, $to, $from, $message)
Sends the message ``this is a message'' from computer1 to user1. The command will be executed on \\testserver.
 if(!Win32::Lanman::NetMessageBufferSend("\\\\testserver", "user1", "computer1", "this is a message"))
        print "Sorry, something went wrong; error: ";
        # get the error code
        print Win32::Lanman::GetLastError();
        exit 1;

NetMessageNameAdd($server, $messagename)
Registers the message alias user1 in the message on server \\testserver.
 if(!Win32::Lanman::NetMessageNameAdd("\\\\testserver", "testuser1"))
        print "Sorry, something went wrong; error: ";
        # get the error code
        print Win32::Lanman::GetLastError();
        exit 1;

NetMessageNameDel($server, $messagename)
Deletes the message alias user1 in the message on server \\testserver.
 if(!Win32::Lanman::NetMessageNameDel("\\\\testserver", "testuser1"))
        print "Sorry, something went wrong; error: ";
        # get the error code
        print Win32::Lanman::GetLastError();
        exit 1;

NetMessageNameEnum($server, $messagename)
Lists the message aliases that will receive messages on server \\testserver.
 if(!Win32::Lanman::NetMessageNameEnum("\\\\testserver", \@info))
        print "Sorry, something went wrong; error: ";
        # get the error code
        print Win32::Lanman::GetLastError();
        exit 1;
 foreach (@info)
        print "$_\n";

NetMessageNameGetInfo($server, $messagename, \$info)
Retrieves information about the message alias user1 in the message name table on server \\testserver.
 if(!Win32::Lanman::NetMessageNameEnum("\\\\testserver", "user1", \$info))
        print "Sorry, something went wrong; error: ";
        # get the error code
        print Win32::Lanman::GetLastError();
        exit 1;
 print $info;

Policy and Privileges (LSA)

LsaQueryInformationPolicy($server, $infotype, \%info)
Queries policy information. Don't call LsaQueryInformationPolicy directly. Use the LsaQueryXXXPolicy wrappers instead.

The following are equivalent, Win32::Lanman::LsaQueryInformationPolicy(``'', &PolicyAuditFullQueryInformation, \%info); and Win32::Lanman::LsaQueryAuditFullPolicy(``'', \%info);

Please use the second form , it is less prone to error.

LsaSetInformationPolicy($server, $infotype, \%info)
Sets policy information. Don't call LsaSetInformationPolicy directly. Use the LsaSetXXXPolicy wrappers instead (see below).

LsaQueryAuditLogPolicy($server, \%info)
Queries audit log policy information.

LsaQueryAuditEventsPolicy($server, \%info)
Queries audit event policy information (if auditing is enabled and which events will be logged).

LsaSetAuditEventsPolicy($server, \%info)
Sets audit event policy information.

LsaQueryPrimaryDomainPolicy($server, \%info)
Queries primary domain policy information (domain name and domain sid).

LsaSetPrimaryDomainPolicy($server, \%info)
Sets primary domain policy information (domain name and domain sid).

LsaQueryPdAccountPolicy($server, \%info)
Queries the primary domain account used for authentication and lookup requests. It returns always an empty string. This should be a bug in the call.

LsaQueryAccountDomainPolicy($server, \%info)
Queries account domain policy information (workstation name and sid).

LsaSetAccountDomainPolicy($server, \%info)
Sets account domain policy information (workstation name and sid).

LsaQueryServerRolePolicy($server, \%info)
Queries server role policy information (type of server: pdc, bdc).

LsaSetServerRolePolicy($server, \%info)
Sets server role policy information (type of server: pdc, bdc).

LsaQueryReplicaSourcePolicy($server, \%info)
Queries the replication source server (pdc) policy information.

LsaSetReplicaSourcePolicy($server, \%info)
Sets the replication source server (pdc) policy information.

LsaQueryDefaultQuotaPolicy($server, \%info)
Queries the default quota policy information.

LsaSetDefaultQuotaPolicy($server, \%info)
Sets the default quota policy information.

LsaQueryAuditFullPolicy($server, \%info)
Queries the audit full policy information (if a shutdown is raised, when the audit log is full and if the log is full).

LsaQueryAuditFullPolicy($server, \%info)
Sets the audit full policy information (if a shutdown is raised, when the audit log is full).

LsaQueryDnsDomainPolicy($server, \%info)
Queries the dns domain policy information. This call is only supported in nt 5 and it's not tested!

LsaSetDnsDomainPolicy($server, \%info)
Sets the dns domain policy information. This call is only supported in nt 5 and it's not tested!

LsaEnumerateTrustedDomains($server, \@domains)
Enumerates all trusted domains. If you execute this on a workstation or a member server, you'll get your domain and the domain sid. If you execute this on a PDC or BDC, you'll get a list of all trusted domains and their sid's.

LsaLookupNames($server, \@accounts, \@info)
Looks up for account names and returns the appropriate rid, domains, sid's and domain sid's. Unlike to the LsaLookupNames api call, it returns success if at least one name could be resolved. If an account couldn't be resolved, the use flag has the value 8 (SidTypeUnknown).

LsaLookupSids($server, \@sids, \@info)
Looks up for sid's and returns the appropriate names, domains, sid's and domain sid's. Unlike to the LsaLookupsids api call, it returns success if at least one sid could be resolved. If a sid couldn't be resolved, the use flag has the value 7 (SidTypeInvalid) or 8 (SidTypeUnknown).

LsaEnumerateAccountsWithUserRight($server, $privilege, \@sids)
Enumerates all sids granted a privilege. To convert sid's to account names use LsaLookupSids. If the privilege is not granted to anybody, the error code is 259. This is not an error, it's by design.

LsaEnumerateAccountRights($server, $sid, \@privileges)
Enumerates all privileges granted to a sid. To convert account names to sid's use LsaLookupNames. If the sid has not granted any privileges, the error code is 2. This is not an error, it's by design.

LsaAddAccountRights($server, $sid, \@privileges)
Grants privileges to a sid. To convert account names to sid's use LsaLookupNames. Be really carefully with the sid. If the sid does not belong to a user, LsaAddAccountRights creates a new user without a user name.

LsaRemoveAccountRights($server, $sid, \@privileges, [$all])
Removes privileges from a sid. To convert account names to sid's use LsaLookupNames. If the optional parameter $all is not null, all privileges for $sid will be removed. In this case, @privileges has no meaning. Note: there is a mistake in the documentation from Microsoft (see the platform sdk). If you remove all privileges with the $all parameter the account won't be deleted.

LsaQueryTrustedDomainInfo($server, $domainsid, $infotype, \%info)
Queries information about trusted domains. Don't call LsaQueryTrustedDomainInfo directly. Use the wrappers LsaQueryTrustedXXXInfo instead.

LsaSetTrustedDomainInformation($server, $domainsid, $infotype, \%info)
Sets information about trusted domains. Don't call LsaSetTrustedDomainInformation directly. Use the wrappers LsaSetTrustedXXXInfo instead.

LsaSetTrustedDomainInfo($server, $domainsid, $infotype, \%info)
Sets information about trusted domains. Don't call LsaSetTrustedDomainInfo directly. Use the wrappers LsaSetTrustedXXXInfo instead.

LsaQueryTrustedDomainNameInfo($server, $domainsid, \%info)
Queries the domain name info for a trusted domain.

LsaSetTrustedDomainNameInfo($server, $domainsid, \%info)
Sets the domain name info for a trusted domain. If the specified domain is not in the list of trusted domains, the function adds it.

LsaQueryTrustedPosixOffsetInfo($server, $domainsid, \%info)
Queries the posix rid used to create posix users or groups for a trusted domain.

LsaSetTrustedPosixOffsetInfo($server, $domainsid, \%info)
Sets the posix rid used to create posix users or groups for a trusted domain.

LsaQueryTrustedPasswordInfo($server, $domainsid, \%info)
Queries the passwords used by trust connections for a trusted domain.

LsaSetTrustedPasswordInfo($server, $domainsid, \%info)
Sets the passwords used by trust connections for a trusted domain.

LsaRetrievePrivateData($server, $key, \$data)
Retrieves private data that was stored by the LsaStorePrivateData.

LsaStorePrivateData($server, $key, \$data)
Stores or deletes private data under a specified registry key.

GrantPrivilegeToAccount($server, $privilege, \@accounts)
Grants a privilege to users and/or groups. Avoid using GrantPrivilegeToAccount. Use LsaAddAccountRights instead.

RevokePrivilegeFromAccount($server, $privilege, \@accounts)
Revokes a privilege from users and/or groups. Avoid using RevokePrivilegeFromAccount. Use LsaRemoveAccountRights instead.

EnumAccountPrivileges($server, $account, \@privileges)
Enumerates privileges held by an user or group. If the user has not granted any privileges, the error code is 2. This is not an error, it's by design. Avoid using EnumAccountPrivileges. Use LsaEnumerateAccountRights instead.

EnumPrivilegeAccounts($server, $privilege, \@accounts)
Enumerates all accounts (users and groups) granted a privilege. If the privilege is not granted to anybody, the error code is 259. This is not a bug, it is by design.

Avoid using EnumPrivilegeAccounts. Use LsaEnumerateAccountsWithUserRight instead.

Policy and Privileges (LSA) EXAMPLES:

LsaQueryInformationPolicy($server, $infotype, \%info)
Queries the audit log policies on server \\testserver. Don't call LsaQueryInformationPolicy directly. Use the wrappers LsaQueryXXXPolicy instead (see examples below).
 if(!Win32::Lanman::LsaQueryInformationPolicy("\\\\testserver", &PolicyAuditLogInformation, \%info))
        print "Sorry, something went wrong; error: ";
        # get the error code
        print Win32::Lanman::GetLastError();
        exit 1;
 foreach $key(sort keys %info)
        print "$key=$info{$key}\n";

LsaSetInformationPolicy($server, $infotype, \%info)
Sets the audit log policies on server \\testserver. Don't call LsaSetInformationPolicy directly. Use the wrappers LsaSetXXXPolicy instead (see examples below).
 #events to audit
 $options[AuditCategorySystem] = &POLICY_AUDIT_EVENT_UNCHANGED;
 $options[AuditCategoryLogon] = &POLICY_AUDIT_EVENT_SUCCESS;
 $options[AuditCategoryObjectAccess] = &POLICY_AUDIT_EVENT_FAILURE;
 $options[AuditCategoryPrivilegeUse] = &POLICY_AUDIT_EVENT_NONE;
 $options[AuditCategoryDetailedTracking] = &POLICY_AUDIT_EVENT_SUCCESS | &POLICY_AUDIT_EVENT_FAILURE;
 $options[AuditCategoryPolicyChange] = &POLICY_AUDIT_EVENT_NONE;
 $options[AuditCategoryAccountManagement] = &POLICY_AUDIT_EVENT_NONE;
  # only valid in nt 5
 $options[AuditCategoryDirectoryServiceAccess] = &POLICY_AUDIT_EVENT_NONE;
 $options[AuditCategoryAccountLogon] = &POLICY_AUDIT_EVENT_NONE;
 %info = ('auditingmode' => 1,                  # turn on auditing
         'eventauditingoptions' => \@options    # events to audit
 if(!Win32::Lanman::LsaSetInformationPolicy("\\\\testserver", PolicyAuditEventsInformation, \%info))
        print "Sorry, something went wrong; error: ";
        # get the error code
        print Win32::Lanman::GetLastError();
        exit 1;

LsaQueryAuditLogPolicy($server, \%info)
Queries the audit log policies on server \\testserver.
 if(!Win32::Lanman::LsaQueryAuditLogPolicy("\\\\testserver", \%info))
        print "Sorry, something went wrong; error: ";
        # get the error code
        print Win32::Lanman::GetLastError();
        exit 1;
 foreach $key(sort keys %info)
        print "$key=$info{$key}\n";

LsaQueryAuditEventsPolicy($server, \%info)
Queries the audit event policies on server \\testserver.
 if(!Win32::Lanman::LsaQueryAuditEventsPolicy("\\\\testserver", \%info))
        print "Sorry, something went wrong; error: ";
        # get the error code
        print Win32::Lanman::GetLastError();
        exit 1;
 print "auditingmode=$info{auditingmode}\n";
 print "maximumauditeventcount=$info{maximumauditeventcount}\n";
 print "eventauditingoptions:\n";
 if($info{maximumauditeventcount} > 0)
        $options = $info{eventauditingoptions};
        foreach $option (@$options)
                print "\t$option\n";

LsaSetAuditEventsPolicy($server, \%info)
Sets audit event policy information on server \\testserver.
 #events to audit
 $options[AuditCategorySystem] = &POLICY_AUDIT_EVENT_UNCHANGED;
 $options[AuditCategoryLogon] = &POLICY_AUDIT_EVENT_SUCCESS;
 $options[AuditCategoryObjectAccess] = &POLICY_AUDIT_EVENT_FAILURE;
 $options[AuditCategoryPrivilegeUse] = &POLICY_AUDIT_EVENT_NONE;
 $options[AuditCategoryDetailedTracking] = &POLICY_AUDIT_EVENT_SUCCESS | &POLICY_AUDIT_EVENT_FAILURE;
 $options[AuditCategoryPolicyChange] = &POLICY_AUDIT_EVENT_NONE;
 $options[AuditCategoryAccountManagement] = &POLICY_AUDIT_EVENT_NONE;
  # only valid in nt 5
 $options[AuditCategoryDirectoryServiceAccess] = &POLICY_AUDIT_EVENT_NONE;
 $options[AuditCategoryAccountLogon] = &POLICY_AUDIT_EVENT_NONE;
 %info = ('auditingmode' => 1,                  # turn on auditing
         'eventauditingoptions' => \@options    # events to audit
 if(!Win32::Lanman::LsaSetAuditEventsPolicy("\\\\testserver", \%info))
        print "Sorry, something went wrong; error: ";
        # get the error code
        print Win32::Lanman::GetLastError();
        exit 1;

LsaQueryPrimaryDomainPolicy($server, \%info)
Queries primary domain policy information on server \\testserver.
 if(!Win32::Lanman::LsaQueryPrimaryDomainPolicy("\\\\testserver", \%info))
        print "Sorry, something went wrong; error: ";
        # get the error code
        print Win32::Lanman::GetLastError();
        exit 1;
 print "name=$info{name}\n";
 print "sid=", unpack("H" . 2 * length($info{sid}), $info{sid}), "\n";

LsaSetPrimaryDomainPolicy($server, \%info)
Sets the primary domain policy information for server \\testserver2 to the same like server \\testserver1.
 if(!Win32::Lanman::LsaQueryPrimaryDomainPolicy("\\\\testserver1", \%info))
        print "Sorry, something went wrong; error: ";
        # get the error code
        print Win32::Lanman::GetLastError();
        exit 1;
 print "name=$info{name}\n";
 print "sid=", unpack("H" . 2 * length($info{sid}), $info{sid}), "\n";
 if(!Win32::Lanman::LsaSetPrimaryDomainPolicy("\\\\testserver2", \%info))
        print "Sorry, something went wrong; error: ";
        # get the error code
        print Win32::Lanman::GetLastError();
        exit 1;

LsaQueryPdAccountPolicy($server, \%info)
Queries the primary domain account used for authentication and lookup requests on server \\testserver. It returns always an empty string. This should be a bug in the call.
 if(!Win32::Lanman::LsaQueryPdAccountPolicy("\\\\testserver", \%info))
        print "Sorry, something went wrong; error: ";
        # get the error code
        print Win32::Lanman::GetLastError();
        exit 1;
 foreach $key(sort keys %info)
        print "$key=$info{$key}\n";

LsaQueryAccountDomainPolicy($server, \%info)
Queries account domain policy information on server \\testserver.
 if(!Win32::Lanman::LsaQueryAccountDomainPolicy("\\\\testserver", \%info))
        print "Sorry, something went wrong; error: ";
        # get the error code
        print Win32::Lanman::GetLastError();
        exit 1;
 print "domainname=$info{domainname}\n";
 print "domainsid=", unpack("H" . 2 * length($info{domainsid}), $info{domainsid}), "\n";

LsaSetAccountDomainPolicy($server, \%info)
Sets account domain policy information on server \\testserver.
 if(!Win32::Lanman::LsaQueryAccountDomainPolicy("\\\\testserver", \%info))
        print "Sorry, something went wrong; error: ";
        # get the error code
        print Win32::Lanman::GetLastError();
        exit 1;
 print "domainname=$info{domainname}\n";
 print "domainsid=", unpack("H" . 2 * length($info{domainsid}), $info{domainsid}), "\n";

$info{domainname} = 'testserver2';

 if(!Win32::Lanman::LsaSetAccountDomainPolicy("\\\\testserver", \%info))
        print "Sorry, something went wrong; error: ";
        # get the error code
        print Win32::Lanman::GetLastError();
        exit 1;

LsaQueryServerRolePolicy($server, \%info)
Queries server role policy information on server \\testserver.
 if(!Win32::Lanman::LsaQueryServerRolePolicy("\\\\testserver", \%info))
        print "Sorry, something went wrong; error: ";
        # get the error code
        print Win32::Lanman::GetLastError();
        exit 1;
 foreach $key(sort keys %info)
        print "$key=$info{$key}\n";

LsaSetServerRolePolicy($server, \%info)
Sets server role policy information to PolicyServerRoleBackup on server \\testserver.

%info = (serverrole => &PolicyServerRoleBackup); if(!Win32::Lanman::LsaQueryServerRolePolicy(``\\\\testserver'', \%info)) { print ``Sorry, something went wrong; error: ''; # get the error code print Win32::Lanman::GetLastError(); exit 1; }

LsaQueryReplicaSourcePolicy($server, \%info)
Queries replication source server on server \\testserver.
 if(!Win32::Lanman::LsaQueryReplicaSourcePolicy("\\\\testserver", \%info))
        print "Sorry, something went wrong; error: ";
        # get the error code
        print Win32::Lanman::GetLastError();
        exit 1;
 foreach $key(sort keys %info)
        print "$key=$info{$key}\n";

LsaSetReplicaSourcePolicy($server, \%info)
Sets replication source server to \\testserver2 on server \\testserver.
 $info{replicasource} = "\\\\testserver2";
 if(!Win32::Lanman::LsaSetReplicaSourcePolicy("\\\\testserver", \%info))
        print "Sorry, something went wrong; error: ";
        # get the error code
        print Win32::Lanman::GetLastError();
        exit 1;

LsaQueryDefaultQuotaPolicy($server, \%info)
Queries the default quota policy information on server \\testserver.
 if(!Win32::Lanman::LsaQueryDefaultQuotaPolicy("\\\\testserver", \%info))
        print "Sorry, something went wrong; error: ";
        # get the error code
        print Win32::Lanman::GetLastError();
        exit 1;
 foreach $key(sort keys %info)
        print "$key=$info{$key}\n";

LsaQueryDefaultQuotaPolicy($server, \%info)
Sets the default quota policy information on server \\testserver (doubles the minimum working set size).
 if(!Win32::Lanman::LsaQueryDefaultQuotaPolicy("\\\\testserver", \%info))
        print "Sorry, something went wrong; error: ";
        # get the error code
        print Win32::Lanman::GetLastError();
        exit 1;
 $info{minimumworkingsetsize} *= 2;
 if(!Win32::Lanman::LsaSetDefaultQuotaPolicy("\\\\testserver", \%info))
        print "Sorry, something went wrong; error: ";
        # get the error code
        print Win32::Lanman::GetLastError();
        exit 1;

LsaQueryAuditFullPolicy($server, \%info)
Queries the audit full policy information on server \\testserver.
 if(!Win32::Lanman::LsaQueryAuditFullPolicy("\\\\testserver", \%info))
        print "Sorry, something went wrong; error: ";
        # get the error code
        print Win32::Lanman::GetLastError();
        exit 1;
 foreach $key(sort keys %info)
        print "$key=$info{$key}\n";

LsaSetAuditFullPolicy($server, \%info)
Sets the audit full policy information on server \\testserver. The server will shut down, if the audit log is full.
 if(!Win32::Lanman::LsaSetAuditFullPolicy("\\\\testserver", {shutdownonfull => 1}))
        print "Sorry, something went wrong; error: ";
        # get the error code
        print Win32::Lanman::GetLastError();
        exit 1;

LsaQueryDnsDomainPolicy($server, \%info)
Queries the dns domain policy information on server \\testserver. This call is only supported in nt 5 and is currently untested!
 if(!Win32::Lanman::LsaQueryDnsDomainPolicy("\\\\testserver", \%info))
        print "Sorry, something went wrong; error: ";
        # get the error code
        print Win32::Lanman::GetLastError();
        exit 1;
 print "name=$info{name}\n";
 print "dnsdomainname=$info{dnsdomainname}\n";
 print "dnsforestname=$info{dnsforestname}\n";
 print "guid=", unpack("H" . 2 * length($info{guid}), $info{guid}), "\n";
 print "sid=", unpack("H" . 2 * length($info{sid}), $info{sid}), "\n";

LsaQueryDnsDomainPolicy($server, \%info)
Sets the dns domain policy information on server \\testserver. This call is only supported in nt 5 and is currently untested!
 if(!Win32::Lanman::LsaQueryDnsDomainPolicy("\\\\testserver", \%info))
        print "Sorry, something went wrong; error: ";
        # get the error code
        print Win32::Lanman::GetLastError();
        exit 1;
 #$info{dnsdomainname} = ...
 #$info{dnsforestname} = ...
 if(!Win32::Lanman::LsaSetDnsDomainPolicy("\\\\testserver", \%info))
        print "Sorry, something went wrong; error: ";
        # get the error code
        print Win32::Lanman::GetLastError();
        exit 1;

LsaEnumerateTrustedDomains($server, \@domains)
Shows the domain name and sid of your workstation. If you call this on any domain controller, you'll get a list of trusted domains (see the example below).
 if(!Win32::Lanman::LsaEnumerateTrustedDomains("", \@domains))
        print "Sorry, something went wrong; error: ";
        # get the error code
        print Win32::Lanman::GetLastError();
        exit 1;
 foreach $domain(@domains)
        print "name=${$domain}{name}\t";
        print "sid=" . unpack("H" . 2 * length(${$domain}{sid}), ${$domain}{sid}) . "\n";

Enumerates all trusted domains of the domain testdomain.

 if(!Win32::Lanman::NetGetDCName("", "testdomain", \$pdcname))
        print "Sorry, something went wrong; error: ";
        # get the error code
        print Win32::Lanman::GetLastError();
        exit 1;
 if(!Win32::Lanman::LsaEnumerateTrustedDomains($pdcname, \@domains))
        print "Sorry, something went wrong; error: ";
        # get the error code
        print Win32::Lanman::GetLastError();
        exit 1;
 foreach $domain(@domains)
        print "name=${$domain}{name}\t";
        print "sid=" . Win32::Lanman::SidToString(${$domain}{sid}) . "\n";

Enumerate all Trusted domains for your workstation

 if(!Win32::Lanman::LsaEnumerateTrustedDomains("", \@domains))
        print "Sorry, something went wrong; error: ";
        # get the error code
        print Win32::Lanman::GetLastError();
        exit 1;
 foreach my $domain (@domains)
                unless Win32::Lanman::NetGetAnyDCName("", ${$domain}{name},\$prim_dom_dcname);
        print "name=${$domain}{name}, anydc=$prim_dom_dcname\n";
                unless Win32::Lanman::LsaEnumerateTrustedDomains($prim_dom_dcname, \@trusts);
        foreach $trust(@trusts)
                        unless Win32::Lanman::NetGetAnyDCName($prim_dom_dcname, ${$trust}{name}, \$dcname);
                print "$prim_dom_dcname Trusts name=${$trust}{name}, anydc=$dcname\n";

LsaLookupNames($server, \@accounts, \@info)
Looks up for account names in @account on server \\testserver and returns the appropriate rid, domains, sid's and domain sid's.
 @accounts = ('user1', 'user2', 'group1', 'testdomain\\group2');
 if(!Win32::Lanman::LsaLookupNames("\\\\testserver", @accounts, \@infos))
        print "Sorry, something went wrong; error: ";
        # get the error code
        print Win32::Lanman::GetLastError();
        exit 1;
 foreach $info (@infos)
        print "name=", $accounts[$count++], "\n";
        @keys = sort keys %$info;
        foreach $key(@keys)
                if($key eq "domainsid" || $key eq "sid")
                        print "$key=" . unpack("H" . 2 * length(${$info}{$key}), ${$info}{$key}) . "\n";
                        print "$key=${$info}{$key}\n";

LsaLookupSids($server, \@sids, \@info)
Looks up for sid's in @sids on server \\testserver and returns the appropriate account names, domains, sid's and domain sid's.
 @sids = (
        pack("C12", 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0),                #everyone
        pack("C12", 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 2, 0, 0, 0, 0),                #local
        pack("C12", 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 5, 2, 0, 0, 0),                #network
        pack("C12", 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 5, 3, 0, 0, 0),                #batch
        pack("C12", 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 5, 6, 0, 0, 0),                #service
        pack("C12", 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 5, 3, 0, 0, 0),                #batch
        pack("C16", 1, 2, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 5, 32, 0, 0, 0, 32, 2, 0 ,0),  #administrators
        pack("C16", 1, 2, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 5, 32, 0, 0, 0, 33, 2, 0 ,0),  #users
        pack("C16", 1, 2, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 5, 32, 0, 0, 0, 34, 2, 0 ,0)   #guests
 if(!Win32::Lanman::LsaLookupSids("\\\\testserver", \@sids, \@infos))
        print "Sorry, something went wrong; error: ";
        # get the error code
        print Win32::Lanman::GetLastError();
        exit 1;
 foreach $info (@infos)
        print "sid=" . unpack("H" . 2 * length($sids[$count]), $sids[$count++]) . "\n";
        @keys = sort keys %$info;
        foreach $key(@keys)
                if($key eq "domainsid")
                        print "$key=" . unpack("H" . 2 * length(${$info}{$key}), ${$info}{$key}) . "\n";
                        print "$key=${$info}{$key}\n";

LsaEnumerateAccountsWithUserRight($server, $privilege, \@sids)
Enums all accounts granted the SeNetworkLogonRight privilege on server \\testserver.
 if(!Win32::Lanman::LsaEnumerateAccountsWithUserRight("\\\\testserver", &SE_NETWORK_LOGON_NAME, \@sids))
        print "Sorry, something went wrong; error: ";
        # get the error code
        print Win32::Lanman::GetLastError();
        exit 1;
 if(!Win32::Lanman::LsaLookupSids("\\\\testserver", \@sids, \@infos))
        print "Sorry, something went wrong; error: ";
        # get the error code
        print Win32::Lanman::GetLastError();
        exit 1;
 foreach $info (@infos)
        @keys = sort keys %$info;
        foreach $key(@keys)
                if($key eq "domainsid" || $key eq "sid")
                        print "$key=" . unpack("H" . 2 * length(${$info}{$key}), ${$info}{$key}) . "\n";
                        print "$key=${$info}{$key}\n";

LsaEnumerateAccountRights($server, $sid, \@privileges)
Enumerates all privileges granted to the account testuser on server \\testserver.
 if(!Win32::Lanman::LsaLookupNames("\\\\testserver", ['testuser'], \@infos))
        print "Sorry, something went wrong; error: ";
        # get the error code
        print Win32::Lanman::GetLastError();
        exit 1;
 if(!Win32::Lanman::LsaEnumerateAccountRights("\\\\testserver", ${$infos[0]}{sid}, \@privileges))
        print "Sorry, something went wrong; error: ";
        # get the error code
        print Win32::Lanman::GetLastError();
        exit 1;
 foreach $priv(@privileges)
        print "$priv\n";

LsaAddAccountRights($server, $sid, \@privileges)
Grants privileges SeBackupPrivilege, SeRestorePrivilege, SeShutdownPrivilege and SeDebugPrivilege to user testuser on server \\testserver.
 if(!Win32::Lanman::LsaLookupNames("\\\\testserver", ['testuser'], \@infos))
        print "Sorry, something went wrong; error: ";
        # get the error code
        print Win32::Lanman::GetLastError();
        exit 1;
 if(!Win32::Lanman::LsaAddAccountRights("\\\\testserver", ${$infos[0]}{sid},
                                [&SE_BACKUP_NAME, &SE_RESTORE_NAME, &SE_SHUTDOWN_NAME, &SE_DEBUG_NAME]))
        print "Sorry, something went wrong; error: ";
        # get the error code
        print Win32::Lanman::GetLastError();
        exit 1;

LsaRemoveAccountRights($server, $sid, \@privileges, [$all])
Removes the privileges SeBackupPrivilege, SeRestorePrivilege, SeShutdownPrivilege and SeDebugPrivilege from the user testuser on server \\testserver.
 if(!Win32::Lanman::LsaLookupNames("\\\\testserver", ['testuser'], \@infos))
        print "Sorry, something went wrong; error: ";
        # get the error code
        print Win32::Lanman::GetLastError();
        exit 1;
 if(!Win32::Lanman::LsaRemoveAccountRights("\\\\testserver", ${$infos[0]}{sid},
                                [&SE_BACKUP_NAME, &SE_RESTORE_NAME, &SE_SHUTDOWN_NAME, &SE_DEBUG_NAME]))
        print "Sorry, something went wrong; error: ";
        # get the error code
        print Win32::Lanman::GetLastError();
        exit 1;

Removes all privileges from the user testuser on server \\testserver.

 if(!Win32::Lanman::LsaLookupNames("\\\\testserver", ['testuser'], \@infos))
        print "Sorry, something went wrong; error: ";
        # get the error code
        print Win32::Lanman::GetLastError();
        exit 1;
 if(!Win32::Lanman::LsaRemoveAccountRights("\\\\testserver", ${$infos[0]}{sid}, [], 1))
        print "Sorry, something went wrong; error: ";
        # get the error code
        print Win32::Lanman::GetLastError();
        exit 1;

LsaQueryTrustedDomainInfo($server, $domainsid, $infotype, \%info)
Queries the trusted domain passwords for domain testdomain on server \\testserver. Don't call LsaQueryTrustedDomainInfo directly. Use the wrappers LsaQueryTrustedXXXInfo instead (see examples below).
 if(!Win32::Lanman::LsaLookupNames("\\\\testserver", ['testdomain'], \@domain))
        print "Sorry, something went wrong; error: ";
        # get the error code
        print Win32::Lanman::GetLastError();
        exit 1;
 if(!Win32::Lanman::LsaQueryTrustedDomainInfo("\\\\testserver", ${$domain[0]}{domainsid}, &TrustedPasswordInformation, \%info))
        print "Sorry, something went wrong; error: ";
        # get the error code
        print Win32::Lanman::GetLastError();
        exit 1;
 print "password=" . unpack("H" . 2 * length($info{password}), $info{password}) . "\n";
 print "oldpassword=" . unpack("H" . 2 * length($info{oldpassword}), $info{oldpassword}) . "\n";

LsaSetTrustedDomainInformation($server, $domainsid, $infotype, \%info)
Sets the trusted domain passwords for domain testdomain on server \\testserver to newpassword. Don't call LsaSetTrustedDomainInformation directly. Use the wrappers LsaQueryTrustedXXXInfo instead (see examples below).
 if(!Win32::Lanman::LsaLookupNames("\\\\testserver", ['testdomain'], \@domain))
        print "Sorry, something went wrong; error: ";
        # get the error code
        print Win32::Lanman::GetLastError();
        exit 1;
 if(!Win32::Lanman::LsaSetTrustedDomainInformation("\\\\testserver", ${$domain[0]}{domainsid}, 
                                                   { password => 'newpassword'}))
        print "Sorry, something went wrong; error: ";
        # get the error code
        print Win32::Lanman::GetLastError();
        exit 1;

LsaSetTrustedDomainInfo($server, $domainsid, $infotype, \%info)
Sets the trusted domain passwords for domain testdomain on server \\testserver to newpassword. Don't call LsaSetTrustedDomainInfo directly. Use the wrappers LsaQueryTrustedXXXInfo instead (see examples below).
 if(!Win32::Lanman::LsaLookupNames("\\\\testserver", ['testdomain'], \@domain))
        print "Sorry, something went wrong; error: ";
        # get the error code
        print Win32::Lanman::GetLastError();
        exit 1;
 if(!Win32::Lanman::LsaSetTrustedDomainInfo("\\\\testserver", ${$domain[0]}{domainsid}, 
                                            { password => 'newpassword'}))
        print "Sorry, something went wrong; error: ";
        # get the error code
        print Win32::Lanman::GetLastError();
        exit 1;

LsaQueryTrustedDomainNameInfo($server, $domainsid, \%info)
Queries the domain name info for domain testdomain on server \\testserver.
 if(!Win32::Lanman::LsaLookupNames("\\\\testserver", ['testdomain'], \@domain))
        print "Sorry, something went wrong; error: ";
        # get the error code
        print Win32::Lanman::GetLastError();
        exit 1;
 if(!Win32::Lanman::LsaQueryTrustedDomainNameInfo("\\\\testserver", ${$domain[0]}{domainsid}, \%info))
        print "Sorry, something went wrong; error: ";
        # get the error code
        print Win32::Lanman::GetLastError();
        exit 1;
 foreach $key(sort keys %info)
        print "$key=$info{$key}\n";

LsaSetTrustedDomainNameInfo($server, $domainsid, \%info)
Sets the trusted domain name for testdomain on the domain \\testserver belongs to. If testdomain isn't already a member of the trusted domain list, the function adds it. Keep in mind, this function is not tested completely.
 if(!Win32::Lanman::LsaLookupNames("\\\\testserver", ['testdomain'], \@domain))
        print "Sorry, something went wrong; error: ";
        # get the error code
        print Win32::Lanman::GetLastError();
        exit 1;
 if(!Win32::Lanman::LsaSetTrustedDomainNameInfo("\\\\testserver", ${$domain[0]}{domainsid}, {name => 'testdomain'}))
        print "Sorry, something went wrong; error: ";
        # get the error code
        print Win32::Lanman::GetLastError();
        exit 1;

LsaQueryTrustedPosixOffsetInfo($server, $domainsid, \%info)
Queries the posix rid used to create posix users or groups for domain testdomain on server \\testserver.
 if(!Win32::Lanman::LsaLookupNames("\\\\testserver", ['testdomain'], \@domain))
        print "Sorry, something went wrong; error: ";
        # get the error code
        print Win32::Lanman::GetLastError();
        exit 1;
 if(!Win32::Lanman::LsaQueryTrustedPosixOffsetInfo("\\\\testserver", ${$domain[0]}{domainsid}, \%info))
        print "Sorry, something went wrong; error: ";
        # get the error code
        print Win32::Lanman::GetLastError();
        exit 1;
 foreach $key(sort keys %info)
        print "$key=$info{$key}\n";

LsaSetTrustedPosixOffsetInfo($server, $domainsid, \%info)
Sets the posix rid used to create posix users or groups for domain testdomain on server \\testserver to the value 123456. You should use this function only, if you really know what you're doing! Keep in mind, this function is not tested completely.
 if(!Win32::Lanman::LsaLookupNames("\\\\testserver", ['testdomain'], \@domain))
        print "Sorry, something went wrong; error: ";
        # get the error code
        print Win32::Lanman::GetLastError();
        exit 1;
 if(!Win32::Lanman::LsaSetTrustedPosixOffsetInfo("\\\\testserver", ${$domain[0]}{domainsid}, 
                                                 {offset => 123456}))
        print "Sorry, something went wrong; error: ";
        # get the error code
        print Win32::Lanman::GetLastError();
        exit 1;

LsaQueryTrustedPasswordInfo($server, $domainsid, \%info)
Queries the trusted domain passwords for domain testdomain on server \\testserver.
 if(!Win32::Lanman::LsaLookupNames("\\\\testserver", ['testdomain'], \@domain))
        print "Sorry, something went wrong; error: ";
        # get the error code
        print Win32::Lanman::GetLastError();
        exit 1;
 if(!Win32::Lanman::LsaQueryTrustedPasswordInfo("\\\\testserver", ${$domain[0]}{domainsid}, \%info))
        print "Sorry, something went wrong; error: ";
        # get the error code
        print Win32::Lanman::GetLastError();
        exit 1;
 print "password=" . unpack("H" . 2 * length($info{password}), $info{password}) . "\n";
 print "oldpassword=" . unpack("H" . 2 * length($info{oldpassword}), $info{oldpassword}) . "\n";

LsaSetTrustedPasswordInfo($server, $domainsid, \%info)
Sets the trusted domain passwords for domain testdomain on server \\testserver to newpassword. You should use this function only, if you really know what you're doing! Keep in mind, this function is not tested completely.
 if(!Win32::Lanman::LsaLookupNames("\\\\testserver", ['testdomain'], \@domain))
        print "Sorry, something went wrong; error: ";
        # get the error code
        print Win32::Lanman::GetLastError();
        exit 1;
 if(!Win32::Lanman::LsaSetTrustedPasswordInfo("\\\\testserver", ${$domain[0]}{domainsid}, 
                                              { password => 'newpassword'}))
        print "Sorry, something went wrong; error: ";
        # get the error code
        print Win32::Lanman::GetLastError();
        exit 1;

LsaRetrievePrivateData($server, $key, \$data)
Retrieves private data (here the encrypted machine password - $MACHINE.ACC) that was stored by the LsaStorePrivateData function on server \\testserver. For further information about global, local and machine objects, see also the LsaRetrievePrivateData function in the MSDN (topic private data object).
 if(!Win32::Lanman::LsaRetrievePrivateData("\\\\testserver", "\$MACHINE.ACC", \$data))
        print "Sorry, something went wrong; error: ";
        # get the error code
        print Win32::Lanman::GetLastError();
        exit 1;
 print $data;

LsaStorePrivateData($server, $key, \$data)
Stores private data (here the encrypted machine password - $MACHINE.ACC) on server \\testserver. For further information about global, local and machine objects, see also the LsaStorePrivateData function in the MSDN (topic private data object). You should use this function only, if you really know what you're doing! Keep in mind, this function is not tested completely.
 if(!Win32::Lanman::LsaStorePrivateData("\\\\testserver", "\$MACHINE.ACC", 'new_machine_pwd'))
        print "Sorry, something went wrong; error: ";
        # get the error code
        print Win32::Lanman::GetLastError();
        exit 1;

GrantPrivilegeToAccount($server, $privilege, \@accounts)
Grants the SeShutdownPrivilege to users testuser1, testuser1 and group testgroup on server \\testserver.
 if(!Win32::Lanman::GrantPrivilegeToAccount("\\\\testserver", &SE_SHUTDOWN_NAME,
                                           ["testuser1", "testuser2", "testgroup"]))
        print "Sorry, something went wrong; error: ";
        # get the error code
        print Win32::Lanman::GetLastError();
        exit 1;

RevokePrivilegeFromAccount($server, $privilege, \@accounts)
Revokes the SeServiceLogonRight from users testuser1, testuser1 and group testgroup on server \\testserver.
 if(!Win32::Lanman::RevokePrivilegeToAccount("\\\\testserver", &SE_SERVICE_LOGON_NAME,
                                            ["testuser1", "testuser2", "testgroup"]))
        print "Sorry, something went wrong; error: ";
        # get the error code
        print Win32::Lanman::GetLastError();
        exit 1;

EnumAccountPrivileges($server, $account, \@privileges)
Enums all privileges held by an user testuser on server \\testserver.
 if(!Win32::Lanman::EnumAccountPrivileges("\\\\testserver", "testuser", \@privileges))
        print "Sorry, something went wrong; error: ";
        # get the error code
        print Win32::Lanman::GetLastError();
        exit 1;
 foreach (@privileges)
        print "$_\n";

EnumPrivilegeAccounts($server, $privilege, \@accounts)
Enums all accounts granted the privilege SE_INTERACTIVE_LOGON_NAME on server \\testserver.
 if(!Win32::Lanman::EnumAccountPrivileges("\\\\testserver", &SE_INTERACTIVE_LOGON_NAME, \@accounts))
        print "Sorry, something went wrong; error: ";
        # get the error code
        print Win32::Lanman::GetLastError();
        exit 1;
 foreach (@accounts)
        print "$_\n";

File System Replicator

NetReplExportDirAdd($server, \%info)
Registers an existing directory in the export path to be replicated.

NetReplExportDirDel($server, $directory)
Removes registration of a replicated directory.

NetReplExportDirEnum($server, \@directories)
Lists the replicated directories in the export path.

NetReplExportDirGetInfo($server, $directory, \%info)
Retrieves the control information of a replicated directory.

NetReplExportDirLock($server, $directory)
Locks a replicated directory.

NetReplExportDirSetInfo($server, $directory, \%info)
Modifies the control information of a replicated directory.

NetReplExportDirUnlock($server, $directory, [$forceUnlock])
Unlocks a replicated directory.

NetReplGetInfo($server, \%info)
Retrieves configuration information for the Replicator service.

NetReplImportDirAdd($server, $directory)
Registers an existing directory in the import path to be replicated.

NetReplImportDirDel($server, $directory)
Removes registration of a replicated directory.

NetReplImportDirEnum($server, \@directories)
Lists the replicated directories in the import path.

NetReplImportDirGetInfo($server, $directory, \%info)
Retrieves the control information of a replicated directory.

NetReplImportDirLock($server, $directory)
Locks a replicated directory.

NetReplImportDirUnlock($server, $directory, [$forceUnlock])
Unlocks a replicated directory.

NetReplSetInfo($server, \%info)
Modifies the Replicator service configuration information.

File System Replicator EXAMPLES:

NetReplExportDirAdd($server, \%info)
Registers an existing directory testexportdir in the export path of server \\testserver to be replicated.
                                       {'dirname' => "testexportdir",
                                        'integrity' => &REPL_INTEGRITY_FILE,
                                        'extent' => &REPL_EXTENT_TREE}))
        print "Sorry, something went wrong; error: ";
        # get the error code
        print Win32::Lanman::GetLastError();
        exit 1;

NetReplExportDirDel($server, $directory)
Removes registration of replicated directory testexportdir on server \\testserver.
 if(!Win32::Lanman::NetReplExportDirDel("\\\\testserver", "testexportdir"))
        print "Sorry, something went wrong; error: ";
        # get the error code
        print Win32::Lanman::GetLastError();
        exit 1;

NetReplExportDirEnum($server, \@directories)
Lists the replicated directories in the export path on server \\testserver.
 if(!Win32::Lanman::NetReplExportDirEnum("\\\\testserver", \@directories))
        print "Sorry, something went wrong; error: ";
        # get the error code
        print Win32::Lanman::GetLastError();
        exit 1;
 foreach $directory (@directories)
        @keys = sort keys %$directory;
        foreach $key (@keys)
                print "$key=${$directory}{$key}\n";

NetReplExportDirGetInfo($server, $directory, \%info)
Retrieves the control information of the replicated directory testexportdir on server \\testserver.
 if(!Win32::Lanman::NetReplExportDirGetInfo("\\\\testserver", "testexportdir", \%info))
        print "Sorry, something went wrong; error: ";
        # get the error code
        print Win32::Lanman::GetLastError();
        exit 1;
 @keys = keys %info;
 foreach $key (@keys)
        print "$key=$info{$key}\n";

NetReplExportDirLock($server, $directory)
Adds a lock to the replicated directory testexportdir on server \\testserver.
 if(!Win32::Lanman::NetReplExportDirLock("\\\\testserver", "testexportdir"))
        print "Sorry, something went wrong; error: ";
        # get the error code
        print Win32::Lanman::GetLastError();
        exit 1;

NetReplExportDirSetInfo($server, $directory, \%info)
Modifies the control information of the replicated directory testexportdir on server \\testserver.
 if(!Win32::Lanman::NetReplExportDirSetInfo("\\\\testserver", "testexportdir",
                                           {'dirname' => "testexportdir",
                                            'integrity' => &REPL_INTEGRITY_FILE,
                                            'extent' => &REPL_EXTENT_FILE}))
        print "Sorry, something went wrong; error: ";
        # get the error code
        print Win32::Lanman::GetLastError();
        exit 1;

NetReplExportDirUnlock($server, $directory, [$forceUnlock])
Decrements the lock counter by one for the replicated directory testexportdir on server \\testserver.
 if(!Win32::Lanman::NetReplExportDirUnlock("\\\\testserver", "testexportdir"))
        print "Sorry, something went wrong; error: ";
        # get the error code
        print Win32::Lanman::GetLastError();
        exit 1;

Sets the lock counter to zero for the replicated directory testexportdir on server \\testserver.

 if(!Win32::Lanman::NetReplExportDirUnlock("\\\\testserver", "testexportdir", REPL_UNLOCK_FORCE))
        print "Sorry, something went wrong; error: ";
        # get the error code
        print Win32::Lanman::GetLastError();
        exit 1;

NetReplGetInfo($server, \%info)
Retrieves configuration information for the Replicator service on server \\testserver.
 if(!Win32::Lanman::NetReplGetInfo("\\\\testserver", \%info))
        print "Sorry, something went wrong; error: ";
        # get the error code
        print Win32::Lanman::GetLastError();
        exit 1;
 @keys = keys %info;
 foreach $key (@keys)
        print "$key=$info{$key}\n";

NetReplImportDirAdd($server, $directory)
Registers an existing directory testimportdir in the import path of server \\testserver to be replicated.
 if(!Win32::Lanman::NetReplImportDirAdd("\\\\terstserver", "testimportdir"))
        print "Sorry, something went wrong; error: ";
        # get the error code
        print Win32::Lanman::GetLastError();
        exit 1;

NetReplImportDirDel($server, $directory)
Removes registration of replicated directory testimportdir on server \\testserver.
 if(!Win32::Lanman::NetReplImportDirDel("\\\\testserver", "testimportdir"))
        print "Sorry, something went wrong; error: ";
        # get the error code
        print Win32::Lanman::GetLastError();
        exit 1;

NetReplImportDirEnum($server, \@directories)
Lists the replicated directories in the import path on server \\testserver.
 if(!Win32::Lanman::NetReplImportDirEnum("\\\\testserver", \@directories))
        print "Sorry, something went wrong; error: ";
        # get the error code
        print Win32::Lanman::GetLastError();
        exit 1;
 foreach $directory (@directories)
        @keys = keys %$directory;
        foreach $key (@keys)
                print "$key=${$directory}{$key}\n";

NetReplImportDirGetInfo($server, $directory, \%info)
Retrieves the control information of the replicated directory testimportdir on server \\testserver.
 if(!Win32::Lanman::NetReplImportDirGetInfo("\\\\testserver", "testimportdir", \%info))
        print "Sorry, something went wrong; error: ";
        # get the error code
        print Win32::Lanman::GetLastError();
        exit 1;
 @keys = keys %info;
 foreach $key (@keys)
        print "$key=$info{$key}\n";

NetReplImportDirLock($server, $directory)
Adds a lock to the replicated directory testimportdir on server \\testserver.
 if(!Win32::Lanman::NetReplImportDirLock("\\\\testserver", "testimportdir"))
        print "Sorry, something went wrong; error: ";
        # get the error code
        print Win32::Lanman::GetLastError();
        exit 1;

NetReplImportDirUnlock($server, $directory, [$forceUnlock])
Decrements the lock counter by one for the replicated directory testimportdir on server \\testserver.
 if(!Win32::Lanman::NetReplImportDirUnlock("\\\\testserver", "testimportdir"))
        print "Sorry, something went wrong; error: ";
        # get the error code
        print Win32::Lanman::GetLastError();
        exit 1;

Sets the lock counter to zero for the replicated directory testimportdir on server \\testserver.

 if(!Win32::Lanman::NetReplImportDirUnlock("\\\\testserver", "testimportdir", REPL_UNLOCK_FORCE))
        print "Sorry, something went wrong; error: ";
        # get the error code
        print Win32::Lanman::GetLastError();
        exit 1;

NetReplSetInfo($server, \%info)
Modifies the Replicator service configuration information on server \\testserver.
                                  {role => REPL_ROLE_BOTH,
                                   exportpath => "c:\\winnt\\system32\\repl\\export",
                                   exportlist => 'testexpdomain',
                                   importpath => "c:\\winnt\\system32\\repl\\import",
                                   importlist => 'testimpdomain',
                                   logonusername => '',
                                   interval => 10,
                                   pulse => 2,
                                   guardtime => 5,
                                   random => 120}))
        print "Sorry, something went wrong; error: ";
        # get the error code
        print Win32::Lanman::GetLastError();
        exit 1;


NetScheduleJobAdd($server, \%info)
Submits a job to run at a specified future time and date.

NetScheduleJobDel($server, $minjobid, $maxjobid)
Deletes a range of jobs queued to run at a computer.

NetScheduleJobEnum($server, \@info)
Lists the jobs queued on a specified computer.

NetScheduleJobGetInfo($server, \@info)
Retrieves information about a particular job queued on a specified computer.

Schedule EXAMPLES:

NetScheduleJobAdd($server, \%info)
Submits a job to run at at 12 o'clock noon on server \\testserver.
                                     {jobtime => 12 * 3600 * 1000,
                                      daysofmonth => 0, daysofmonth => 0,
                                      daysofweek => 0,
                                      flags => 0,
                                      command => "winfile.exe"}))
        print "Sorry, something went wrong; error: ";
        # get the error code
        print Win32::Lanman::GetLastError();
        exit 1;
 print $info{jobid};

NetScheduleJobDel($server, $minjobid, $maxjobid)
Deletes all jobs between job id's 5 to 10 on server \\testserver.
 if(!Win32::Lanman::NetScheduleJobDel("\\\\testserver", 5, 10))
        print "Sorry, something went wrong; error: ";
        # get the error code
        print Win32::Lanman::GetLastError();
        exit 1;

NetScheduleJobEnum($server, \@info)
Lists the job properties of all jobs queued on server \\testserver.
 if(!Win32::Lanman::NetScheduleJobEnum("\\\\testserver", \@jobs))
        print "Sorry, something went wrong; error: ";
        # get the error code
        print Win32::Lanman::GetLastError();
        exit 1;
 foreach $job (@jobs)
        @keys = keys %$job;
        foreach $key (@keys)
                print "$key=${$job}{$key}\n";

NetScheduleJobGetInfo($server, \@info)
Retrieves information about job 5 queued on server \\testserver.
 if(!Win32::Lanman::NetScheduleJobGetInfo("\\\\testserver", 5, \%job))
        print "Sorry, something went wrong; error: ";
        # get the error code
        print Win32::Lanman::GetLastError();
        exit 1;
 @keys = keys %job;
 foreach $key (@keys)
        print "$key=$job{$key}\n";


NetServerDiskEnum($server, \@info)
Retrieves a list of disk drives on a server.

NetServerEnum($server, $domain, $type, \@info)
Lists all servers of the specified type that are visible in the specified domain.

$type can be any of the constants SV_TYPE_*. e.g. SV_TYPE_SQLSERVER , SV_TYPE_TERMINALSERVER , SV_TYPE_NT .

These can also be combined using |. To get all SQL servers or terminal servers user $type = SV_TYPE_SQLSERVER | SV_TYPE_TERMINALSERVER

NetServerGetInfo($server, \%info, [$fullinfo])
Retrieves information about the specified server.

NetServerSetInfo($server, \%info, [$fullinfo])
Sets a server’s operating parameters.

NetServerTransportAdd($server, \%info)
Binds the server to the transport.

NetServerTransportDel($server, \%info)
Unbinds (or disconnects) the transport protocol from the server.

NetServerTransportEnum($server, \@info)
Supplies information about transports that are managed by the server.


NetServerDiskEnum($server, \@info)
Retrieves a list of disk drives on server \\testserver.
 if(!Win32::Lanman::NetServerDiskEnum("\\\\testserver", \@disks))
        print "Sorry, something went wrong; error: ";
        # get the error code
        print Win32::Lanman::GetLastError();
        exit 1;
 foreach $disk (@disks)
        print "$disk\n";

NetServerEnum($server, $domain, $type, \@info)
Lists all servers of the type SV_TYPE_NT that are visible in the domain testdomain. The command will be executed on \\\\testserver.
 if(!Win32::Lanman::NetServerEnum("\\\\testserver", "testdomain", SV_TYPE_NT, \@info))
        print "Sorry, something went wrong; error: ";
        # get the error code
        print Win32::Lanman::GetLastError();
        exit 1;
 foreach $server (@info)
        @keys = keys %$server;
        foreach $key(@keys)
                print "$key=${$server}{$key}\n";

NetServerGetInfo($server, \%info, [$fullinfo])
Retrieves basic and extended information about the server \\testserver.
 if(!Win32::Lanman::NetServerGetInfo("\\\\testserver", \%info, 1))
        print "Sorry, something went wrong; error: ";
        # get the error code
        print Win32::Lanman::GetLastError();
        exit 1;
 @keys = keys %info;
 foreach $key(@keys)
        print "$key=$info{$key}\n";

Retrieves only basic information about the server \\testserver.

 if(!Win32::Lanman::NetServerGetInfo("\\\\testserver", \%info))
        print "Sorry, something went wrong; error: ";
        # get the error code
        print Win32::Lanman::GetLastError();
        exit 1;
 @keys = keys %info;
 foreach $key(@keys)
        print "$key=$info{$key}\n";

NetServerSetInfo($server, \%info, [$fullinfo])
Changes the server’s operating parameters userpath to c:\users and hidden to true on server \\testserver.
 if(!Win32::Lanman::NetServerGetInfo("\\\\testserver", \%info))
        print "Sorry, something went wrong; error: ";
        # get the error code
        print Win32::Lanman::GetLastError();
        exit 1;

$info{'hidden'} = 1; $info{'userpath'} = ``c:\\users'';

 if(!Win32::Lanman::NetServerSetInfo("\\\\testserver", \%info))
        print "Sorry, something went wrong; error: ";
        # get the error code
        print Win32::Lanman::GetLastError();
        exit 1;

NetServerTransportAdd($server, \%info)
Binds the server to the transport on server \\testserver.
                                         {'domain' => 'testdomain',
                                          'networkaddress' => '000000000000',
                                          'numberofvcs' => 0,
                                          'transportaddress' => 'TESTSERVER',
                                          'transportaddresslength' => length('TESTSERVER'),
                                          'transportname' => "\\Device\\NetBT_NdisWan7"
        print "Sorry, something went wrong; error: ";
        # get the error code
        print Win32::Lanman::GetLastError();
        exit 1;

NetServerTransportDel($server, \%info)
Unbinds (or disconnects) the transport protocol on server \\testserver.
                                         {'domain' => 'testdomain',
                                          'networkaddress' => '000000000000',
                                          'numberofvcs' => 0,
                                          'transportaddress' => 'TESTSERVER',
                                          'transportaddresslength' => length('TESTSERVER'),
                                          'transportname' => "\\Device\\NetBT_NdisWan7"
        print "Sorry, something went wrong; error: ";
        # get the error code
        print Win32::Lanman::GetLastError();
        exit 1;

NetServerTransportEnum($server, \@info)
Supplies information about transports that are managed by the server \\testserver.
 if(!Win32::Lanman::NetServerTransportEnum("\\\\testserver", \@info))
        print "Sorry, something went wrong; error: ";
        # get the error code
        print Win32::Lanman::GetLastError();
        exit 1;
 foreach $server (@info)
        @keys = keys %$server;
        foreach $key(@keys)
                print "$key=#${$server}{$key}#\n";


NetSessionDel($server, $client, $user)
Ends a session between a server and a workstation.

NetSessionEnum($server, $client, $user, \@info)
Provides information about all current sessions.

NetSessionGetInfo($server, $client, $user, \%info)
Retrieves information about a session established .


NetSessionDel($server, $client, $user)
Ends all session on server \\testserver.
 if(!Win32::Lanman::NetSessionDel("\\\\testserver", '', ''))
        print "Sorry, something went wrong; error: ";
        # get the error code
        print Win32::Lanman::GetLastError();
        exit 1;

Ends the session on server \\testserver to client \\testclient for user testuser.

 if(!Win32::Lanman::NetSessionDel("\\\\testserver", "\\\\testclient", "testuser"))
        print "Sorry, something went wrong; error: ";
        # get the error code
        print Win32::Lanman::GetLastError();
        exit 1;

NetSessionEnum($server, $client, $user, \@info)
Provides information about all current sessions on server \\testserver.
 if(!Win32::Lanman::NetSessionEnum("\\\\testserver", "", "", \@sessions))
        print "Sorry, something went wrong; error: ";
        # get the error code
        print Win32::Lanman::GetLastError();
        exit 1;
 foreach $session (@sessions)
        @keys = keys %$session;
        foreach $key(@keys)
                print "$key=#${$session}{$key}#\n";

Provides information about the current sessions for client \\testclient and user testuser on server \\testserver.

 if(!Win32::Lanman::NetSessionEnum("\\\\testserver", "\\\\testclient", "testuser", \@sessions))
        print "Sorry, something went wrong; error: ";
        # get the error code
        print Win32::Lanman::GetLastError();
        exit 1;
 foreach $session (@sessions)
        @keys = keys %$session;
        foreach $key (@keys)
                print "$key=#${$session}{$key}#\n";

NetSessionGetInfo($server, $client, $user, \%info)
Retrieves information about a session on server \\\\testserver for client \\testclient.
 if(!Win32::Lanman::NetSessionGetInfo("\\\\testserver", "\\\\testclient", "", \%session))
        print "Sorry, something went wrong; error: ";
        # get the error code
        print Win32::Lanman::GetLastError();
        exit 1;
 @keys = keys %session;
 foreach $key (@keys)
        print "$key=$session{$key}\n";


In the following section on shares. Information about a share is stored in a hash (%shareinfo). The following are valid keys: netname, type, remark, permissions, max_uses, current_uses, path, passwd and security_descriptor (which is has a binary value)

NetShareAdd($server, \%shareinfo)
Adds a new share on $server.

NetShareCheck($server, $path, \$type)
Checks whether or not a $server is sharing a device.

NetShareDel($server, $share)
Deletes a share from $server.

NetShareEnum($server, \@shares)
Enumerates all shares on $server.

NetShareGetInfo($server, $share, \%info)
Gets information about $share on $server, the results are stored in %info

NetShareSetInfo($server, $share, \%info)
Sets information about $share on $server as specified in %info.

NetConnectionEnum($server, $share_or_computer, \%connections)
Gets all connections made to a shared resource on the server $server or all connections established from a particular computer. If $share_or_computer has two backslashes befor the name it is interpreted as a computer name, otherwise as a share name.


NetShareAdd($server, \%shareinfo)
Adds a new share on server \\testdfsserver. If you want to set security, you have to build a security descriptor.
 $secdesc = ...
                               {'netname' => 'testshare',                       # share name
                                type => Win32::Lanman::STYPE_DISKTREE,          # share type
                                remark => 'remark for testshare',               # remark
                                permissions => 0,                               # only used for share level security
                                max_uses => 5,                                  # number of users can connect
                                current_uses => 0,                              # unused
                                path => 'c:\test',                              # physical share path
                                passwd => 'password',                           # password
                                security_descriptor => $secdesc}))              # sec. descriptor if you need security
        print "Sorry, something went wrong; error: ";
        # get the error code
        print Win32::Lanman::GetLastError();
        exit 1;

NetShareCheck($server, $path, \$type)
Checks if c:\test on server \\testserver is sharing a device.
 if(!Win32::Lanman::NetShareCheck("\\\\testserver", "c:\\test", \$type))
        print "Sorry, something went wrong; error: ";
        # get the error code
        print Win32::Lanman::GetLastError();
        exit 1;
 print $type;

NetShareDel($server, $path)
Deletes share testshare on server \\testserver
 if(!Win32::Lanman::NetShareDel("\\\\testserver", "testshare"))
        print "Sorry, something went wrong; error: ";
        # get the error code
        print Win32::Lanman::GetLastError();
        exit 1;

NetShareEnum($server, \@shares)
Enums all shares on server \\testserver
 if(!Win32::Lanman::NetShareEnum("\\\\testserver", \@shares))
        print "Sorry, something went wrong; error: ";
        # get the error code
        print Win32::Lanman::GetLastError();
        exit 1;
 foreach $share (@shares)
        print "${$share}{'netname'}\n";
        print "${$share}{'type'}\n";
        print "${$share}{'remark'}\n";
        print "${$share}{'permissions'}\n";
        print "${$share}{'max_uses'}\n";
        print "${$share}{'current_uses'}\n";
        print "${$share}{'path'}\n";
        print "${$share}{'passwd'}\n";
        #don't print these binary data
        #print "${$share}{'security_descriptor'}\n";

NetShareGetInfo($server, $share, \%info)
Gets information on share testshare on server \\testserver
 if(!Win32::Lanman::NetShareGetInfo("\\\\testserver", "testshare", \%info))
        print "Sorry, something went wrong; error: ";
        # get the error code
        print Win32::Lanman::GetLastError();
        exit 1;
 print "$info{'netname'}\n";
 print "$info{'type'}\n";
 print "$info{'remark'}\n";
 print "$info{'permissions'}\n";
 print "$info{'max_uses'}\n";
 print "$info{'current_uses'}\n";
 print "$info{'path'}\n";
 print "$info{'passwd'}\n";
 #don't print these binary data
 #print "$info{'security_descriptor'}\n";

NetShareSetInfo($server, $share, \%info)
Sets information on share testshare on server \\testserver
 unless(Win32::Lanman::NetShareSetInfo("\\\\testserver", "testshare", 
                                    {'remark' => 'new remark', 'max_uses' => 5}))
        print "Sorry, something went wrong; error: ";
        # get the error code
        print Win32::Lanman::GetLastError();
        exit 1;

NetConnectionEnum($server, $share_or_computer, \%connections)
Gets all connections made to the share testshare on server \\testserver.
 if(!Win32::Lanman::NetConnectionEnum("\\\\testserver", "testshare", \%conns))
        print "Sorry, something went wrong; error: ";
        # get the error code
        print Win32::Lanman::GetLastError();
        exit 1;
 foreach $conn(@conns)
        foreach $key(sort keys %$conn)
                print "$key=${$conn}{$key}\n";

Gets all connections made from computer testcomputer to the server testserver.

 if(!Win32::Lanman::NetConnectionEnum("\\\\testserver", "\\\\testcomputer", \%conns))
        print "Sorry, something went wrong; error: ";
        # get the error code
        print Win32::Lanman::GetLastError();
        exit 1;
 foreach $conn(@conns)
        foreach $key(sort keys %$conn)
                print "$key=${$conn}{$key}\n";


NetStatisticsGet($server, $service, \%info)
Retrieves operating statistics for a service.

Statistics EXAMPLES:

Retrieves operating statistics for the service server on server \\testserver.

 if(!Win32::Lanman::NetStatisticsGet("\\\\testserver", "SERVER", \%statistics))
        print "Sorry, something went wrong; error: ";
        # get the error code
        print Win32::Lanman::GetLastError();
        exit 1;
 @keys = keys %statistics;
 foreach $key (@keys)
        print "$key=$statistics{$key}\n";

Retrieves operating statistics for the service workstation on server \\testserver.

 if(!Win32::Lanman::NetStatisticsGet("\\\\testserver", "WORKSTATION", \%statistics))
        print "Sorry, something went wrong; error: ";
        # get the error code
        print Win32::Lanman::GetLastError();
        exit 1;
 @keys = keys %statistics;
 foreach $key (@keys)
        print "$key=$statistics{$key}\n";


NetWkstaGetInfo($server, \@info, $fullinfo)
Returns information about the configuration elements for a workstation.

NetWkstaSetInfo($server, \%info)
Configures a workstation.

NetWkstaTransportAdd($server, \%info)
Binds (or connects) the redirector to the transport.

NetWkstaTransportDel($server, $transport, $force)
Unbinds the transport protocol from the redirector.

NetWkstaTransportEnum($server, \@info)
Supplies information about transport protocols that are managed by the redirector.

Returns information about the currently logged-on user. This function must be called in the context of the logged-on user.

Returns information about the currently logged-on user. This function must be called in the context of the logged-on user.

NetWkstaUserEnum($server, \@info)
Lists information about all users currently logged on to the workstation.

Workstation EXAMPLES:

NetWkstaGetInfo($server, \@info, $fullinfo)
Returns information about the configuration elements for \\testserver.
 if(!Win32::Lanman::NetWkstaGetInfo("\\\\testserver", \%info, 1))
        print "Sorry, something went wrong; error: ";
        # get the error code
        print Win32::Lanman::GetLastError();
        exit 1;
 @keys = keys %info;
 foreach $key (@keys)
        print "$key=$info{$key}\n";

NetWkstaSetInfo(``\\\\testserver'', \%info)
Configures \\testserver.
 if(!Win32::Lanman::NetWkstaSetInfo($server, {'char_wait' => 3600,
                                 'collection_time' => 250,
                                 'maximum_collection_count' => 16,
                                 'keep_conn' => 600,
                                 'sess_timeout' => 45,
                                 'siz_char_buf' => 512}))
        print "Sorry, something went wrong; error: ";
        # get the error code
        print Win32::Lanman::GetLastError();
        exit 1;

NetWkstaTransportAdd($server, \%info)
Binds (or connects) the redirector to the transport on server \\testserver.
                                        {'number_of_vcs' => 0,
                                         'transport_address' => '000000000000',
                                         'transport_name' => "\\Device\\NetBT_NdisWan7",
                                         'quality_of_service' => 0xffff}))
        print "Sorry, something went wrong; error: ";
        # get the error code
        print Win32::Lanman::GetLastError();
        exit 1;

NetWkstaTransportDel($server, $transport, $force)
Unbinds the transport protocol from the redirector on server \\testserver.
 if(!Win32::Lanman::NetWkstaTransportDel("\\\\testserver", "\\Device\\NetBT_NdisWan7", USE_FORCE))
        print "Sorry, something went wrong; error: ";
        # get the error code
        print Win32::Lanman::GetLastError();
        exit 1;

NetWkstaTransportEnum($server, \@info)
Supplies information about transport protocols that are managed by the redirector on server \\testserver.
 if(!Win32::Lanman::NetWkstaTransportEnum("\\\\testserver", \@info))
        print "Sorry, something went wrong; error: ";
        # get the error code
        print Win32::Lanman::GetLastError();
        exit 1;
 foreach $transport (@info)
        @keys = keys %$transport;
        foreach $key (@keys)
                print "$key=#${$transport}{$key}#\n";

Returns information about the currently logged-on user. This function must be called in the context of the logged-on user.
        print "Sorry, something went wrong; error: ";
        # get the error code
        print Win32::Lanman::GetLastError();
        exit 1;
 @keys = keys %info;
 foreach $key (@keys)
        print "$key=$info{$key}\n";

Returns information about the currently logged-on user. This function must be called in the context of the logged-on user.
 if(!Win32::Lanman::NetWkstaUserSetInfo({'username' => 'testuser',
                                        'logon_domain' => 'testdomain',
                                        'oth_domains' => 'test_oth_domain',
                                        'logon_server' => 'logonserver'}))
        print "Sorry, something went wrong; error: ";
        # get the error code
        print Win32::Lanman::GetLastError();
        exit 1;

NetWkstaUserEnum($server, \@info)
Lists information about all users currently logged on \\testserver.
 if(!Win32::Lanman::NetWkstaUserEnum("\\\\testserver", \@info))
        print "Sorry, something went wrong; error: ";
        # get the error code
        print Win32::Lanman::GetLastError();
        exit 1;
 foreach $user (@info)
        @keys = keys %$user;
        foreach $key (@keys)
                print "$key=#${$user}{$key}#\n";

Time and Misc

NetRemoteTOD($server, \%info)
Returns the time of day information from a specified server.

NetRemoteComputerSupports($server, $options, \$supported)
Retrieves the optional features the remote server supports.

Time and Misc EXAMPLES:

NetRemoteTOD($server, \%info)
Returns the time of day information from server \\testserver.
 if(!Win32::Lanman::NetRemoteTOD("\\\\testserver", \%info))
        print "Sorry, something went wrong; error: ";
        # get the error code
        print Win32::Lanman::GetLastError();
        exit 1;
 @keys = keys %info;
 foreach $key(@keys)
        print "$key=$info{$key}\n";

NetRemoteComputerSupports($server, $options, \$supported)
Retrieves which of the options in $options are supported on server \\testserver.
                                              &SUPPORTS_REMOTE_ADMIN_PROTOCOL | 
                                              &SUPPORTS_RPC | &SUPPORTS_SAM_PROTOCOL | 
                                              &SUPPORTS_UNICODE, \$supported))
        print "Sorry, something went wrong; error: ";
        # get the error code
        print Win32::Lanman::GetLastError();
        exit 1;
 print "RAP is", ($supported & &SUPPORTS_REMOTE_ADMIN_PROTOCOL) ? "" : " not", " supported\n";
 print "RPC is", ($supported & &SUPPORTS_RPC) ? "" : " not", " supported\n";
 print "SAM is", ($supported & &SUPPORTS_SAM_PROTOCOL) ? "" : " not", " supported\n";
 print "UNICODE is", ($supported & &SUPPORTS_UNICODE) ? "" : " not", " supported\n";


Establishes a connection to a shared resource.

NetUseDel($usename, [$forcedel])
Deletes a connection to a shared resource.

Enumerates all connections to shared resources.

NetUseGetInfo($usename, \%info)
Gets information about a connection to a shared resource.


Establishes a connection to a ipc$ on server \\testserver. The connection will be established in context of user testdomain\testuser.
 if(!Win32::Lanman::NetUseAdd({remote => "\\\\testserver\\ipc\$",
                              password => "testpass",
                              username => "testuser",
                              domain => "testdomain",
                              asg_type => &USE_IPC}))
        print "Sorry, something went wrong; error: ";
        # get the error code
        print Win32::Lanman::GetLastError();
        exit 1;

connects drive h: to \\testserver\testshare.

 if(!Win32::Lanman::NetUseAdd({remote => "\\\\testserver\\testshare",
                              local => "h:",
                              asg_type => &USE_DISKDEV}))
        print "Sorry, something went wrong; error: ";
        # get the error code
        print Win32::Lanman::GetLastError();
        exit 1;

connects port lpt3: to \\testserver\testprint.

 if(!Win32::Lanman::NetUseAdd({remote => "\\\\testserver\\testprint",
                              local => "lpt3:",
                              asg_type => &USE_SPOOLDEV}))
        print "Sorry, something went wrong; error: ";
        # get the error code
        print Win32::Lanman::GetLastError();
        exit 1;

NetUseDel($usename, [$forcedel])
Deletes a connection to \\testserver\testshare. If there are open files, the connection won't be closed.
        print "Sorry, something went wrong; error: ";
        # get the error code
        print Win32::Lanman::GetLastError();
        exit 1;

Deletes the connection to drive h:. If there are open files, the connection will be closed.

 if(!Win32::Lanman::NetUseDel("h:", &USE_FORCE))
        print "Sorry, something went wrong; error: ";
        # get the error code
        print Win32::Lanman::GetLastError();
        exit 1;

Enumerates all connections to shared resources.
        print "Sorry, something went wrong; error: ";
        # get the error code
        print Win32::Lanman::GetLastError();
        exit 1;
 foreach $use (@uses)
        foreach (sort keys %$use)
                print "$_=${$use}{$_}\n";

NetUseGetInfo($usename, \%info)
Gets information about the to \\testserver\testshare.
 if(!Win32::Lanman::NetUseGetInfo('\\\\testserver\\testshare', \%info))
        print "Sorry, something went wrong; error: ";
        # get the error code
        print Win32::Lanman::GetLastError();
        exit 1;
 foreach (sort keys %info)
        print "$_=$info{$_}\n";


In this section, you cannot specify a domain name for the server parameter. Instead to affect domain accounts, obtain the PDC, using NetGetDCName, and then make the calls against this server.

NetUserAdd($server, \%user)
Creates a new user $user on server $server.

NetUserChangePassword($location, $user, $oldpassword, $newpassword)
Changes the password for user $location\$user from $oldpassword to $newpassword. $oldpassword must be supplied, otherwise you will get error 86 (wrong password).

To Change the password for a domain account run the command on the PDC (not a BDC!).

To change a user's password without knowing the old password use NetUserSetInfo or NetUserSetProp.
To do this you need to have admin rights to perform the task.
$location should be either a domainname (clear text) or a servername ('\\server') 
for local machine accounts.

Note in this function should you desire to create a local machine account you must use the ``\\\\my_machine'' format for $location; the module does not insert the '\\' for you for this function!

NetUserCheckPassword($domain, $user, $password)
Checks if a user password is valid or not. This function is implemented by the Win32 LogonUser function and tries to log on the user over the network. If the user account has been disabled, locked out or expired or the user has not been granted the SeNetworkLogonRight (access this computer from the network) privilege, the function fails even you have specified the correct password. With Windows 2000 your script needs the SeTcbPrivilege (act as part of the operating system) privilege.

NetUserDel($server, $user)
Deletes user $user on server $server.

NetUserEnum($domain, $filter, \@user)
Enumerates all user in a domain or on a server.

NetUserGetGroups($server, $user, \@groups)
Enumerates all global groups on server $server to which user $user belongs.

NetUserGetInfo($server, $user, \%info)
Retrieves information about user $user on server $server.

NetUserGetLocalGroups($server, $user, $flags, \@groups)
Enumerates all local (and global if you specify LG_INCLUDE_INDIRECT in $flags) groups on server $server to which user $user belongs.

NetUserSetGroups($server, $user, \@groups)
Sets global group memberships for user $user on server $server.

NetUserSetInfo($server, $user, \%info)
Sets the parameters of user $user on server $server. You cannot specify a domain name, it must be a server.

NetUserSetProp($server, $user, \%info)
Sets on or more parameters of user $user on server $server. You cannot specify a domain name, it must be a server.

NetUserModalsGet($server, \%info)
Retrieves global information for all users and global groups in the security database on server $server.

NetUserModalsSet($server, \%info)
Sets global information for all users and global groups in the security database on server $server. This call is not tested!!!

Converts a standard text format for a sid into the binary packed format used by NT internally

Converts a sid in binary format to the standard text format ( e.g. S-1-3-3479834-3464-7664)


NetUserAdd($server, \@shares)
Creates a new user testuser on server \\testserver.
 if(!Win32::Lanman::NetUserAdd("\\\\testserver", {'name' => 'testuser',
                                                 'password' => 'testpassword',
                                                 'home_dir' => '\\\\testserver\\testshare',
                                                 'comment' => 'test users comment',
                                                 'flags' => UF_ACCOUNTDISABLE | UF_PASSWD_CANT_CHANGE | UF_TEMP_DUPLICATE_ACCOUNT,
                                                 'script_path' => '\\\\testserver\\testshare\\logon_script.bat',
                                                 'full_name' => 'test users full name',
                                                 'usr_comment' => 'test users usr comment',
                                                 'parms' => 'test users parameters',
                                                 'workstations' => 'comp0001,comp0002,comp0003,comp0004,comp0005,comp0006,comp0007,comp0008',
                                                 'profile' => '\\\\testserver\\testshare\\profile_dir',
                                                 'home_dir_drive' => 'Y:',
                                                 'acct_expires' => time() + 3600 * 24,
                                                 'country_code' => 49,
                                                 'code_page' => 850,
                                                 'logon_hours' => pack("b168", "000000001111111100000000" x 7),
                                                 'password_expired' => 1}))
        print "Sorry, something went wrong; error: ";
        # get the error code
        print Win32::Lanman::GetLastError();
        exit 1;

NetUserChangePassword($domain, $user, $oldpassword, $newpassword)
Changes user testuser's password in the domain testdomain.
 if(!Win32::Lanman::NetUserChangePassword("testdomain", 'testuser', 'old_password', 'new_password'))
        print "Sorry, something went wrong; error: ";
        # get the error code
        print Win32::Lanman::GetLastError();
        exit 1;

Changes user testuser's password on the server \\testserver.

 if(!Win32::Lanman::NetUserChangePassword("\\\\testserver", 'testuser', 'old_password', 'new_password'))
        print "Sorry, something went wrong; error: ";
        # get the error code
        print Win32::Lanman::GetLastError();
        exit 1;

NetUserCheckPassword($domain, $user, $password)
Checks if user testuser's password testpass in the domain testdomain is valid or not.
 if(!Win32::Lanman::NetUserCheckPassword("testdomain", 'testuser', 'testpass'))
        print "Password testpass for user testuser in domain testdomain isn't valid; error: ";
        # get the error code
        print Win32::Lanman::GetLastError();
        exit 1;

 print "Password testpass for user testuser in domain testdomain is valid.";

Checks if user testuser's password testpass on the server \\testserver is valid or not.

 if(!Win32::Lanman::NetUserCheckPassword("\\\\testserver", 'testuser', 'testpass'))
        print "Password testpass for user testuser on server \\\\testserver isn't valid; error: ";
        # get the error code
        print Win32::Lanman::GetLastError();
        exit 1;

 print "Password testpass for user testuser on server \\\\testserver is valid.";

NetUserDel($server, $user)
Deletes user testuser on server \\testserver.
 if(!Win32::Lanman::NetUserDel("\\\\testserver", 'testuser'))
        print "Sorry, something went wrong; error: ";
        # get the error code
        print Win32::Lanman::GetLastError();
        exit 1;

NetUserEnum($domain, $filter, \@user)
Enums all user in domain testdomain. All account types will be enumerated.
 if(!Win32::Lanman::NetUserEnum("testdomain", 0, \@users))
        print "Sorry, something went wrong; error: ";
        # get the error code
        print Win32::Lanman::GetLastError();
        exit 1;
 foreach $user (@users)
        $hours = unpack("b168", ${$user}{'logon_hours'});
        print "${$user}{'name'}\n";
        print "${$user}{'comment'}\n";
        print "${$user}{'usr_comment'}\n";
        print "${$user}{'full_name'}\n";
        print "${$user}{'password_age'}\n";
        print "${$user}{'priv'}\n";
        print "${$user}{'home_dir'}\n";
        print "${$user}{'flags'}\n";
        print "${$user}{'script_path'}\n";
        print "${$user}{'auth_flags'}\n";
        print "${$user}{'parms'}\n";
        print "${$user}{'workstations'}\n";
        print "${$user}{'last_logon'}\n";
        print "${$user}{'last_logoff'}\n";
        print "${$user}{'acct_expires'}\n";
        print "${$user}{'max_storage'}\n";
        print "${$user}{'units_per_week'}\n";
        print "$hours\n";
        print "${$user}{'bad_pw_count'}\n";
        print "${$user}{'num_logons'}\n";
        print "${$user}{'logon_server'}\n";
        print "${$user}{'country_code'}\n";
        print "${$user}{'code_page'}\n";
        print "${$user}{'user_id'}\n";
        print "${$user}{'primary_group_id'}\n";
        print "${$user}{'profile'}\n";
        print "${$user}{'home_dir_drive'}\n";
        print "${$user}{'password_expired'}\n";

Enums all user on server \\testserver. Only normal accounts will be enumerated.

 if(!Win32::Lanman::NetUserEnum("\\\\testserver", &FILTER_NORMAL_ACCOUNT, \@users))
        print "Sorry, something went wrong; error: ";
        # get the error code
        print Win32::Lanman::GetLastError();
        exit 1;
 foreach $user (@users)
        $hours = unpack("b168", ${$user}{'logon_hours'});
        print "${$user}{'name'}\n";
        print "${$user}{'comment'}\n";
        print "${$user}{'usr_comment'}\n";
        print "${$user}{'full_name'}\n";
        print "${$user}{'password_age'}\n";
        print "${$user}{'priv'}\n";
        print "${$user}{'home_dir'}\n";
        print "${$user}{'flags'}\n";
        print "${$user}{'script_path'}\n";
        print "${$user}{'auth_flags'}\n";
        print "${$user}{'parms'}\n";
        print "${$user}{'workstations'}\n";
        print "${$user}{'last_logon'}\n";
        print "${$user}{'last_logoff'}\n";
        print "${$user}{'acct_expires'}\n";
        print "${$user}{'max_storage'}\n";
        print "${$user}{'units_per_week'}\n";
        print "$hours\n";
        print "${$user}{'bad_pw_count'}\n";
        print "${$user}{'num_logons'}\n";
        print "${$user}{'logon_server'}\n";
        print "${$user}{'country_code'}\n";
        print "${$user}{'code_page'}\n";
        print "${$user}{'user_id'}\n";
        print "${$user}{'primary_group_id'}\n";
        print "${$user}{'profile'}\n";
        print "${$user}{'home_dir_drive'}\n";
        print "${$user}{'password_expired'}\n";

NetUserGetGroups($server, $user, \@groups)
Enums all global groups on server \\testserver to which user testuser belongs.
 if(!Win32::Lanman::NetUserGetGroups("testserver", "testuser", \@groups))
        print "Sorry, something went wrong; error: ";
        # get the error code
        print Win32::Lanman::GetLastError();
        exit 1;
 foreach $group (@groups)
        print "${$group}{'name'}\n";

NetUserGetInfo($server, $user, \%info)
Retrieves information about user testuser on server \\testserver.
 if(!Win32::Lanman::NetUserGetInfo("testserver", "testuser", \%info))
        print "Sorry, something went wrong; error: ";
        # get the error code
        print Win32::Lanman::GetLastError();
        exit 1;
 $hours = unpack("b168", $user{'logon_hours'});
 print "$info{'name'}\n";
 print "$info{'comment'}\n";
 print "$info{'usr_comment'}\n";
 print "$info{'full_name'}\n";
 print "$info{'password_age'}\n";
 print "$info{'priv'}\n";
 print "$info{'home_dir'}\n";
 print "$info{'flags'}\n";
 print "$info{'script_path'}\n";
 print "$info{'auth_flags'}\n";
 print "$info{'parms'}\n";
 print "$info{'workstations'}\n";
 print "$info{'last_logon'}\n";
 print "$info{'last_logoff'}\n";
 print "$info{'acct_expires'}\n";
 print "$info{'max_storage'}\n";
 print "$info{'units_per_week'}\n";
 print "$hours\n";
 print "$info{'bad_pw_count'}\n";
 print "$info{'num_logons'}\n";
 print "$info{'logon_server'}\n";
 print "$info{'country_code'}\n";
 print "$info{'code_page'}\n";
 print "$info{'user_id'}\n";
 print "$info{'primary_group_id'}\n";
 print "$info{'profile'}\n";
 print "$info{'home_dir_drive'}\n";
 print "$info{'password_expired'}\n";

NetUserGetLocalGroups($server, $user, $flags, \@groups)
Enums all local and global groups on server \\testserver to which user testuser belongs.
 if(!Win32::Lanman::NetUserGetLocalGroups("\\\\testserver", "testuser", &LG_INCLUDE_INDIRECT, \@groups))
        print "Sorry, something went wrong; error: ";
        # get the error code
        print Win32::Lanman::GetLastError();
        exit 1;
 foreach $group (@groups)
        print "${$group}{'name'}\n";

NetUserSetGroups($server, $user, \@groups)
Sets global group memberships (domain users, testgroup1 and testgroup2) for user testuser on server \\testserver.
 if(!Win32::Lanman::NetUserSetGroups("\\\\testserver", "testuser", ['domain users', 'testgroup1', 'testgroup2']))
        print "Sorry, something went wrong; error: ";
        # get the error code
        print Win32::Lanman::GetLastError();
        exit 1;

NetUserSetInfo($server, $user, \%info)
Sets the parameters of user testuser on server \\testserver. It's recommended that you first call NetUserGetInfo to retrieve the current user parameters. Than you'd change the desired parameters and call NetUserSetInfo to write the changed values back to the SAM. If you only want to change a few parameters, you'd use NetUSerSetProp.
 if(!Win32::Lanman::NetUserSetInfo("\\\\testserver", "testuser",
                                  {'name' => 'testuser',
                                   'password' => 'testpassword',
                                   'home_dir' => '\\\\testserver\\testshare',
                                   'comment' => 'test users comment',
                                   'flags' => UF_ACCOUNTDISABLE | UF_PASSWD_CANT_CHANGE | UF_TEMP_DUPLICATE_ACCOUNT,
                                   'script_path' => '\\\\testserver\\testshare\\logon_script.bat',
                                   'full_name' => 'test users full name',
                                   'usr_comment' => 'test users usr comment',
                                   'parms' => 'test users parameters',
                                   'workstations' => 'comp0001,comp0002,comp0003,comp0004,comp0005,comp0006,comp0007,comp0008',
                                   'profile' => '\\\\testserver\\testshare\\profile_dir',
                                   'home_dir_drive' => 'Y:',
                                   'acct_expires' => time() + 3600 * 24,
                                   'country_code' => 49,
                                   'code_page' => 850,
                                   'logon_hours' => pack("b168", "000000001111111100000000" x 7),
                                   'password_expired' => 1}))
        print "Sorry, something went wrong; error: ";
        # get the error code
        print Win32::Lanman::GetLastError();
        exit 1;

NetUserSetProp($server, $user, \%info)
Sets or or more the parameters of user testuser on server \\testserver. There's no need to call NetUserGetInfo first. You may specify the following parameters: name, password, home_dir, comment, flags, script_path, full_name, usr_comment, workstations, acct_expires, logon_hours, country_code, code_page, primary_group_id, profile and home_dir_drive. Because of the implementation, the call is not atomic. If a parameter couldn't be set, the call fails.
 if(!Win32::Lanman::NetUserSetProp("\\\\testserver", "testuser",
                                  {'name' => 'testuser',
                                   'password' => 'testpassword',
                                   'home_dir' => '\\\\testserver\\testshare',
                                   'comment' => 'test users comment',
                                   'flags' => UF_ACCOUNTDISABLE | UF_PASSWD_CANT_CHANGE | UF_TEMP_DUPLICATE_ACCOUNT,
                                   'script_path' => '\\\\testserver\\testshare\\logon_script.bat',
                                   'full_name' => 'test users full name',
                                   'usr_comment' => 'test users usr comment',
                                   'workstations' => 'comp0001,comp0002,comp0003,comp0004,comp0005,comp0006,comp0007,comp0008',
                                   'acct_expires' => time() + 3600 * 24,
                                   'logon_hours' => pack("b168", "000000001111111100000000" x 7),
                                   'country_code' => 49,
                                   'code_page' => 850,
                                   'primary_group_id' => 513, # domain users
                                   'profile' => '\\\\testserver\\testshare\\profile_dir',
                                   'home_dir_drive' => 'Y:'}))
        print "Sorry, something went wrong; error: ";
        # get the error code
        print Win32::Lanman::GetLastError();
        exit 1;

NetUserModalsGet($server, \%info)
Retrieves global information (account policies) for all users and global groups in the security database on server \\testserver.
 if(!Win32::Lanman::NetUserModalsGet("\\\\testserver", \%info))
        print "Sorry, something went wrong; error: ";
        # get the error code
        print Win32::Lanman::GetLastError();
        exit 1;
 @keys = keys(%info);
 foreach $key(@keys)
        print "$key: $info{$key}\n";

NetUserModalsSet($server, \%info)
Sets global information (account policies) for all users and global groups in the security database on server \\testserver. Be really carefully in calling this. As a rule, first call NetUserModalsGet and then set the fields you want to modify. As last call NetUserModalsSet. You cannot change the domain id and the domain name.
 if(!Win32::Lanman::NetUserModalsGet("\\\\testserver", \%info))
        print "Sorry, something went wrong; error: ";
        # get the error code
        print Win32::Lanman::GetLastError();
        exit 1;

Set minimum password age to 14 days, maximum password age to 2 months, minimum password length to 8 character

 $info{'min_passwd_age'} = 14 * 3600 * 24;
 $info{'max_passwd_age'} = 60 * 3600 * 24;
 $info{'min_passwd_len'} = 8;
 if(!Win32::Lanman::NetUserModalsSet("\\\\testserver", \%info))
        print "Sorry, something went wrong; error: ";
        # get the error code
        print Win32::Lanman::GetLastError();
        exit 1;

Windows Networking

The Windows Networking functions offer a similar functionality like the NetUseXXX functions and some more.

Connects a local device to a network resource. The function is implemented by the WNetAddConnection2 or the WNetAddConnection3 call.

WNetCancelConnection($conn [, $flags [, $forcecancel] ])
Cancels an existing network connection. The function is implemented by the WNetCancelConnection2 call.

WNetEnumResource($scope, $type, $usage, \%startinfo, \@resinfo)
Enumerates network resources.

WNetConnectionDialog([ \%info ])
Shows a browsing dialog box for connecting to network resources.

WNetDisconnectDialog([ \%info ])
Shows a browsing dialog box for disconnecting from network resources. The function is implemented by the WNetDisconnectDialog or the WNetDisconnectDialog1 call.

WNetGetConnection($local, \$remote)
Retrieves the name of the network resource associated with a local device.

WNetGetNetworkInformation($provider, \%info)
Retrieves information about a network provider.

WNetGetProviderName($type, \$provider)
Obtains the provider name for a specific type of network.

WNetGetResourceInformation(\%resource, \%info)
Obtains information about a network resource.

WNetGetResourceParent(\%resource, \%parent)
Retrieves the parent of a network resource.

WNetGetUniversalName($localname, \%info)
Takes a drive based path for a network resource and returns information that contains a more universal form of the name.

WNetGetUser($resource, \$user)
Retrieves the current default user name, or the user name used to establish a network connection.

WNetUseConnection(\%resource [, \%useinfo ])
Makes a connection to a network resource.

Windows Networking EXAMPLES:

Connects the local device z: to the share testshare on server \\testserver.
 $info{type} = &RESOURCETYPE_DISK;
 $info{localname} = "z:";
 $info{remotename} = "\\\\testserver\\testshare";
        print "Sorry, something went wrong; error: ";
        # get the error code
        print Win32::Lanman::GetLastError();
        exit 1;

Connects the local device x: to the share testshare on server \\testserver. The connection will be established with credentials from user testuser in the domain testdomain and the password testpass. The connection will be remembered if the user logs on again.

 $info{type} = &RESOURCETYPE_DISK;
 $info{localname} = "x:";
 $info{remotename} = "\\\\testserver\\testshare";
 $info{username} = "testdomain\\testuser";
 $info{password} = "testpass";
 $info{flags} = &CONNECT_UPDATE_PROFILE;

You may also specify a network provider name.

 $info{provider} = "Microsoft Windows Network";
        print "Sorry, something went wrong; error: ";
        # get the error code
        print Win32::Lanman::GetLastError();
        exit 1;

Connects the local device lpt1: to the printer testprinter on server \\testserver.

 $info{type} = &RESOURCETYPE_PRINT;
 $info{localname} = "lpt1:";
 $info{remotename} = "\\\\testserver\\testprinter";
        print "Sorry, something went wrong; error: ";
        # get the error code
        print Win32::Lanman::GetLastError();
        exit 1;

Connects to ipc$ on server \\testserver. The connection will be established with credentials from user testuser in the domain testdomain and the password testpass.

 $info{type} = &RESOURCETYPE_ANY;
 $info{remotename} = "\\\\testserver\\testprinter";
 $info{password} = "testpass";
 $info{flags} = &CONNECT_UPDATE_PROFILE;
        print "Sorry, something went wrong; error: ";
        # get the error code
        print Win32::Lanman::GetLastError();
        exit 1;

WNetCancelConnection($conn [, $flags [, $forcecancel] ])
Cancels the connection to drive z:. If there are open files to drive z: the connection won't be canceled. The connection to z: will be remembered if the user logs on again.
        print "Sorry, something went wrong; error: ";
        # get the error code
        print Win32::Lanman::GetLastError();
        exit 1;

Cancels the connection to drive z:. The connection will be canceled even if there are still open files. The connection to z: won't be remembered furthermore.

 if(!Win32::Lanman::WNetCancelConnection("z:", &CONNECT_UPDATE_PROFILE, 1))
        print "Sorry, something went wrong; error: ";
        # get the error code
        print Win32::Lanman::GetLastError();
        exit 1;

Cancels the connection to \\testserver\testshare.

        print "Sorry, something went wrong; error: ";
        # get the error code
        print Win32::Lanman::GetLastError();
        exit 1;

Cancels the connection to printer port lpt1:.

        print "Sorry, something went wrong; error: ";
        # get the error code
        print Win32::Lanman::GetLastError();
        exit 1;

WNetEnumResource($scope, $type, $usage, \%startinfo, \@resinfo)
Enumerates global resources in your network.
 if(!Win32::Lanman::WNetEnumResource(&RESOURCE_GLOBALNET, &RESOURCETYPE_ANY, 0, 0, \@info))
        print "Sorry, something went wrong; error: ";
        # get the error code
        print Win32::Lanman::GetLastError();
        exit 1;
 foreach $item (@info)
        foreach $key (sort keys %$item)
                print "$key=${$item}{$key}\n";
        print "#" x 80;

Enumerates all resources in your network beginning at the top level. Be careful if you run this code in a bigger network. It may take a long time.

 sub EnumNetRes
        my @info;
        my $level = $_[0];
        return 0
                unless Win32::Lanman::WNetEnumResource(&RESOURCE_GLOBALNET, &RESOURCETYPE_ANY, 0, $_[1], \@info);
        foreach my $item (@info)
                print " " x (2 * $level), "provider=#${$item}{provider}#\n";
                print " " x (2 * $level), "localname=${$item}{localname}\n";
                print " " x (2 * $level), "remotename=${$item}{remotename}\n";
                print " " x (2 * $level), "comment=${$item}{comment}\n";
                print " " x (2 * $level), sprintf "scope=0x%x\n", ${$item}{scope};
                print " " x (2 * $level), sprintf "type=0x%x\n", ${$item}{type};
                print " " x (2 * $level), sprintf "usage=0x%x\n", ${$item}{usage};
                print "#" x 80;
                EnumNetRes($level + 1, $item);

WNetConnectionDialog([ \%info ])
Shows a browsing dialog box for connecting to network resources.
 print Win32::Lanman::WNetConnectionDialog() ? 
                "Connection established" : "Dialog canceled";

Shows a browsing dialog box and specifies some flags.

 print Win32::Lanman::WNetConnectionDialog({flags => &CONNDLG_NOT_PERSIST | &CONNDLG_HIDE_BOX}) 
                "Connection established" : "Dialog canceled";

Shows a browsing dialog box and specifies the server \\testserver and share testshare to connect.

 print Win32::Lanman::WNetConnectionDialog({flags => &CONNDLG_NOT_PERSIST | &CONNDLG_HIDE_BOX,
                                            remotename => "\\\\testserver\\testshare"}) 
                "Connection established" : "Dialog canceled";

WNetDisconnectDialog([ \%info ])
Shows a browsing dialog box for disconnecting to network resources.
 print Win32::Lanman::WNetDisconnectDialog() ?
                "Connection removed" : "Dialog canceled";

Disconnects drive z: from the network resource. The disconnect is not forced and the connection to z: won't be remembered furthermore.

 if(!Win32::Lanman::WNetDisconnectDialog({localname => "z:", 
                                          flags => &DISC_NO_FORCE | &DISC_UPDATE_PROFILE}))
        print "Sorry, something went wrong; error: ";
        # get the error code
        print Win32::Lanman::GetLastError();
        exit 1;
 print "Connection removed";

WNetGetConnection($local, \$remote)
Retrieves the name of the network resource associated with drive z:.
 if(!Win32::Lanman::WNetGetConnection("z:", \$remote)) 
        print "Sorry, something went wrong; error: ";
        # get the error code
        print Win32::Lanman::GetLastError();
        exit 1;
 print "z:=$remote";

Retrieves the name of the network resource associated with printer lpt1:.

 if(!Win32::Lanman::WNetGetConnection("lpt1:", \$remote)) 
        print "Sorry, something went wrong; error: ";
        # get the error code
        print Win32::Lanman::GetLastError();
        exit 1;
 print "lpt1:=$remote";

WNetGetNetworkInformation($provider, \%info)
Retrieves information about the Microsoft Windows Network provider.
 if(!Win32::Lanman::WNetGetNetworkInformation("Microsoft Windows Network", \%info)) 
        print "Sorry, something went wrong; error: ";
        # get the error code
        print Win32::Lanman::GetLastError();
        exit 1;
 foreach $key(sort keys %info)
        print "$key=$info{$key}\n";

WNetGetProviderName($type, \$provider)
Obtains the provider name for the WNNC_NET_LANMAN network (Microsoft Windows Network).
 if(!Win32::Lanman::WNetGetProviderName(&WNNC_NET_LANMAN, \$provider)) 
        print "Sorry, something went wrong; error: ";
        # get the error code
        print Win32::Lanman::GetLastError();
        exit 1;
 print $provider;

WNetGetResourceInformation(\%resource, \%info)
Obtains information about the file \\testserver\testshare\testdir\testfile.txt. The file must be exist. You may specify a network provider name, but it's optional.
 if(!Win32::Lanman::WNetGetResourceInformation({remotename => "\\\\testserver\\testshare\\testdir\\testfile.txt",
                                                provider => "Microsoft Windows Network"},
        print "Sorry, something went wrong; error: ";
        # get the error code
        print Win32::Lanman::GetLastError();
        exit 1;
 foreach $key(sort keys %info)
        print "$key=$info{$key}\n";

WNetGetResourceParent(\%resource, \%parent)
Retrieves the parent of the network resource \\testserver\testshare.
 if(!Win32::Lanman::WNetGetResourceParent({remotename => "\\\\testserver\\testshare",
                                           provider => "Microsoft Windows Network"},
        print "Sorry, something went wrong; error: ";
        # get the error code
        print Win32::Lanman::GetLastError();
        exit 1;
 foreach $key(sort keys %info)
        print "$key=$info{$key}\n";

WNetGetUniversalName($localname, \%info)
Retrieves the universal form of the file name z:\testdir\testfile.txt.
 if(!Win32::Lanman::WNetGetUniversalName("z:\\testdir\\testfile.txt", \%info)) 
        print "Sorry, something went wrong; error: ";
        # get the error code
        print Win32::Lanman::GetLastError();
        exit 1;
 foreach $key(sort keys %info)
        print "$key=$info{$key}\n";

WNetGetUser($resource, \$user)
Retrieves the user name used to establish a connection to drive z:.
 if(!Win32::Lanman::WNetGetUser("z:", \$user)) 
        print "Sorry, something went wrong; error: ";
        # get the error code
        print Win32::Lanman::GetLastError();
        exit 1;
 print $user;

WNetUseConnection(\%resource [, \%useinfo ])
Connects drive z: to \\testserver\testshare. If the current user has no access to the network resource, the system brings up a dialog to supply user credentials.
 if(!Win32::Lanman::WNetUseConnection({localname => "z:", remotename => "\\\\testserver\\testshare",
                                      flags => &CONNECT_INTERACTIVE | &CONNECT_PROMPT,
                                      type => &RESOURCETYPE_DISK}))
        print "Sorry, something went wrong; error: ";
        # get the error code
        print Win32::Lanman::GetLastError();
        exit 1;

Connects drive lpt1: to \\testserver\testprinter.

 if(!Win32::Lanman::WNetUseConnection({localname => "lpt1:", remotename => "\\\\testserver\\testprinter",
                                      type => &RESOURCETYPE_PRINT}))
        print "Sorry, something went wrong; error: ";
        # get the error code
        print Win32::Lanman::GetLastError();
        exit 1;


Throughout these functions, which are used to manage services, you can specify the default service database by replacing $servicedb with the empty string (or ``ServicesActive'').

Currently NT supports only the default database. If you specify an invalid database name, you'll get an error 1065 (database doesn't exist).

StartService($server, $servicedb, $service)
Starts the service $service on server $server. Specify an empty string to use the default service database in $servicedb.

StopService($server, $servicedb, $service, \%status)
Stops the service $service on server $server. The service status will be returned in %status. Specify an empty string to use the default service database in $servicedb.

PauseService($server, $servicedb, $service, \%status)
Pauses the service $service on server $server. The service status will be returned in %status. Specify an empty string to use the default service database in $servicedb.

ContinueService($server, $servicedb, $service, \%status)
Continues the service $service on server $server. The service status will be returned in %status. Specify an empty string to use the default service database in $servicedb.

InterrogateService($server, $servicedb, $service, \%status)
Interrogates the service $service on server $server. The service status will be returned in %status. Specify an empty string to use the default service database in $servicedb.

ControlService($server, $servicedb, $service, $contol, \%status)
Sends a control message to the service $service on server $server. The service status will be returned in %status. Specify an empty string to use the default service database in $servicedb. $control can be one of the following commands: SERVICE_CONTROL_CONTINUE, SERVICE_CONTROL_INTERROGATE, SERVICE_CONTROL_PAUSE, SERVICE_CONTROL_STOP or a server specific control code between 128 and 255. Do not specify SERVICE_CONTROL_SHUTDOWN. To stop, continue, pause or interrogate a service, you can use the app. calls or ControlService. But you can send service specific controls between 128 and 255 to initiate a conversation with the service or something else. The most services ignore this messages.

CreateService($server, $servicedb, \%param)
Creates a service on server $server. Specify an empty string for the default service database in $servicedb. Valid keys for %param are:
 name    : service name
 display : service display name in control panel applet
 type    : service type
        SERVICE_WIN32_OWN_PROCESS   - the service file contains only one service
        SERVICE_WIN32_SHARE_PROCESS - the service file contains more services
        SERVICE_KERNEL_DRIVER       - the service is a kernal driver
        SERVICE_FILE_SYSTEM_DRIVER  - the service is a file system driver
        SERVICE_INTERACTIVE_PROCESS - the service can interact with the desktop,
           must be or'ed with SERVICE_WIN32_OWN_PROCESS or
           if your service has to interact with the desktop, it has to
           run with the localsystem account
 start   : when to start the service
        SERVICE_BOOT_START       - starts at boot time (device drivers)
        SERVICE_SYSTEM_START - will be started by the IoInitSystem function
                               (device drivers)
        SERVICE_AUTO_START       - will be started by the service control manager
        SERVICE_DEMAND_START - will be started by calling StartService
        SERVICE_DISABLED         - can't be started
 control        :
        SERVICE_ERROR_IGNORE    - errors will be logged, startup will be continued
        SERVICE_ERROR_NORMAL    - errors will be logged, startup will be continued,
                                  message box will pop up
        SERVICE_ERROR_SEVERE    - errors will be logged, startup will be continued
                                  if the last known good configuration is started,
                                  otherwise the system is restarted with the last
                                  known good configuration
        SERVICE_ERROR_CRITICAL  - errors will be logged, startup failes if the last
                                  known good configuration is started, otherwise
                                  the system is restarted with the last known
                                  good configuration
 filename: path to the executable which runs for the service
 group  : the load ordering group of which the service is a member
 tagid  : unique identifier for the service in the load order group;
          only valid for device drivers
 dependencies array : the service will not start until all services or
      load ordering groups in the dependencies array are started

account : account name for the service to log on as; Should be specified as one of

'domain\username'  for domain accounts

or '.\usr' or 'username' for machine accounts

or 'LocalSystem'

LocalSystem is not a real account, but instead species that the service will run with ``the system account''.

Note if type includes SERVICE_INTERACTIVE_PROCESS then account must => 'LocalSystem'.

The account chosen requires the logon as service privilege.

password: password for account;
if account =>LocalSystem, then password => ''

DeleteService($server, $servicedb, $service)
Deletes the service $service on server $server. Specify an empty string to use the default service database in $servicedb. If you delete a running service, the service will be marked as deleted, but doesn't stop the service! To stop it, call StopService.

EnumServicesStatus($server, $servicedb, $type, $state, \@services)
Enums the status of all services on server $server. Specify an empty string to use the default service database in $servicedb. Valid types are:
 SERVICE_WIN32  - win32 services
 SERVICE_DRIVER - kernel driver

Valid states are:

 SERVICE_ACTIVE         - active services
 SERVICE_INACTIVE       - inactive services
 SERVICE_STATE_ALL      - both of them

EnumDependentServices($server, $servicedb, $service, $state, \@services)
Enums all services dependent from service in $service on server $server. Specify an empty string to use the default service database in $servicedb.

ChangeServiceConfig($server, $servicedb, $service, \%param)
Changes the service configuration to the values specified in %param for service $service on server $server. Specify an empty string to use the default service database in $servicedb. For a description of %param, see CreateService.

GetServiceDisplayName($server, $servicedb, $service, \$display)
Obtains the service display name of service $service on server $server. Specify an empty string to use the default service database in $servicedb.

GetServiceKeyName($server, $servicedb, $display, \$service)
Obtains the service name from the service display name $display on server $server. Specify an empty string to use the default service database in $servicedb.

LockServiceDatabase($server, $servicedb, \$lock)
Locks the service control manager database on server $server. Only one process can lock the database at a given time. LockServiceDatabase prevents the service control manager from starting services. You have to call UnlockServiceDatabase to unlock the database. Specify an empty string to use the default service database in $servicedb.

UnlockServiceDatabase($server, $servicedb, $lock)
Unlocks the service control manager database on server $server by releasing the lock $lock. Specify an empty string to use the default service database in $servicedb.

QueryServiceLockStatus($server, $servicedb, \%lock)
Retrieves the lock status of the service control manager database on server $server. Specify an empty string to use the default service database in $servicedb.

QueryServiceConfig($server, $servicedb, $service, \%config)
Retrieves the configuration parameters of the service $service on server $server. Specify an empty string to use the default service database in $servicedb.

QueryServiceStatus($server, $servicedb, $service, \%status)
Retrieves the current status of the service $service on server $server. Specify an empty string to use the default service database in $servicedb.

QueryServiceObjectSecurity($server, $servicedb, $service, $securityinformation, \$securitydescriptor)
Retrieves a security descriptor associated with the service $service on server $server. $securityinformation specifies the requested security information. Valid security informations are OWNER_SECURITY_INFORMATION, GROUP_SECURITY_INFORMATION, DACL_SECURITY_INFORMATION and SACL_SECURITY_INFORMATION. To get SACL_SECURITY_INFORMATION, the calling process needs the SeSecurityPrivilege privilege enabled. Specify an empty string to use the default service database in $servicedb.

SetServiceObjectSecurity($server, $servicedb, $service, $securityinformation, $securitydescriptor)
Sets a security descriptor of the service $service on server $server. $securityinformation specifies the security information to set. Valid security informations are OWNER_SECURITY_INFORMATION, GROUP_SECURITY_INFORMATION, DACL_SECURITY_INFORMATION and SACL_SECURITY_INFORMATION. $securitydescriptor must be a valid security descriptor.

Note: Be careful when using this call, since if you revoke access to everyone, then nobody will be able to control the service. Also if you can grant the SERVICE_START and SERVICE_STOP rights to the everyone group, any people can start and stop your service (as default only administrators and power user can do this). Specify an empty string to use the default service database in $servicedb.

QueryServiceConfig2($server, $servicedb, $service, \%config)
Retrieves the optional configuration parameters of the service $service from the $servicedb database. This function requires Windows 2000.

ChangeServiceConfig2($server, $servicedb, $service, \%config)
Changes the optional configuration parameters of the service $service from the $servicedb database. This function requires Windows 2000.

QueryServiceStatusEx($server, $servicedb, $service, \%status)
Retrieves the current status of the specified service. This function requires Windows 2000.

EnumServicesStatusEx($server, $servicedb, $type, $state, \@services [, $group])
Enumerates services in the specified service control manager database. Filtering is done on type, state and group. The group parameter is optional. If you omit the group parameter, the function returns all services filtered only on type and state. This function requires Windows 2000.

Services EXAMPLES:

StartService($server, $servicedb, $service)
Starts the schedule service on server \\testserver.
 if(!Win32::Lanman::StartService("testserver", '', "schedule"))
        print "Sorry, something went wrong; error: ";
        # get the error code
        print Win32::Lanman::GetLastError();
        exit 1;

StopService($server, $servicedb, $service, \%status)
Stops the schedule service on server \\testserver and prints the status flags.
 if(!Win32::Lanman::StopService("testserver", '', "schedule", \%status))
        print "Sorry, something went wrong; error: ";
        # get the error code
        print Win32::Lanman::GetLastError();
        exit 1;

for $keyeach (sort keys %status) { print ``$key = $status{$key}\n''; }

PauseService($server, $servicedb, $service, \%status)
Pauses the schedule service on server \\testserver and prints the status flags.
 if(!Win32::Lanman::PauseService("\\\\testserver", '', "schedule", \%status))
        print "Sorry, something went wrong; error: ";
        # get the error code
        print Win32::Lanman::GetLastError();
        exit 1;
 for $keyeach (sort keys %status)
        print "$key = $status{$key}\n";

ContinueService($server, $servicedb, $service, \%status)
Continues the schedule service on server \\testserver and prints the status flags.
 if(!Win32::Lanman::ContinueService("\\\\testserver", '', "schedule", \%status))
        print "Sorry, something went wrong; error: ";
        # get the error code
        print Win32::Lanman::GetLastError();
        exit 1;
 for $keyeach (sort keys %status)
        print "$key = $status{$key}\n";

InterrogateService($server, $servicedb, $service, \%status)
Interrogates the schedule service on server \\testserver and prints the status flags.
 if(!Win32::Lanman::InterrogateService("\\\\testserver", '', "schedule", \%status))
        print "Sorry, something went wrong; error: ";
        # get the error code
        print Win32::Lanman::GetLastError();
        exit 1;
 foreach $key (sort keys %status)
        print "$key = $status{$key}\n";

ControlService($server, $servicedb, $service, $contol, \%status)
Stops the schedule service on server \\testserver and prints the status flags.
 if(!Win32::Lanman::ControlService("\\\\testserver", '', "schedule", &SERVICE_CONTROL_STOP, \%status))
        print "Sorry, something went wrong; error: ";
        # get the error code
        print Win32::Lanman::GetLastError();
        exit 1;
 foreach $key (sort keys %status)
        print "$key = $status{$key}\n";

Sends the value 130 to the service myservice on server \\testserver and prints the status flags.

 if(!Win32::Lanman::ControlService("\\\\testserver", '', "myservice", 130, \%status))
        print "Sorry, something went wrong; error: ";
        # get the error code
        print Win32::Lanman::GetLastError();
        exit 1;
 foreach $key (sort keys %status)
        print "$key = $status{$key}\n";

CreateService($server, $servicedb, \%param)
Creates the service myservice on server \\testserver. The display name is 'my first service'. The service logs on with the testdomain\testuser account. We have to grant the logon as service right. The service doesn't have dependencies. It will belong to the load ordering group 'myservices'
 if(!Win32::Lanman::GrantPrivilegeToAccount("\\\\testserver", "SeServiceLogonRight",
                                           ['testdomain\\testuser']) ||
   !Win32::Lanman::CreateService("\\\\testserver", '', { name => 'myservice'
                                                         display => 'my first service',
                                                         type => &SERVICE_WIN32_OWN_PROCESS,
                                                         start => &SERVICE_AUTO_START,
                                                         control => &SERVICE_ERROR_NORMAL,
                                                         filename => "C:\\WINNT\\system32\\myservice.exe",
                                                         group => 'myservices',
                                                         account => 'testdomain\\testuser',
                                                         password => 'testpass'}))
        print "Sorry, something went wrong; error: ";
        # get the error code
        print Win32::Lanman::GetLastError();
        exit 1;

Creates the next service myservice2 on server \\testserver. The display name is 'my next service'. The service logs on with the LocalSystem account (this is because account and password are missing, so LocalSystem is the default). The service has no dependencies or load ordering group. The service can have more than one service in the same file and it can interact with the desktop.

 if(!Win32::Lanman::CreateService("\\\\testserver", '', { name => 'myservice2'
                                                         display => 'my next service',
                                                         type => &SERVICE_WIN32_SHARE_PROCESS |
                                                         start => &SERVICE_DEMAND_START,
                                                         control => &SERVICE_ERROR_IGNORE,
                                                         filename => "C:\\WINNT\\system32\\mysrv_x.exe"}))
        print "Sorry, something went wrong; error: ";
        # get the error code
        print Win32::Lanman::GetLastError();
        exit 1;

Creates the 3rd service myservice3 on server \\testserver. The display name is 'my 3rd service'. The service logs on with the LocalSystem account. The service doesn't have dependencies or a load ordering group. The service may have more than one service in the same file.

 if(!Win32::Lanman::CreateService("\\\\testserver", '', { name => 'myservice3'
                                                         display => 'my 3rd service',
                                                         type => &SERVICE_WIN32_SHARE_PROCESS,
                                                         start => &SERVICE_DEMAND_START,
                                                         control => &SERVICE_ERROR_IGNORE,
                                                         filename => "C:\\WINNT\\system32\\mysrv_x.exe",
                                                         account => 'LocalSystem',
                                                         password = ''}))
        print "Sorry, something went wrong; error: ";
        # get the error code
        print Win32::Lanman::GetLastError();
        exit 1;

Creates the 4th service myservice3 on server \\testserver. The display name is 'my 4th service'. The service logs on with the LocalSystem account. The service has dependencies (two services and one load ordering group). The service can interact with the desktop.

 if(!Win32::Lanman::CreateService("\\\\testserver", '',
   { name => 'myservice4',
         display => 'my 4th service',
         start => &SERVICE_DEMAND_START,
         control => &SERVICE_ERROR_IGNORE,
         filename => "C:\\WINNT\\system32\\mysrv4.exe",
         dependencies => ['myservice2', 'myservice2', 'myservices']
        print "Sorry, something went wrong; error: ";
        # get the error code
        print Win32::Lanman::GetLastError();
        exit 1;

DeleteService($server, $servicedb, $service)
Deletes the service 'myservice' on server \\testserver.
 if(!Win32::Lanman::DeleteService("\\\\testserver", '', 'myservice'))
        print "Sorry, something went wrong; error: ";
        # get the error code
        print Win32::Lanman::GetLastError();
        exit 1;

EnumServicesStatus($server, $servicedb, $type, $state, \@services)
Enums the status of all normal services on server \\testserver.
 if(!Win32::Lanman::EnumServicesStatus("\\\\testserver", "",
  &SERVICE_WIN32, &SERVICE_STATE_ALL, \@services))
        print "Sorry, something went wrong; error: ";
        # get the error code
        print Win32::Lanman::GetLastError();
        exit 1;
 foreach $service (@services)
        print "${$service}{name}\n";
        foreach $key (sort keys %$service)
                print "\t$key = ${$service}{$key}\n"
                        if $key ne 'name';

Enums the status of all active kernel drivers on server \\testserver.

 if(!Win32::Lanman::EnumServicesStatus("\\\\testserver", "",
        print "Sorry, something went wrong; error: ";
        # get the error code
        print Win32::Lanman::GetLastError();
        exit 1;
 foreach $service (@services)
        print "${$service}{name}\n";
        foreach $key (sort keys %$service)
                print "\t$key = ${$service}{$key}\n"
                        if $key ne 'name';

EnumDependentServices($server, $servicedb, $service, $state, \@services)
Enums the name and status of all services depend on service LanmanWorkstation on server \\testserver.
 if(!Win32::Lanman::EnumDependentServices("\\\\testserver", "", 'LanmanWorkstation', &SERVICE_STATE_ALL, \@services))
        print "Sorry, something went wrong; error: ";
        # get the error code
        print Win32::Lanman::GetLastError();
        exit 1;
 foreach $service (@services)
        print "${$service}{name}\n";
        foreach $key (sort keys %$service)
                print "\t$key = ${$service}{$key}\n"
                        if $key ne 'name';

ChangeServiceConfig($server, $servicedb, $service, \%param)
Changes the service configuration for service myservice on server \\testserver. You have to specify only the properties you want to change. All the others remain their values. In this example, we only change the display and account information. Don't forget to grant the logon as service right to testdomain\testuser. See also CreateService examples.
 if(!Win32::Lanman::ChangeServiceConfig("\\\\testserver", '', { name => 'myservice'
                                                               display => 'a new display name',
                                                               account => 'testdomain\\testuser',
                                                               password => 'testpass'}))
        print "Sorry, something went wrong; error: ";
        # get the error code
        print Win32::Lanman::GetLastError();
        exit 1;

GetServiceDisplayName($server, $servicedb, $service, \$display)
Obtains the service display name of service myservice on server \\testserver.
 if(!Win32::Lanman::GetServiceDisplayName("\\\\testserver", "", 'myservice', \$display))
        print "Sorry, something went wrong; error: ";
        # get the error code
        print Win32::Lanman::GetLastError();
        exit 1;
 print $display;

GetServiceKeyName($server, $servicedb, $display, \$service)
Obtains the service name from the service display name 'my newest service' on server \\testserver.
 if(!Win32::Lanman::GetServiceKeyName("\\\\testserver", "", 'my newest service', \$service))
        print "Sorry, something went wrong; error: ";
        # get the error code
        print Win32::Lanman::GetLastError();
        exit 1;
 print $service;

LockServiceDatabase($server, $servicedb, \$lock)
Locks the service control manager database on server \\testserver. If locked, do any stuff and the unlock the database.
 if(!Win32::Lanman::LockServiceDatabase("\\\\testserver", "", \$lock))
        print "Sorry, something went wrong; error: ";
        # get the error code
        print Win32::Lanman::GetLastError();
        exit 1;
 # do any stuff here...
 if(!Win32::Lanman::UnlockServiceDatabase("\\\\testserver", "", $lock))
        print "Sorry, something went wrong; error: ";
        # get the error code
        print Win32::Lanman::GetLastError();
        exit 1;

UnlockServiceDatabase($server, $servicedb, $lock)
Unlocks the service control manager database on server \\testserver. See the example above.

QueryServiceLockStatus($server, $servicedb, \%lock)
Retrieves the lock status of the service control manager database on server \\testserver.
 if(!Win32::Lanman::QueryServiceLockStatus("\\\\testserver", "", \%lock))
        print "Sorry, something went wrong; error: ";
        # get the error code
        print Win32::Lanman::GetLastError();
        exit 1;
 for $key (sort keys %lock)
        print "$key = $lock{$key}\n";

QueryServiceConfig($server, $servicedb, $service, \%config)
Retrieves the configuration parameters of the service myservice on server \\testserver.
 if(!Win32::Lanman::QueryServiceConfig("\\\\testserver", '', 'myservice', \%config))
        print "Sorry, something went wrong; error: ";
        # get the error code
        print Win32::Lanman::GetLastError();
        exit 1;
 for $key (sort keys %config)
        if($key eq "dependencies")
                $dependencies = $config{$key};
                print "\t$key = ", $#$dependencies + 1, "\n";
                foreach $dependency (@$dependencies)
                        print "\t\t$dependency\n";
                print "\t$key = $config{$key}\n";

QueryServiceStatus($server, $servicedb, $service, \%status)
Retrieves the current status of the service myservice on server \\testserver.
 if(!Win32::Lanman::QueryServiceStatus("\\\\testserver", "", 'myservice', \%status))
        print "Sorry, something went wrong; error: ";
        # get the error code
        print Win32::Lanman::GetLastError();
        exit 1;

for $key (sort keys %status) { print ``$key = $status{$key}\n''; }

QueryServiceObjectSecurity($server, $servicedb, $service, $securityinformation, \$securitydescriptor)
Retrieves a security descriptor associated with the service $service on server $server. OWNER_SECURITY_INFORMATION, GROUP_SECURITY_INFORMATION, DACL_SECURITY_INFORMATION and SACL_SECURITY_INFORMATION will be retrieved.
 if(!Win32::Lanman::QueryServiceObjectSecurity("\\\\testserver", "",
      'myservice', $securityinformation, \$securitydescriptor))
        print "Sorry, something went wrong; error: ";
        # get the error code
        print Win32::Lanman::GetLastError();
        exit 1;
 #Do not print these binary data.
 #print $securitydescriptor;

SetServiceObjectSecurity($server, $servicedb, $service, $securityinformation, $securitydescriptor)
Sets a security descriptor of the service myservice on server \\testserver. Only DACL_SECURITY_INFORMATION will be set. You have to build a valid security descriptor in $securitydescriptor.
 #build a valid security descriptor
 #$securitydescriptor = ...
 if(!Win32::Lanman::SetServiceObjectSecurity("\\\\testserver", "", 'myservice', &DACL_SECURITY_INFORMATION,
        print "Sorry, something went wrong; error: ";
        # get the error code
        print Win32::Lanman::GetLastError();
        exit 1;

QueryServiceConfig2($server, $servicedb, $service, \%config)
Retrieves the optional configuration parameters of the service testserv on the server \\testserver.
 if(!Win32::Lanman::QueryServiceConfig2("\\\\testserver", "", 'testserv', \%config))
        print "Sorry, something went wrong; error: ";
        # get the error code
        print Win32::Lanman::GetLastError();
        exit 1;
 foreach $key (sort keys %config)
        print "$key = $config{$key}\n";

ChangeServiceConfig2($server, $servicedb, $service, \%config)
Changes the optional configuration parameters of the service testserv on server \\testserver. Unfortunately, you cannot configure the actions parameters. I don't know why, but the call fails as soon as the actions parameter is specified.
 $config{description} = 'This is a service description';
 $config{command} = 'c:\\winnt\\system32\\notepad.exe';
 $config{rebootmsg} = 'This is a reboot message';
 $config{resetperiod} = 100;
 #@actions = ({type => &SC_ACTION_NONE, delay => 1000}, 
 #           {type => &SC_ACTION_REBOOT, delay => 2000},
 #           {type => &SC_ACTION_RESTART, delay => 3000},
 #           {type => &SC_ACTION_RUN_COMMAND, delay => 4000});
 #$config{actions} = \@actions;
 if(!Win32::Lanman::ChangeServiceConfig2("\\\\testserver", "", 'testserv', \%config))
        print "Sorry, something went wrong; error: ";
        # get the error code
        print Win32::Lanman::GetLastError();
        exit 1;

QueryServiceStatusEx($server, $servicedb, $service, \%status)
Retrieves the current status of the service testserv on the server \\testserver.
 if(!Win32::Lanman::QueryServiceStatusEx("\\\\testserver", "", 'testserv', \%status))
        print "Sorry, something went wrong; error: ";
        # get the error code
        print Win32::Lanman::GetLastError();
        exit 1;
 foreach $key (sort keys %status)
        print "\t$key = $status{$key}\n";

EnumServicesStatusEx($server, $servicedb, $type, $state, \@services [, $group])
Enumerates all services belonging to the group testgroup on the server \\testserver.
 if(!Win32::Lanman::EnumServicesStatusEx("\\\\testserver", "", &SERVICE_WIN32 | &SERVICE_DRIVER,
                                         &SERVICE_STATE_ALL, \%services, 'testgroup'))
        print "Sorry, something went wrong; error: ";
        # get the error code
        print Win32::Lanman::GetLastError();
        exit 1;
 foreach $service (@services)
        foreach $key (sort keys %$service)
                print "\t$key = ${$service}{$key}\n";


Throughout this section $source will represent the event log source, which can only be ``application'' or ``system'' or ``security''.

ReadEventLog($server, $source, $first, $last, \@events)
Reads events in the range from $first to $last from the event log $source on server $server in the order $first to $last. So y ou can read forward ,when $first <= $last, or backward , by having $first > $last. Sequential reads as with NT EventViewer's Next and Previous buttons, are not supported. This is because after each call the event log is closed.

To get all events set $first to 1 and $last to -1 (or 0xffffffff if you prefer).

GetEventDescription($server, \%event)
Retrieves the description of the event %event on server $server. %event must be retrieved by a ReadEventLog call.

ClearEventLog($server, $source [, $filename])
Clears the eventlog $source on server $server and makes an optionally backup to file $filename before clearing. ClearEventLog will fail with error 183 (couldn't create existing file). In this case, the eventlog will not be cleared.

BackupEventLog($server, $source, $filename)
Makes a backup from the eventlog $source on server $server to file $filename. As with ClearEventLog, BackupEventLog fails if filename exists.

ReportEvent($server, $source, $type, $category, $id, $sid, \@strings, $data)
Writes an event to the event log $source on server $server.

GetNumberOfEventLogRecords($server, $source, \$numrecords)
Retrieves the number of records in the event log $source on server $server.

GetOldestEventLogRecord($server, $source, \$oldestrecord)
Retrieves the oldest record number in the event log $source on server $server.

Eventlog EXAMPLES:

ReadEventLog($server, $source, $first, $last, \@events)
Reads all events from the system event log in the range from the first to the last event on server \\testserver.
 if(!Win32::Lanman::ReadEventLog("testserver", 'system', 0, 0xffffffff, \@events))
        print "Sorry, something went wrong; error: ";
        # get the error code
        print Win32::Lanman::GetLastError();
        exit 1;

Reads all events from the security event log in reverse order on server \\testserver.

 if(!Win32::Lanman::ReadEventLog("\\\\testserver", 'security', 0xffffffff, 0, \@events))
        print "Sorry, something went wrong; error: ";
        # get the error code
        print Win32::Lanman::GetLastError();
        exit 1;

Retrieves the first and the last record number in the application log on server \\testserver. Then it reads all these events and prints out the event properties.

 if(!Win32::Lanman::GetOldestEventLogRecord("testserver", 'application', \$first))
        print "Sorry, something went wrong; error: ";
        # get the error code
        print Win32::Lanman::GetLastError();
        exit 1;
 if(!Win32::Lanman::GetNumberOfEventLogRecords("testserver", 'application', \$last))
        print "Sorry, something went wrong; error: ";
        # get the error code
        print Win32::Lanman::GetLastError();
        exit 1;
 $last += $first - 1;
 if(!Win32::Lanman::ReadEventLog("testserver", 'application', $first, $last, \@events))
        print "Sorry, something went wrong; error: ";
        # get the error code
        print Win32::Lanman::GetLastError();
        exit 1;
 foreach $event(@events)
        #get the event description for the event
        ${$event}{'eventdescription'} = "*** Error get event description ***"
                if !Win32::Lanman::GetEventDescription("\\\\testserver", $event);
        ${$event}{'eventdescription'} = join('', split(/\r/, ${$event}{'eventdescription'}));
        ${$event}{'eventdescription'} = join('', split(/\n/, ${$event}{'eventdescription'}));
        print '#' x 80;
        @keys = sort keys %$event;
        foreach $key(@keys)
                if($key eq 'strings')
                        $strings = ${$event}{$key};
                        print "strings\n";
                        foreach $string(@$strings)
                                print "\t$string\n";
                elsif($key eq 'eventid')
                        #this is the event id you'll see in event viewer; the highest 16 bit are discarded
                        print "$key=" . (${$event}{$key} & 0xffff) . "\n";
                        #this is the real event id
                        #print "$key=" . (${$event}{$key}) . "\n";
                elsif($key eq 'timegenerated' || $key eq 'timewritten')
                        print "$key=" . localtime(${$event}{$key}) . "\n";
                elsif($key eq 'usersid' || $key eq 'data')
                        print "$key=" . unpack("H" . 2 * length(${$event}{$key}), ${$event}{$key}) . "\n";
                        print "$key=${$event}{$key}\n";

GetEventDescription($server, \%event)
Retrieves all records in the system log on server \\testserver. Then it reads all these events and prints out the event descriptions.
 if(!Win32::Lanman::ReadEventLog("\\\\testserver", 'system', 0, -1, \@events))
        print "Sorry, something went wrong; error: ";
        # get the error code
        print Win32::Lanman::GetLastError();
        exit 1;
 foreach $event(@events)
        #get the event description for the event
        ${$event}{'eventdescription'} = "*** Error get event description ***"
                if !Win32::Lanman::GetEventDescription("\\\\testserver", $event);
        print ${$event}{'eventdescription'};

BackupEventLog($server, $source, $filename)
Makes a backup from the application eventlog on server \\testserver to the file application.evt.
 if(!Win32::Lanman::BackupEventLog("\\\\testserver", 'application', 'application.evt'))
        print "Sorry, something went wrong; error: ";
        # get the error code
        print Win32::Lanman::GetLastError();
        exit 1;

ClearEventLog($server, $source [, $filename])
Makes a backup from the application eventlog on server \\testserver to the file application.evt. Thereafter the application event log will be cleared.
 if(!Win32::Lanman::ClearEventLog("\\\\testserver", 'application', 'application.evt'))
        print "Sorry, something went wrong; error: ";
        # get the error code
        print Win32::Lanman::GetLastError();
        exit 1;

Clears the system eventlog on server \\testserver without backing up the events.

 if(!Win32::Lanman::ClearEventLog("\\\\testserver", 'system'))
        print "Sorry, something went wrong; error: ";
        # get the error code
        print Win32::Lanman::GetLastError();
        exit 1;

ReportEvent($server, $source, $type, $category, $id, $sid, \@strings, $data)
Reports an event to the event log on server \\testserver.
 #build administrators sid
 $sid = pack("C16", 1, 2, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 5, 32, 0, 0, 0, 32, 2, 0 , 0);
 unless(Win32::Lanman::ReportEvent("\\\\testserver", 'Print', &EVENTLOG_ERROR_TYPE, 100, 256, $sid, 
                                                                ['string1', 'string2', 'string3'], 'Here is my data ...')
                ) {
        print "Sorry, something went wrong; error: ";
        # get the error code
        print Win32::Lanman::GetLastError();
        exit 1;

GetNumberOfEventLogRecords($server, $source, \$numrecords)
Retrieves the number of records in the event log system on server \\testserver.
 if(!Win32::Lanman::GetNumberOfEventLogRecords("\\\\testserver", 'system', \$numrecords))
        print "Sorry, something went wrong; error: ";
        # get the error code
        print Win32::Lanman::GetLastError();
        exit 1;
 print "$numrecords\n";

GetOldestEventLogRecord($server, $source, \$oldestrecord)
Retrieves the oldest record number in the event log system on server \\testserver.
 if(!Win32::Lanman::GetOldestEventLogRecord("\\\\testserver", 'system', \$oldestrecord))
        print "Sorry, something went wrong; error: ";
        # get the error code
        print Win32::Lanman::GetLastError();
        exit 1;
 print "$oldestrecord\n";

Windows Terminal Server (WTS)

The WTS dll (wtsapi32.dll) is not an integral part of Windows NT. The Lanman module tries to loads the dll dynamically when your script starts. The dll is not statically linked. If the dll is present and can be loaded, then you can call the WTS functions. But if the dll cannot be loaded, every WTS call fails. GetLastError() returns 126 (ERROR_MOD_NOT_FOUND). Wtsapi32.dll needs three additional dlls: utildll.dll, regapi.dll and winsta.dll. Copy each of these dlls into your system32 directory.

=item WTSEnumerateServers($domain, \@sessions)

Enumerates all WTS server in domain.

WTSOpenServer($server, \$handle)
Opens an handle on a WTS server.

This call is not really necessary and only implemented for completeness and for those keenly interested in performance. With the WTS api you have to open a server handle, then call your WTS function and close the handle with WTSCloseServer at the end. The module opens the handle every time you call a WTS function, makes the job and closes the handle at the end. The advantage: you don't need to deal with handles, the downside: the overhead in opening and closing a handle at each call.

Closes an handle on a WTS server. This call is not really necessary and only implemented for completeness. See also the remarks at WTSOpenServer.

WTSEnumerateSessions($server, \@sessions)
Enumerates sessions on a WTS server.

WTSEnumerateProcesses($server, \@processes)
Enumerates processes on a WTS server.

WTSTerminateProcess($server, $processid [, $exitcode])
Terminates a process on a WTS server.

WTSQuerySessionInformation($server, $sessionid, \@infoclass, \%info)
Returns information about the specified session on a WTS server. You need to specify which information you are interested in. To get all information available, use WTSInfoClassAll() as @infoclass parameter.

WTSQueryUserConfig($server, $user, \@infoclass, \%config)
Returns the WTS user properties. Call this on your domains primary domain controller. You need to specify which information you are interested in. To get all information available, use WTSUserConfigAll() as @infoclass parameter.

WTSSetUserConfig($server, $user, \%config)
Sets the WTS user properties. Call this on your primary domain controller. The function sets all information contained in the %config hash.

WTSSendMessage($server, $sessionid, $title, $message[, $style [, $timeout [, \$response]]])
Displays a message box on the client desktop of a WTS session.

WTSDisconnectSession($server, $sessionid [, $wait])
Disconnects the logged on user from the specified WTS session without closing the session.

WTSLogoffSession($server, $sessionid [, $wait])
Logs off the specified WTS session.

WTSShutdownSystem($server[, $flag])
Shuts down the specified WTS server. Avoid this call. I believe it doesn't behave as expected. It ignores the $server parameter and shuts down the local machine. Is this a bug or a feature? I don't know.

WTSWaitSystemEvent($server[, $flag])
Waits for a WTS event before returning to the caller.

Windows Terminal Server (WTS) EXAMPLES:

WTSEnumerateServers($domain, \@sessions)
Enumerates all WTS server in domain testdomain.
 if(!Win32::Lanman::WTSEnumerateServers("testdomain", \@servers))
        print "Sorry, something went wrong; error: ";
        # get the error code
        print Win32::Lanman::GetLastError();
        exit 1;
 foreach $server(@servers)
        print "${$server}{name}\n";

WTSOpenServer($server, \$handle)
Opens and closes a WTS handle on server \\testserver. These calls are not really necessary. See the description above.
 if(!Win32::Lanman::WTSOpenServer("\\\\testserver", \$handle))
        print "Sorry, something went wrong; error: ";
        # get the error code
        print Win32::Lanman::GetLastError();
        exit 1;
 # use the handle
 # ...
        print "Sorry, something went wrong; error: ";
        # get the error code
        print Win32::Lanman::GetLastError();
        exit 1;

Opens and closes a WTS handle on server \\testserver. These calls are not really necessary. See the description above.
 if(!Win32::Lanman::WTSOpenServer("\\\\testserver", \$handle))
        print "Sorry, something went wrong; error: ";
        # get the error code
        print Win32::Lanman::GetLastError();
        exit 1;
 # use the handle
 # ...
        print "Sorry, something went wrong; error: ";
        # get the error code
        print Win32::Lanman::GetLastError();
        exit 1;

WTSEnumerateSessions($server, \@sessions)
Enumerates all sessions on the WTS server \\testserver.
 if(!Win32::Lanman::WTSEnumerateSessions("\\\\testserver", \@sessions))
        print "Sorry, something went wrong; error: ";
        # get the error code
        print Win32::Lanman::GetLastError();
        exit 1;
 foreach $session (@sessions)
        foreach $key (keys %$session)
                print "$key=${$session}{$key}\n";

WTSEnumerateProcesses($server, \@processes)
Enumerates all processes on the WTS server \\testserver.
 if(!Win32::Lanman::WTSEnumerateProcesses("\\\\testserver", \@processes))
        print "Sorry, something went wrong; error: ";
        # get the error code
        print Win32::Lanman::GetLastError();
        exit 1;
 foreach $process (@processes)
        foreach $key (keys %$process)
                if($key eq "sid")
                        print "$key=", unpack("H" . 2 * length(${$process}{$key}), ${$process}{$key}), "\n";
                        print "$key=${$process}{$key}\n";

WTSTerminateProcess($server, $processid [, $exitcode])
Terminates all processes which belongs to disconnected sessions on the WTS server \\testserver (these have windowstation parameter of the empty string). All processes terminate with the exit value 3 (if you omit the exitcode, the processes terminate with exit code 0). You'll get some access denied errors (error 5) because you cannot terminate system processes like csrss or winlogon.
 if(!Win32::Lanman::WTSEnumerateSessions("\\\\testserver", \@sessions))
        print "Sorry, something went wrong; error: ";
        # get the error code
        print Win32::Lanman::GetLastError();
        exit 1;
 if(!Win32::Lanman::WTSEnumerateProcesses("\\\\testserver", \@processes))
        print "Sorry, something went wrong; error: ";
        # get the error code
        print Win32::Lanman::GetLastError();
        exit 1;
 foreach $session (@sessions)
                if ${$session}{winstationname} ne "";
        foreach $process (@processes)
                        unless ${$process}{sessionid} == ${$session}{id};
                print "${$process}{name} (${$process}{processid}) will be terminated\n";
                if(!Win32::Lanman::WTSTerminateProcess("\\\\testserver", ${$process}{processid}, 3))
                        print "Oops, cannot terminate process ${$process}{processid}; error: ";
                        # get the error code
                        print Win32::Lanman::GetLastError();
                        print "\n";

WTSQuerySessionInformation($server, $sessionid, \@infoclass, \%info)
Returns all information available for the session id 0 (session 0 is the WTS console) on server \\testserver.
 if(!Win32::Lanman::WTSQuerySessionInformation("\\\\testserver", 0, [WTSInfoClassAll()], \%info))
        print "Sorry, something went wrong; error: ";
        # get the error code
        print Win32::Lanman::GetLastError();
        exit 1;
 foreach $key (sort keys %info)
        print "$key=$info{$key}\n";

WTSQueryUserConfig($server, $user, \@infoclass, \%config)
Returns all WTS specific user properties for user testuser from server \\testserver. \\testserver should be your primary domain controller.
 if(!Win32::Lanman::WTSQueryUserConfig("\\\\testserver", "testuser", [WTSUserConfigAll()], \%user))
        print "Sorry, something went wrong; error: ";
        # get the error code
        print Win32::Lanman::GetLastError();
        exit 1;
 foreach $key (sort keys %user)
        print "$key=$user{$key}\n";

WTSSetUserConfig($server, $user, \%config)
Set WTS specific user properties for user testuser from server \\testserver. \\testserver should be your primary domain controller. In this sample the WTS profile path will be set to \\testserver\testpath\profile and the working directory to c:\work\testuser.
 $user{terminalserverprofilepath} = "\\\\testserver\\testpath\\profile";
 $user{workingdirectory} = "c:\\work\\testuser";
 if(!Win32::Lanman::WTSSetUserConfig("\\\\testserver", "testuser", \%user))
        print "Sorry, something went wrong; error: ";
        # get the error code
        print Win32::Lanman::GetLastError();
        exit 1;

WTSSendMessage($server, $sessionid, $title, $message[, $style [, $timeout [, \$response]]])
Displays a message box with the text ``a message to the console'' and the caption ``hi console user'' on the console desktop (session id 0) on the WTS \\testserver. The message box disappears after 15 seconds or if the user presses the Ok button. You can specify a style or 0 for the default (simply an Ok button). The available style values you'll find in the MessageBox description in the platform sdk. If you pass a response value, the call returns which button the user pressed or if the timeout elapsed. If you omit the timeout value or the timeout is null, the function returns immediately. Otherwise it returns if the user pressed a button on the message box or if the timeout elapsed.
 if(!Win32::Lanman::WTSSendMessage("\\\\testserver", 0, "a message to the console", "hi console user",
                                   0, 15, \$response))
        print "Sorry, something went wrong; error: ";
        # get the error code
        print Win32::Lanman::GetLastError();
        exit 1;
 print $response;

WTSDisconnectSession($server, $sessionid [, $wait])
Disconnects the user logged on the desktop window station (session id 0) on server \\testserver. The session is closed only. The user won't be logged off. The calling process waits til the connection is closed ($wait == 1).
 if(!Win32::Lanman::WTSDisconnectSession("\\\\testserver", 0, 1))
        print "Sorry, something went wrong; error: ";
        # get the error code
        print Win32::Lanman::GetLastError();
        exit 1;

WTSLogoffSession($server, $sessionid [, $wait])
Logs off the user logged on the desktop window station (session id 0) on server \\testserver. The calling process waits until the user is logged off ($wait == 1).
 if(!Win32::Lanman::WTSDisconnectSession("\\\\testserver", 0, 1))
        print "Sorry, something went wrong; error: ";
        # get the error code
        print Win32::Lanman::GetLastError();
        exit 1;

WTSShutdownSystem($server[, $flag])
Avoid using this call. It's buggy. See the notes above.

WTSWaitSystemEvent($server[, $flag])
Waits for the WTS event WTS_EVENT_LOGON (a user logs on) on server \\testserver and returns as soon as the event occurs. You'll find the available events in the constants section above (WTS_EVENT_*). You can specify more than one event type by or'ing them. The $event returns which event occured.
 if(!Win32::Lanman::WTSWaitSystemEvent("\\\\testserver", &WTS_EVENT_LOGON | &WTS_EVENT_LOGOFF, \$event))
        print "Sorry, something went wrong; error: ";
        # get the error code
        print Win32::Lanman::GetLastError();
        exit 1;


Jens Helberg <>

You can use this module under GNU public licence.

 Win32::Lanman - implements MS Lanmanager functions